Fundamentals of Excercises Physiology

Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology
Course Number: 25.45400
Georgia Standard
Georgia HOSA Competitive
How It Relates
HS-FEP-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business & industry.
1.1 Communicate effectively through
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
writing, speaking, listening, reading &
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
*SS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
interpersonal abilities.
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Reading & interpersonal skills.
Poster (EHP)
EW – Writing & reading.
Extemporaneous Writing
JSS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading & interpersonal skills.
MR – Writing, reading.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
MRC – Communication & interpersonal skills.
Medical Reading (MR)
MS – Writing, speaking, listening, & reading.
Medical Spelling (MS)
PS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
RPS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Research Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Use multiple approaches to ask questions; debate.
multiple approaches to ask challenging Community Awareness (CA) CA – Creative procedures, methods, & products to raise awareness.
questions resulting in innovative
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Creativity in drawing to raise awareness.
procedures, methods, & products.
Poster (EHP)
HE – Creative procedures, methods & products to raise awareness.
Health Education (HE)
PH – Creative procedures, methods, & products to present to public.
Public Health (PH)
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking & problem
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills & career planning.
solving skills to locate, analyze, & apply Creative Problem Solving
CPS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, analyze, & apply
information in career planning &
employment situations.
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Apply information in career planning.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
JSS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, & career planning.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
1.4 Model work readiness traits
required for success in the workplace
including integrity, honesty,
accountability, punctuality, time
management, & respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to
be productive in a changing,
technological, & diverse workplace to
be able to work independently,
interpret data, & apply teamwork skills.
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
Conference Dress Code
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Researched Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
Biomedical Debate (BD)
Community Awareness (CA)
Creative Problem Solving
Forensic Medicine (FM)
Health Career Display (HCD)
Health Education (HE)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test:
Transcultural Health Care
Medical Innovation (MI)
Parliamentary Procedures
Public Service
Announcement (PSA)
All Competitive Events
Conference Dress Code
MRC – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, apply information for
career planning, & employment situations.
*IS – Model work readiness traits.
*SS – Model work readiness traits.
Conference dress code models work readiness traits.
JSS – Model work readiness traits.
PS – Model work readiness traits.
RPS – Model work readiness traits.
BD – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CA – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CPS – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
FM – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HCD – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HE – Diversity, apply teamwork.
HB – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
KT-THC – Diversity within workplace.
MI – Technological environment, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
PP – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
PSA – Technological environment & apply teamwork.
1.6 Present a professional image
Dress code requires students to be in a navy blue or black suit at all
through appearance, behavior, &
HS-FEP-2 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science Identify and compare the structures and functions of the major anatomical systems of
the human body
2.1 Identify and compare the structure HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
and function of the muscular system,
KT: Pathophysiology
Patho – Testing
the skeletal system, the nervous
PT – Testing
system, the cardiorespiratory system,
Physical Therapy (PT)
and the endocrine system.
HS-FEP-3 Exercise Physiology Identify the functions of exercise physiology within the systems of the body.
3.1 Identify the basic structure and
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
function of exercise physiology within
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
the: • nervous system • muscular
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
system • skeletal system • endocrine
system • cardiorespiratory system •
3.2 Explain and differentiate between
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
the principles of human movement
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
3.3 Describe the functional
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
biomechanics of human movement
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
(e.g., levers, force, torque, planes of
motion, joint motion).
HS-FEP-4 Human Kinesiology Explain and compare the principles of human kinesiology.
4.1 Define the concepts of
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
4.2 Recognize and use basic
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
biomechanical terminology (e.g.,
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
anatomical locations, planes of motion, Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
axes and joint motion.
4.3 Identify and explain the concepts
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
associated with scapular motion.
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
4.4 Identify and explain how muscle
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
actions and outside forces relate to
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
human movement
4.5 Identify the concepts associated
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
with the functional anatomy of
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
muscles, including the following: •
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
Muscular Force • Length-Tension
Relationships • Force-Velocity Curve •
Force couple relationships • Reciprocal
Inhibition • Synergistic Dominance •
Kinetic Chain
4.6 Explain the concepts of motor
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
learning and motor control. • Identify
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
the concept of motor behavior •
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
Describe motor control, motor learning
and motor development and explain
their importance in exercise training •
Define and compare the concepts
associated with motor control • Define
and compare motor-learning concepts
HS-FEP-5 Assessments Associated with Personal Fitness Training Explain and perform the assessments associated with personal fitness
5.1 Explain the regulations and
Health Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing
guidelines related to the scope of
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
practice for fitness assessment and
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedures I, II & III
personal training.
