ASPEN – STATE BASED MARKETPLACE (SBM) P R OJ EC T CHA R TER FOR C ER T IFIC A TION EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – CHARISSA SAAVEDRA, HSD DEPUTY CABINET SECRETARY EXECUTIVE BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY OWNER – SEAN PEARSON, HSD/ITD CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER NEW MEXICO HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE OWNER – MIKE NUNEZ, INTERIM CEO SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER – MERV JERSAK ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: 01/23/2014 REVISION DATE: 01/23/2014 REVISION: 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................... I 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT ....................................................................................1 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT .....................................1 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................3 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS...................................................................................................... 3 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................3 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES .........................................................................................................................................4 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................4 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................................................4 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS ...............................................................................................................................5 3.0 PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK................................................................................................................................ 6 3.1 DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................................................................9 3.1.1 Project Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................9 3.1.2 Product Deliverables .................................................................................................................................11 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS ......................................................................................................................12 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ..................................................................................................................................... 13 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Marketplace Funding .........................................................................................................................................14 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S)..........................................................................................................................................14 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE – ..............................................................................15 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 16 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS ...........................................................................................................................................16 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN ..................................................................................................................18 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER .....................................................................................................................................19 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION .........................................................................................19 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................20 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................21 7.0 CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................................ 21 ANYTHING THAT MAY GET IN THE WAY OF PROJECT SUCCESS ............................................................................ 22 8.0 DEPENDENCIES............................................................................................................................................... 22 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 23 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY ......................................................................................... 23 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING ................................................................................. 24 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V ............................................................................... 26 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES................................................................................... 26 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE ......................................................................... 