Students Entering Grade 8 - Resource Room

2015 Summer Reading
8th Grade Language Arts
Resource Room
This summer all students will be required to participate in the Manville School District Summer
Reading Program. The 8th grade program requirements are:
Theme: Cliques and Gangs
1. Read the following novel under the theme of Cliques and Gangs.
Walter Dean Myers
(* Challenge Book)
2. As you read, write TWO open-ended questions for the book. RESPOND to each openended you created using supporting text from the book and according to RAQET (the
guidelines for RAQET are attached).
Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no” response; there can be
many answers; the following are some examples to guide you: What do the characters’
actions show you about their personalities? Explain the connection between the
characters in each of your novels?
3. Be prepared to take the summer reading test during the first week of school; this will be
designed as open-ended questions. Hint: Compare and contrast the characters from
each novel and explain how they relate to the theme of Cliques and Gangs. Remember
to use supporting text from the novels.
- RESTATE the prompt in your own words.
- ANSWER all parts of the prompt.
- QUOTES extracted from the resources.
- ELABORATE and EXPLAIN how quotes relate to and support your answer.
- TIE UP your response by recapping the main idea and main points.
Sample Literary Analysis Question:
Consider the argument each author uses to show Amelia Earhart’s bravery.
Write an essay that analyzes the strength of the arguments related to Amelia Earhart’s bravery in at
least two of the
three supporting materials. Remember to use textual evidence to support your ideas.
R - RESTATE the prompt in your own words.
ex: The authors’ arguments about Amelia Earhart’s bravery are well documented.
ex: The arguments relating to Amelia Earhart’s bravery are inconsistent and do a poor job of
explaining her courage.
A - ANSWER all parts of the prompt.
Q - QUOTES pulled from the resources.
ex: In the article, “The Biography of Amelia Earhart,” it states, “ _________________________.”
ex: In addition to the video, the slideshow explains ____________________.
E - EXPLAIN how quotes relate to and support your answer.
ex: This clip shows that __________________________.
ex: The interview does a poor job of explaining Amelia’s bravery because __________________.
T - TIE UP your response by recapping the main idea/thesis statement.
ex: Therefore, the arguments relating to Amelia Earhart’s bravery are well documented.
ex: As a result, the authors’ arguments about Amelia Earhart’s bravery are not supported.
**Each argument/point should have its own paragraph!!**