ERSUADE NFORM NTERTAIN HARE FEELINGS •Entertain •Inform •Persuade •Share feelings Commericals, advertisements, billboards, election speeches The author tries to change our opinion on a topic by appealing to our emotions. books News articles The author will explain or teach something in the story that the reader doesn’t know. The author provides knowledge to the reader. THE AUTHOR TELLS A STORY THAT DESCRIBES SOMETHING OR SOMEONE IN AN INTERESTING WAY! Authors often share their feelings to let the reader know how they feel about a certain topic. •Did the author try to make me laugh? Entertain Did the author want to tell me a story? Entertain Did the author try to amuse me? Entertain Did the author give me facts? Inform Did the author try to teach me something? Inform Did the author try to convince me? Persuade Did the author want to change my opinion? Persuade Will: • prepare your mind for the type of information in the reading • make the article easier to summarize • make it easier for you to discriminate between the article's main idea and important details • In naval aviation, the AWACS (Airborne Early Warning Command and Control System) plane, or Hawkeye, serves as an air traffic controller, monitoring the airspace around a carrier fleet. It is responsible for surveillance of enemy aircraft and ships as well as directing helicopters to survivors and guarding against air collisions. In addition to servicing the Navy, Hawkeye planes have been used in rescue operations of civilians during hurricane evacuations. INFORM! • The pilots of the Hawkeye aircraft are the unsung heroes of naval operations. The first in and the last out, these men receive none of the glory bestowed on the Top Guns of F-18 fame. Thanks to Hollywood, fighter pilots have been glorified, but the pilots of the AWACS planes work quietly and diligently, and they deserve praise for their contributions. PERSUADE! • Alonzo winked at his mother's shocked gaze and with a grin quipped, "Sausage and pepperoni pizza for breakfast makes perfect sense. Allow me to demonstrate. You have your tomato. Tomato is technically a fruit. You have your cheese. Cheese is a dairy product. You have your crust—necessary carbs for quick energy in the morning. And don't forget the sausage and pepperoni—my protein. If you think about it, it's just like bacon and eggs, toast, and orange juice." Still grinning, he added, "Really it is. Well, almost. Why are you looking at me that way?" ENTERTAIN! Tobacco companies have been in litigation, facing charges that their marketing practices in the past have targeted teenagers. Also, evidence indicates that companies adjusted levels of nicotine in their cigarettes to increase the probability that smokers would become addicted to the product to ensure higher sales in the future. INFORM! • Back-to-School Memories: Lemon Creme Pie • My mom always put a lot of thought into our back-to-school lunches, often tucking into the bag a nice little note about how much she loved me and a fun dessert. One day, on the first day of school, she packed me a little lemon creme pie. I was so excited. I took a big bite of it at the lunch table and a glob of lemon filling dropped to the table. The meanest kid in the class – Adam T, I’ll never forget him – came up behind me and announced to everyone that there was snot all over my lunch. I was so mortified. Kids can be so cruel! --Paula SHARE FEELINGS Do you want to add years to your life and feel better too? Here are a few tips. First, to decrease your chances of a heart attack, eat a handful of nuts each day. Also, to ease the effects of rheumatoid arthritis, be sure to include some citrus, such as orange juice, in your diet. Finally, exercise on a regular basis. Include weight-bearing activities such as walking and jogging. Also, try yoga for flexibility and stress relief inform or persuade? Why? • Because researchers studying circadian rhythms have discovered that most teenagers are really nocturnal, school administrators should take this into account when organizing a school day. For example, traditionally teenagers must arise in the predawn hours and arrive at school before sunrise. Groggy and unfocused, they find it difficult to concentrate and be alert before lunch. After lunch, which for many students in overcrowded high schools begins at 10:30 a.m., they are finally able to pay attention. Armed with this information, the school board should be innovative and rearrange the schedule, which would curb truancy in grades 8 through 12. PERSUADE! Game night at our house was hilarious when we played Cranium with two teams of three. Imagine Abram, the savvy surfer, doing an impression of Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday." Or Dave, the macho bodybuilder, swinging his hips and singing a medley of Madonna's songs. But the most memorable was George's Cranium Doodle hint for the architectural term "flying buttress." It was, well, side-splittingly outrageous! ENTERTAIN! • Back-to-School Memories: Brushing the teacher's hair • I had a really hard time starting first grade. I hated my teacher who – although she looked for all the world like Paula Abdul to me and was very chic – got my name wrong all the time and always asked us girls to brush her hair for her during class – weird! I also really missed my mom, and drew teardrops on my desk with a magic marker every day for the first week until they’d call my mom to pick me up early. – Liz SHARE FEELINGS