26 i Revision History REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 February 5, 2014 Original ASPEN-SBM PMO Document ii PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, into law. The changes made to the law by subsequent legislation, focuses on provisions to expand coverage, control health care costs, and improve the health care delivery system. The following are the basic components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Requires most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health insurance. Create state-based American Health Benefit Exchanges through which individuals can purchase coverage, with premium and cost sharing credits available to individuals/families with income between 133-400% of the federal poverty level (the poverty level is $19,530 for a family of three in 2013) Create separate Exchanges through which small businesses can purchase coverage. Require employers to pay penalties for employees who receive tax credits for health insurance through an Exchange, with exceptions for small employers. Impose new regulations on health plans in the Exchanges and in the individual and small group markets. Expand Medicaid to 133% of the federal poverty level. Concurrent with the development and implementation of the ASPEN system, the State of New Mexico elected to transfer ownership for the creation and implementation of the American Health Benefit Exchanges for both individuals and small business to the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX or the “Exchange”). The New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX) has decided to pursue a full State Based Marketplace (SBM) with an expected production date of October 1, 2014. In accordance with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements, the Human Services Department (HSD) will have to make changes to ASPEN to accommodate the transition to a SBM. This project is solely focused on those changes required to the ASPEN system. 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT The New Mexico Legislature passed SB 221 and 589 as amended, the “New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange Act,” (the “Act”) during the 2013 Regular Session, and Governor Suzanna Martinez signed the Act on March 28, 2013. The New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (the “Exchange”) is created as a nonprofit public corporation (501c4). The Exchange is governed by a 13-member board of directors that was appointed in April 2013. Since then the board has made the following decisions: The Exchange will be a Hybrid model in 2014 and a State based Exchange in 2015; The Exchange will create the SHOP for small business and will use the Federal platform to enroll individuals until the Exchange system is ready to enroll consumers in 2015. PAGE 1 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Currently New Mexico has a high rate (23%) of uninsured; health workforce shortages, language and cultural barriers, significant poverty, poor educational attainment, and a significant number of its small businesses do not offer health insurance to employees. Of New Mexico’s population of two million, Medicaid covers 550,000 individuals; Medicare covers 300,000 and 430,000 are uninsured. Of the uninsured, an estimated additional 175,000 may become eligible for Medicaid and up to 211,433 for the Exchange between 2014 and 2020. An estimated 171,557 uninsured will enroll in 2014; approximately 89,000 through Medicaid expansion, and 82,557 in the Exchange. All numbers are preliminary and will be adjusted as early open enrollment numbers are released and analyzed. Open enrollment started October 1, 2013, and will continue through March 31, 2014. The effective start date of coverage for consumers who enrolled in a plan prior to mid-December is January 1, 2014. NMHIX has been working with GetInsured (GI) as a technology vendor, Public Consulting Group (PCG) as a project management vendor, and Deloitte as the HSD IT vendor working on NMHIX integration with Medicaid. The GI HIX solution for SHOP went live on October 1, 2013. The GI HIX solution for the individual marketplace is scheduled to go live October 1, 2014. HSD received the initial ASPEN-SBM description from the NMHIX on October 17, 2013. The initial estimate was provided back to the NMHIX board on October 25, 2013. Three scoping/requirement sessions were conducted from November 7 through December 5, 2013. The estimates were reviewed with HSD and the NMHIX IT Committee, with the final presentation to the NMHIX Board on December 18, 2013. Approval was received for both the requirements and costs. PAGE 2 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The project meets the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) certification requirements in dollar size and impact to multiple agencies. Included in this is the requirement to provide monthly project reporting to DoIT, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) risk assessment reporting, project management guidance and leadership to the project. 