5.2 Perform a fitness assessment using Health Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing
current guidelines. • Demonstrate the
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
ability to interpret and record
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure II
information using the current
guidelines for PAR-Q, medical history,
medical risk factors, and lifestyle
questionnaire • Demonstrate the
ability to perform subjective
assessments for special populations
such as seniors, youths, prenatal and
postnatal individuals
5.3 Demonstrate performing,
Health Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing & Round 2
interpreting, and recording for the
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
following: • objective assessments
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure II
related to the field of personal training
• postural assessments of the lumbopelvic-hip complex and the upper and
lower extremities • movement
assessments including an Overhead
Squat Test, Single-Leg Squat Test,
Pushing Test, and Pulling Test
5.4 Demonstrate performing and
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
interpreting the following: • vital sign
Health Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing & Round 2
examinations including respiration rate, Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
blood pressure, pulse rate, and
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
temperature • body composition
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure II
assessments • strength assessments •
performance assessments
5.5 Describe a cardiorespiratory
Health Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing & Round 2
assessment and assess the findings
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
including: • maximum heart rate •
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
heart rate training zones • sub VO2
max test
HS-FEP-6 Exercise Technique and Training Instruction Explain the concepts associated with exercise techniques and training instruction
6.1 Define and assess the components
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III & V
of exercise execution following the
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
Kinetic Chain Checkpoints
6.2 Demonstrate and describe the
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing & Procedure IV
usages for integrated flexibility
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure I
techniques including Active, Dynamic,
Static, and SMR (Self myofascial
release). • Define flexibility • Explain
the components of the Human
Movement System (HMS). • Explain the
components of Neuromuscular
Efficiency and mechanoreceptors. •
Explain the scientific rationale
associated with flexibility training. •
Illustrate the three components of the
flexibility continuum and describe their
importance • Demonstrate the proper
techniques for performing the
following: a. Stretches associated with
myofascial release b. Static stretching c.
Active isolated d. Dynamic •
Demonstrate knowledge of safety
measures for flexibility training.
6.3 Demonstrate and describe the
fundamentals of cardiorespiratory
fitness training • Describe the phases •
Develop a cardiorespiratory program
using the FITTE guidelines and explain
the importance of each component •
Demonstrate the training methods. •
Compare and contrast the two types
cardiorespiratory training methods •
Describe postural considerations
involved in cardiorespiratory training.
6.4 Demonstrate and describe the
components of integrated training
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
(e.g., stabilization, strength, and
power), including the following: • core
training • balance training • reactive
(plyometric) training • speed, agility,
and quickness training • resistance
6.5 Describe select Exercise
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
Modification (pro-/regression),
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure II
including the following: • neurological
continuum • mechanical/movement
patterns • bioenergetics
6.6 Demonstrate the ability to follow
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III & V
and implement safe training methods,
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
including: • Demonstrating spotting
techniques. • Explaining environmental
considerations. • Comparing exercise
risk vs. benefit • Monitoring exercise
intensity. • Identifying medical signs
and symptoms that require training
modifications. • Describing overtraining
and the effects on the body.
6.7 Perform effective Kinesthetic,
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III & V
Auditor, and Visual Cueing Techniques
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedures I & II
to direct the client.
HS-FEP-7 Program Design Apply the following principles of program design.
7.1 Explain the principle of specificity
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
(SAID), including mechanical specificity, Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
neuromuscular specificity, and
metabolic specificity.
7.2 Define the principle of overload and Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
7.3 Illustrate the components of
periodization in the OPT (optimum
performance training) model
7.4 Describe the components of
stabilization within the OPT model
7.5 Illustrate the aspects of strength
within the OPT model (e.g., strength
endurance training, hypertrophy,
maximal strength).
7.6 Describe the concept of power
within the OPT model.
7.7 Distinguish between the stages of
general adaptation syndrome relating
to physical training, including alarm
reaction, resistance development, and
7.8 Investigate the acute variables of
training when designing an exercise
program using each of the following: •
exercise selection • sets • repetitions •
training intensity • tempo • rest
interval • exercise order • training
volume • training duration • training
frequency • reputation tempo
7.9 Define, compare and use the
components of the integrated training
continuum to design an exercise
program including each of the following
components within a series of exercise
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Health Lifestyles (HL)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
Health Lifestyles (HL)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HL – Testing & Round 2
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
HL – Testing & Round 2
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Health Lifestyles (HL)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HL – Testing & Round 2
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing & Procedure IV
SM – Testing & Procedure I
Health Lifestyles (HL)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HL – Testing & Round 2
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
routines within the framework of the
OPT model: • warm up • core training •
balance training • reactive training •
SAQ (speed, agility, and quickness)
training • resistance training •
cardiorespiratory Training • cool down
7.10 Demonstrate and compare the
styles of resistance training systems: •
single set • multiple set • super set •
pyramid set • circuit training •
peripheral heart action • metabolic
density training • split routines •
horizontal loading • vertical loading
7.11 Demonstrate using the principles
of FITTE to create a client-specific
cardiorespiratory program.
7.12 Demonstrate utilizing
physiological considerations and
exercise guidelines for the following
special populations: • diabetes •
hypertension • arthritis • coronary
heart disease • cancer • PAD
(peripheral artery disease) • obesity •
lung disease (e.g., asthma, COPD) •
osteoporosis • fibromyalgia • youth •
seniors • prenatal and postnatal
7.13 Define the following program
modifications based on training setting
and identify the proper use of each
modification: • small group personal
training • boot camps • 30-minute
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
KT: Pathophysiology
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HB – Round 2 questions
Patho – Testing
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
PT – Testing
SM – Testing
sessions • high altitude acclimatization
• temperature acclimatization
7.14 Define and describe the safe and
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
effective use of selected exercise
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
training modalities within the OPT
model. • strength training machines •
free weights • cable machines • elastic
resistance • medicine balls • kettlebells
• body weight • suspension body
weight • stability balls • bosu ball •
vibration training
7.15 Research the Physical Activity
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
Guidelines for Americans.
