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Public Speaking
Coming up with a
Purpose for your Speech
Without a purpose,
you will probably ramble1 on
when you deliver your speech!
Ramble, ramble on – (in the context of language) This means to speak or write
aimlessly, with ideas being disconnected.
There are 3 General purposes for a speech:
1. Inform
2. Persuade
3. Entertain
General Purpose 1
Inform / Informative Speech
Provide information
Objective Position – no bias
Cover all sides of a position
End result 
Audience becomes more knowledgeable
General Purpose 2
Persuade / Persuasive Speech
• Modify the thinking of the audience
• Convince  sway the audience to agree
with your point of view
• Cause the audience to be motivated to take
some action
• Inspire  instill hope (like a preacher)
General Purpose 3
Entertain / Entertaining Speech
Keep the audience amused and interested.
A speaker may have two general purposes.
For example,
The primary purpose is to inform.
The secondary purpose is to entertain.
Don’t lose sight of the primary purpose!
Creating a Specific Purpose
It’s not enough to only have a general purpose!
You need a specific purpose as well.
Otherwise, your speech will not be focused,
resulting in a boring, ineffective speech.
Creating a Specific Purpose
A specific purpose is what you want your audience to:
1. know
2. think
3. believe
4. act on (i.e., do)
Creating a Specific Purpose
Practice writing a purpose for your speech.
It must include a general and specific purpose.
General Purpose
To inform my audience
Specific Purpose
about the 3 steps in making a kite.
To persuade my audience
that high-fat foods
are bad for their health.
To entertain my audience
with stories about my blind date.
Creating a Specific Purpose
Avoid broad or general topics, for example,
“The History of China.”
Creating a Specific Purpose
Ask yourself:
Is there enough research available on my topic?
Will my topic fit the time limit?
Am I really interested in this topic?
What type of speech is this?
Is this a good speech topic?
Why, or why not?
How to stay healthy
7 Things You Can Do
to Avoid the Flu
7 Things You Can Do
to Avoid the Flu
General Purpose
Specific Purpose
To inform my audience
about 7 practical behaviors
that will help them avoid
catching the flu.
What type of speech is this?
Is this a good speech topic?
Why, or why not?
Why you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes
Why the government should regulate
cigarette smoking
Why the government should regulate
cigarette smoking
General Purpose
To persuade my audience
Specific Purpose
that laws regulating
cigarette smoking
would be beneficial
to society.
Questions to Help You Choose a Speech Topic
What are your values in life and career?
What are your hobbies?
What special or unusual experiences have you
What would you like to know more about?
What beliefs or strong opinions do you hold?
What are your pet peeves1?
Pet Peeves – your personal dislikes; things that really bother / irritate you
Popular Themes
Health and Longevity
Almost everyone is concerned about being fit and healthy.
Personal Happiness
What person doesn’t want tips on how to gain or enhance happiness?
People like ideas on how to enjoy leisure activities such as sports,
hobbies, movies and TV shows, dining out, and travel.
Money and Security
Many people want to make money, find bargains, and gain financial
People / Personalities
You don’t have to limit yourself to famous people. An inspiring teacher or
coach would also be interesting.