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION PAGE 3 NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUSTIFICATION ONE Federal Requirement - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on 3/23/2010 requires the creation of state-based American Health Benefit Exchange through which individuals can purchase coverage, with premium and cost sharing credits. JUSTIFICATION TWO State Requirement - Governor Martinez’s administration announced its intent to establish a State-based Exchange on November 15, 2012. On January 3, 2013, New Mexico received conditional approval from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to establish a state-based Marketplace. The New Mexico Legislature passed SB 221 and 589 as amended, the “New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange Act,” (the “Act”) during the 2013 Regular Session, and Governor Suzanna Martinez signed the Act on March 28, 2013. PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER Business Objective #1 Business Objective #2 Business Objective #3 DESCRIPTION Create a real-time eligibility service for the SBM for Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC), Cost Sharing Reductions (CSR), and Medicaid assessments. Reduce churn between NMHIX and Medicaid. Reduction in HSD field staff workload through real-time eligibility determination from applications received from NMHIX SBM. 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER Technical Objective #1 DESCRIPTION Create a real-time eligibility ‘web service’ that can then be used for other interfaces as appropriate in the future with other state and federal agencies. 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation. AREA DESCRIPTION END USER No changes to current ASPEN end user interfaces. BUSINESS PROCESSES IT OPERATIONS AND STAFFING PAGE 4 1. New process or functionality to be created to alert caseworkers to new pending cases created through the ASPEN – SBM interface 1. The current ASPEN maintenance and operations option year will be modified to include additional contractor staff, whose primary purpose will be to develop, implement and provide ongoing support to the new PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM AREA DESCRIPTION ASPEN –SBM interface. 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS BUSINESS TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS AREA DESCRIPTION BUDGET TRANSITION Budget transition to operations will be included in the current ASPEN project transition to operations. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS LOCATION AND STAFFING PLANS Operations location will be at the same location as the current ASPEN project (or Siler). Preliminary staffing plans are being created by implementation vendor and will be in addition to the current ASPEN project staff. BUSINESS CONTINUITY No impact as all changes will affect the SBM and not current ASPEN business continuity. MAINTENANCE STRATEGY No impact as all changes will affect the SBM and not current ASPEN business operations. RECORD RETENTION The project will comply with state record retention requirements. TECHNICAL TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS AREA DESCRIPTION BUDGET Technical budget transition to operations will be included in the current ASPEN project transition to operations. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS LOCATION AND STAFFING PLANS The preliminary operations locations and staffing plans are dependent upon Operations location will be at the same location as the current ASPEN project (or Siler). Preliminary staffing plans are being created by implementation vendor and will be in addition to the current ASPEN project staff. DATA SECURITY, BUSINESS CONTINUITY Included within the current ASPEN project. MAINTENANCE Maintenance transition to operations will be included in the current ASPEN PAGE 5 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM STRATEGY project transition to operations. INTEROPERABILITY There are no changes to the existing interfaces with other systems, Those remain intact. However, a major requirement for this project is to repurpose the existing interface with the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) to exchange data with the NMHIX SBM. This data exchange will facilitate account transfers between ASPEN and the SBM. The SBM will send validated accounts to ASPEN for Medicaid eligibility determination. If the applicants are found Medicaid eligible under ACA rules, ASPEN will retain that case. If not eligible, ASPEN will calculate the Advance Premium Tax Credits/Cost Sharing Reductions and return the data to the SBM for its processing. For applications that originate with ASPEN, cases that are not eligible according to ACA rules will be referred to the SBM for its processing. DOIT CONSOLIDATION STRATEGY Servers are housed in DoIT facilities, existing DoIT database as a service (Exadata) will be used for this project implementation. 3.0 PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK The new system allows for enhanced real time eligibility determinations where NMHIX relies on Medicaid rules engine for APTC and CSR determination and where NMHIX has ownership of the Federal Hub interface. Medicaid allowed NMHIX ownership of the Federal Hub as Medicaid does not currently access the Federal Hub except for exchange of account transfers. Medicaid currently uses alternate State verification resources. The NMHIX Customer Experience: PAGE 6 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Consumer will come to NMHIX Marketplace Portal (GetInsured) to apply for coverage; NMHIX Marketplace will utilize streamlined application to collect consumer personal data; Using Federal Data Services HUB NMHIX will perform verification of income (compatibility test), citizenship, SSN, incarceration etc.; Based on the information entered consumer will be given an option to apply for financial assistance. If they choose to apply for financial assistance, application will be transferred to HSD ASPEN (Medicaid System) in real-time utilizing Account Transfer services. Repurposing of existing account transfer functionality from the FFM to the SBM/NMHIX; A B The