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
7.16 Design a client-specific program
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
based upon assessment results
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing & Procedure II
HS-FEP-8 Considerations in Nutrition Research the concepts related to nutrition and wellness
8.1 Evaluate basic nutritional concepts. Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing
• Research why the body needs
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and
KT: Nutrition (NT)
NT – Testing
evaluate their role in digestion,
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
absorption, and elimination. •
Investigate the role of water in the
regular diet and hydration needs within
exercise. • Explain the dietary
requirements for vitamins and minerals
and how it relates to general health
and performance enhancement. •
Explain what a calorie is and how it
relates to diet and, general health,
weight gain/loss, and performance
enhancement. • Describe the current
Dietary Guidelines for Americans •
Explain meal timing and frequency.
8.2 Research the risks and benefits of
nutritional supplements and ergogenic
aids. • Explain the effects of nutritional
supplements on general health •
Evaluate how nutritional supplements
and ergogenic aids can alter body
composition • Describe the effects of
performance enhancement aids on the
8.3 Describe weight management
concepts. • Compare the effects of
different types of diets on the body
related to healthy menu composition
and crash/fad/myth diets. • Describe
the law of thermodynamics related to
diet • Explain metabolic rates • Explain
how endocrine abnormalities can affect
metabolism and dietary needs. •
Describe how nutritional guidelines can
be used to create a plan for body
composition alteration
8.4 Outline the protocols for special
dietary considerations. • Outline the
components for a balanced vegetarian
meal plan • Explain the dietary
modifications necessary for someone
who is lactose intolerant • Compare
dietary considerations and protocols
for people with chronic diseases
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
KT: Nutrition (NT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HL – Testing
NT – Testing
SM – Testing
Clinical Nursing (CN)
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
KT: Nutrition (NT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
CN – Testing
HL – Testing
NT – Testing
SM – Testing
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
KT: Nutrition (NT)
Sports Medicine (SM)
HL – Testing
NT – Testing
SM – Testing
8.5 Examine the nutritional guidelines
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
for enhancing athletic performance
HS-FEP-9 Client Relations and Behavioral Coaching Research the concepts related to client relations and behavioral coaching.
9.1 Demonstrate the components of
KT: Human Growth &
HGD – Testing
effective communication. • Describe
Development (HGD)
MA – Testing
the use of verbal and nonverbal
Medical Assisting (MA)
communication and demonstrate
effective use of each • Compare and
contrast open-ended and closed-ended
questions and explain when and how
each should be used • Describe
techniques for effective listening •
Explain how to build client/personal
trainer rapport through use of
supportive techniques
9.2 Facilitate client goal setting
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing & Round 2
strategies and procedures. • Explain
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
the stages of the Change Model •
Sports Medicine (SM)
SM – Testing
Demonstrate the ability to facilitate the
client in developing effective SMART
goals as he or she works toward
physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle
9.3 Demonstrate implementing lifestyle Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing
and behavioral coaching strategies. •
KT: Human Growth &
HGD – Testing
Demonstrate how to motivate a client’s Development (HGD)
PT – Testing
behavior and actions to improve
Physical Therapy (PT)
SM – Testing
exercise adherence and to maintain a
Sports Medicine (SM)
healthy and physically active lifestyle •
Explain how to assist a client in
developing coping strategies
HS-FEP-10 Professional Development, Practice, and Responsibility Research the concepts and requirements associated with professional
development, practice and responsibility.
10.1 Describe and demonstrate the
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing
ability to uphold the NASM-BOC Code
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
of Professional Conduct. • Describe
KT: Human Growth &
HGD – Testing
ways to maintain competencies
Development (HGD)
L&E – Testing
through continuing education • Explain KT: Medical Law & Ethics
THC – Testing
ways to adhere to safe and ethical
MA – Testing
training practices • Outline the
KT: Transcultural Health
PT – Testing
components of proper facility
Care (THC)
SM – Testing
maintenance • Understand protocols
Medical Assisting (MA)
with respect for special considerations Physical Therapy (PT)
for training diverse clientele • Clearly
Sports Medicine (SM)
define the role and professional
limitations of a personal trainer •
Explain the importance of adhering to
the following standards of
professionalism and ethical business
practices: a. liability insurance b. record
keeping c. medical clearance d. physical
appearance and attire e. timeliness f.
sexual harassment awareness g. client
10.2 Demonstrate the ability to follow
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedures I, II, III & IV
proper procedures in an emergency
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
situation, including: • Renewing CPR
Emergency Medical
EMT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V & VI
and First Aid certifications • Developing Technician (EMT)
an effective emergency action plan for
various fitness settings
10.3 Demonstrate implementing
Healthy Lifestyles (HL)
HL – Testing & Round 2
personal and professional goal setting
strategies and procedures related to
the career of personal training.