NMHIX Customer Experience (Continued): PAGE 7 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Detailed HSD/ASPEN Services provided to NMHIX C ASPEN will create a Medicaid case and update data collected for each NMHIX referral to assist in the real-time eligibility determination. ASPEN will utilize automated file clearance functionality to be able to establish NMHIX-referred clients as either unique (new) clients to the system, or existing HSD clients whose identification information can be reused; D ASPEN will verify data sent by NMHIX against State Data Sources in real-time; E ASPEN will receive response from State data sources F ASPEN does a real-time Medicaid eligibility determination If Consumer is determined Medicaid eligible, ASPEN will retain the consumer and will notify SBM/NMHIX of Medicaid eligibility in real-time; If Consumer is determined Medicaid ineligible ASPEN, leveraging the Corticon rules engine for calculations, will do an eligibility determination for APTC/CSR and calculate APTC/CSR amounts. This information will be transmitted to NMHIX in real-time; ASPEN will support new reporting requirements to support the NMHIX account transfer activity. G G PAGE 8 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Simply stated under the new real time eligibility determination system, once the NMHIX application data is verified, the application data will be sent to Medicaid for APTC and CSR determination. If the application is deemed eligible for Medicaid, the application will be retained by Medicaid for full determination. If the application is deemed APTC and CSR eligible, the application data will be sent to the exchange for processing. 3.1 DELIVERABLES 3.1.1 PROJECT DELIVERABLES This initial list of project deliverables are those called for by the IT Certification Process and Project Oversight memorandum, but does not exhaust the project deliverable documents. Project Charter The Project Charter for Certification sets the overall scope for the project, the governance structure, and when signed is considered permission to proceed with the project. The Project Charter for Certification is used to provide the Project Certification Committee with adequate knowledge of the project and planning to certify the initiation phase of the project. Certification Form The Request for Certification and Release of Funds form for the Planning Phase will be presented to the Project Certification Committee (PCC) in February 2014. Project Management Plan The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management. IV&V means the process of evaluating a project to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the lead agency. Independent verification and validation assessment reporting. The Department requires all projects subject to oversight to engage an independent verification and validation contractor unless waived by the Department. IV&V Contract & Reports ASPEN Contract Amendment PAGE 9 Amending the current ASPEN contract is the mechanism for the design, development, and implementation of the ASPEN – SBM project. PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Risk Assessment and Management The DoIT Initial PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT template which is meant to fulfill the following requirement: “Prepare a written risk assessment report at the inception of a project and at end of each product development lifecycle phase or more frequently for large high-risk projects. Each risk assessment shall be included as a project activity in project schedule.” Project Oversight Process memorandum. Project Schedule A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. The default standard is Microsoft Project. Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT Project status reports. For all projects that require Department oversight, the lead Agency project manager shall submit an agency approved project status report on a monthly basis to the Department. Project Closeout Report This is the Template used to request that the project be officially closed. Note that project closure is the last phase of the certification process. PAGE 10 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 3.1.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLE DESCRIPTION Change Control Document for ASPEN SBM Eligibility Service Changes Contractor will conduct Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions with Procuring Agency subject matter experts to gather requirements for the enhancements. Contractor will lead the JAD sessions with qualified staff who are knowledgeable in the subject matter, and who are able to guide Procuring Agency staff in determining optimum solutions to the required enhancements, as required by applicable state and federal law. Change Management that will include, at a minimum: Modified or new screen design, as required Modified or new report design, as required Modified or new interface design, as required Modified or new batch processes, as required New or changed storyboards to describe changes in screens, reports, interfaces, batch processes Modified or new processing logic, as required Database design changes, as required High-level User Acceptance Test Plan to help guide the HSD UAT Test team to develop detailed test scripts Update technical documentation, as required Quality Assurance Testing PAGE 11 Contractor will document and deliver Quality Assurance Testing Plan and Quality Assurance Test results to indicate that the enhancements are ready for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM DELIVERABLE DESCRIPTION Support UAT and Implement ASPEN SBM Eligibility Changes Contractor will support Procuring Agency UAT testers with instructions in system operation, with execution of batch jobs in applicable UAT environments as required, and with interpreting results that do not comply with the UAT expected results. Contractor will review and fix all UAT Work Requests as they are reported. Contractor will document and deliver User Acceptance Testing results to indicate that the enhancements are ready for implementation into the Production environment. Contractor will deliver updated training materials and technical documentation. Contractor will implement the enhancements into the Production environment according to the agreed upon Implementation date. 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS Metrics are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUALITY METRIC 1 Number of “Real-Time” Eligibility determinations from the SBM. QUALITY METRIC 2 QUALITY METRIC 3 PAGE 12 Number of Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC), Cost Sharing Reductions (CSR), and Medicaid assessments determined for the SBM. Number of account transfers sent back and forth “Churn” between the SBM and ASPEN. PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ASPEN - SBM Milestones / Critical Path 2013 2014 Approval Process 1/22/14 Grant Approved 11/15/13 Grant Submitted Amend Contract 2/24/14 Contract Amended 12/18/13 Board Approval Planning 2/24/14 Requirements / Design 4/7/14 Development 6/10/14 QAT 8/10/14 UAT 10/1/14 PAGE 13 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE MARKETPLACE FUNDING The New Mexico Department of Human Services received a federal Exchange Planning grant of $1 million in 2010. The Office of Health Care Reform requested and was granted a 12-month budget extension on the Planning grant funds for a new project end date of September 29, 2012. On November 29, 2011, the New Mexico Human Services Department received a federal Level One Establishment grant of almost $35 million. The grant funding will be used to refine the vision and objectives of the Marketplace, continue stakeholder engagement, develop a multi-year business and operational plan, and examine the information technology infrastructure and functionality necessary to operate the Marketplace by 2014. In October 2012, New Mexico requested an extension of the Level One grant. On July 9, 2013 the New Mexico Human Services Department received an additional Level One Establishment grant of $18.6 million. This award will be used to support comprehensive outreach, education, and marketing activities, establishing the state’s Navigator program, and supporting the state’s in-person assistance personnel. In creating its third Level 1 Grant Request, NMHIX, GetInsured (system integrator), Public Consulting Group (project Management vendor), HSD and Deloitte (Medicaid system integrator) jointly developed the system requirements and costs for a real-time eligibility interoperability system. This third Level 1 Grant was submitted on 11/15/2013 and approval was received January 23, 2014. This grant will provide the funding for the ASPEN-SBM project costs. 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) NMHIX Funding Submission Date: New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange 3rd Level 1 Establishment Grant (1.3) 11/15/2013 PAGE 14 Approval Date: 01/23/2014 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE – ASPEN State Based Marketplace Project Estimated Budget SFY2014 Services $ 4,177,640 HW/SW $ 938,930 Facilities $ Total $ 5,116,570 PAGE 15 SFY2015 $ 9,747,825 . $ 237,726 $ 9,985,551 Total Budget $ 13,925,465 $ 938,930 $ 237,726 $ 15,102,121 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ASPEN-SBM Project Structure Executive Sponsor Executive Steering Committee Charissa Saavedra Executive Business & Technical NMHIX Sidonie Squier Charissa Saavedra Brent Earnest Danny Sandoval Mark Pitcock Sean Pearson Michael Nunez Mike Nunez Sean Pearson Strategic PMO Leadership Team Tactical Technical Project Owner Senior Project Manager Merv Jersak Kathy Martinez Program Project Owner NMHIX Project Manager Tony Curatola Sean Pearson PMO Leads Budget & Contracts ASPEN Integration Vendor Mary White Surranjan Kumar NMHIX Integration Vendor Shankar Srinivasan 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders should be a mix of agency management and end users who are impacted positively or negatively by the project. Executive Sponsor: Charissa Saavedra, HSD Cabinet Deputy Secretary Executive Steering Committee: Name PAGE 16 Title Stake in Project PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Charissa Saavedra HSD Cabinet Deputy Secretary Executive Sponsor Mike Nunez NMHIX Interim CEO NMHIX Sponsor Sean Pearson ITD Chief Information Officer Executive Owner Business & Technology MAD Deputy Director – Medicaid Mark Pitcock Medicaid Policy & Business Processes Danny Sandoval ASD Director Budgets / Funding Brent Earnest HSD Cabinet Deputy Secretary Finance Sidonie Squier HSD Cabinet Secretary HSD PMO Leadership Team: Title/Role Stake in Project Sean Pearson ITD Chief Information Officer Business Owner Mike Nunez NMHIX Interim CEO NMHIX Sponsor Kathy Martinez ITD ASPEN Bureau Chief Technical Owner Merv Jersak Senior Project Manager Project Management Mary White Budgets & Contracts Project Management Tony Curatola NMHIX Project Manager Project Management Surranjan Kumar Deloitte Project Manager ASPEN Integration Vendor Lead Shankar Srinivasan Get Insured NMHIX Integration Vendor Lead Subject Matter Advisors: Title/Role Stake in Project Nathan Adams OGC Legal Counsel – Legal Advisor Subject Matter Expert Patrick Maltby ASPEN Project Manager Project Management Karmela Martinez ASPEN Release Planning Manager User Acceptance MAD Staff Manager – Medicaid Liz Martinez PAGE 17 Medicaid Policy Advisor PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN This has been initiated with the integration of the current ASPEN Issue Resolution, Change Management and Work Approval Processes along with the PMO governance structure and reporting. In addition to Project Control Processes, key business and technical activities will commence. Communication plans and approach will be finalized involving all stakeholders both within and outside of state government. The PMO team utilizes standard industry project methodologies, approach and governance from the project inception. Clear goals and deliverables are communicated. A master project plan and schedule will be created for all tasks and deliverables. Every task will have a single owner and be tracked against effort and completion. Schedules will be reviewed on a weekly basis to facilitate timely delivery. ASPEN-SBM Project Governance Model ASPEN Executive Sponsor Executive Steering Committee State Purchasing Division NMHIX PMO Leadership Team DoIT Project Oversight Federal Partners Project Mgt IV & V Contractor PMO Core Team Business PAGE 18 Technology Vendor Contracts Budget PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE #(S) EMAIL Sean Pearson ITD CIO 505-490-4223 Merv Jersak PMO Senior Project Manager Dewpoint 916-719-4635 Mary White PMO Project Manager Dewpoint 505-490-4259 Tony Curatola NMHIX Project Manager PAGE 19 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Roles and Responsibilities are subject to change based on on-going project needs. Role Responsibilities Executive Sponsor Document approval (sign-off). Ensure the success of the project. Ultimate decision maker. Federal Partners Review & approve APD Documents. Review & approve contracts & RFPs >$5 million. NM Department of Information Technology IT Project Oversite. Chair PCC meetings. Review & approve all contracts associated with the ASPEN Project. Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Responsible for the project's feasibility, strategy, business plan and achievement of outcomes. NMHIX Approve strategy, requirements and design Provide funding Executive Owner – Technical Direct involvement and oversight of all technical aspects of the project. Notify ESC when serious risks arise. Responsible for all technical activities and resources involved in the ASPEN project. Responsible to the PMO for working within the agency to coordinate any technical strategies / requirements, setting priorities, identifying resources and agency communications. Executive Owner Business Senior Project Manager PAGE 20 Direct involvement and oversight of all business aspects of the project Notify ESC when serious risks arise. Responsible for all business activities and resources involved in the ASPEN project. Responsible to the PMO for working within HSD to coordinate any business strategies / requirements, setting priorities, identifying resources and agency communications. Single point of contact coordinating all activities and personnel within the PMO, reporting to the Executive Sponsor and ESC. Manage the overall executive relationship and facilitate all ASPEN strategies, issues and decisions at the executive level while simultaneously driving operational focus and accountability within the PMO and delivery organizations. Oversee all aspects of the delivery of the project and ensure all activities are performed according to plans and scope. PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM Role Responsibilities Budget & Contracts Technical Project Owner Focal point for managing any contract issues, changes or approvals and steering them through the state’s procurement processes. Facilitate the approvals of PMO / System Integrator contract deliverables with the appropriate State staff. Responsible for maintaining a database or spreadsheet with contract due dates, submission dates, revisions and approvals. Facilitate the collection of budget data from ISD, ITD and the vendors to create a complete financial perspective and forecast for the ASPEN project. Focal point to identify resources for technical requirements and design sessions (application), technical assessments, technical documentation and interfaces. Work closely with the system integrator for development and implementation of additional technology. 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The ASPEN-SBM Project Management Office (PMO) has been established to maintain overall authority and control of the ASPEN-SBM effort. The overall goal is to deliver the ASPEN-SBM project on time and within budget by driving focus, accountability, and management reporting. The HSD Executive Steering Committee (ESC) relies on the ASPEN-SBM PMO for the day-today operational oversight necessary to maintain control of the effort. The PMO provides depth and breadth of knowledge and experience in project management and technical control processes to help ensure project delivery. The PMO consists of both State and Contract staff, and represents the key stakeholders of the overall effort. The ASPEN-SBM Project Team will follow the DoIT certification gates of: Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Closeout as the overarching framework. The ASPEN-SBM Project will follow the Project Management Institutes, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). The PMBOK’s knowledge areas of Scope, Time, Cost, and Resources will be heavily utilized for guidance. 7.0 CONSTRAINTS PAGE 21 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM ANYTHING THAT MAY GET IN THE WAY OF PROJECT SUCCESS NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1. Project success depends on adequate funding from NMHIX. 2. Project success depends upon Executive Leadership involvement and timely decision making. 3. Project success depends on communication. Failure to communicate can lead to poor decision making, increased project costs, schedule delays or project failure. 8.0 DEPENDENCIES Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed. M -Mandatory dependencies are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 1. Dependent on the participation, coordination and timely decisions with NMHIX and their SBM project. M 2. Dependent on coordination with ongoing changes required to the ASPEN system. M 3. Dependent on the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) for timely decisions on issues escalated to these groups. M,E 4. Dependent on federal approval of NMHIX Level 1 Grant M,E 5. Dependent on continued funding to project completion. M,E 6. Dependent upon the execution of the ASPEN M&O contract amendment. M PAGE 22 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1. DoIT will approve state expenditures. 2. Subject matter experts will be ready and available on schedule, including the NMHIX. 3. Departments and State oversight agencies recognize the importance of the ASPEN - SBM project. 4. Existing ASPEN system must be maintained during this project with limited impact to current business operations. 5. Federal/State/Business requirements will not dramatically change during the replacement project. 6. Requirement changes during the replacement project may incur additional costs. 7. ASPEN “work request” releases to production will continue. 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY Project risks are captured in the Project Management Center (PMC) tool used by the project. Risks are monitored by the Project Leadership team and communicated monthly to the Executive Steering Committee. The PMO facilitates the Risk Management meetings. Risks continue to be maintained in the PMC tool. All active risks have written mitigation and contingency plans. PAGE 23 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING Communication between project stakeholders is key to the success of the project. The purpose of this communication is to provide: Awareness: o Communication is shared in a timely matter. o Provide a structured way the project stakeholders receive information. Content: o Advocate a transparent, honest, and multi-faceted approach to communication. o Create a venue where all stakeholders can constructively debate ideas. Communication Flow: o Coordinate communication with milestones, activities, and events. o Keep all stakeholders informed while continuing to move the project forward. Effectiveness: o Allow for the continuous oversight of all processes. o Allow for effective change in management. PAGE 24 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM To streamline the project, the following matrix outlines the communication expectations of project stakeholders: What When/ Frequency Type/Method(s) To keep project stakeholders informed about Senior Project project strategy, Manager, progress & risks to Executive Owners success. To maintain project continuity & scope. Monthly 3rd Thursday Outlook Notification/ InPerson Meetings All ESC & Work Team Members Executive To keep Federal Owners, Partners informed (contributions by of project progress. others as needed) 3rd Thursday of the Month Outlook Notification/ Conference Call All PMO Leadership Team Members To keep track of task completion, inform members of progress on other tasks and to identify risks to the project that need to be escalated to the ESC. Weekly on Thursdays Outlook Notification/ InPerson Meetings As Needed Outlook, Verbal Notification/ InPerson Meetings Weekly Paper Documents, Electronic Documents Daily (as needed to update progress) Paper Document and Electronically Available on Shared Drive Audience Executive Steering Committee (ESC) All ESC members Meetings Federal Partners Meetings Project Work Team Meetings Purpose Author(s) Senior Project Manager, Project Manager, PMO Leadership Team Members Strategic direction Executive Sponsor, and decisions. To Executive Sponsor Select PMO address any Meeting Leadership Team ongoing issues in Members the project. Senior Project Manager, Select PMO Leadership Team Members To keep project stakeholders informed about project progress & risks to success Senior Project Manager, IT Project Manager, PMO Leadership Team Members Status Reports Work Team Members Project Timeline To inform project ESC, Work Teams, Senior Project stakeholders of & Advisory Manager, Project tasks, milestones & Stakeholders Manager deadlines visually PAGE 25 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V The IV&V activities will focus two aspects of the project: the PMO Vendor and the Integrator Vendor. IV&V Description PMO & Integrator Vendor 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES SIGNATURE DATE EXECUTIVE SPONSOR CHARISSA SAAVEDRA EXECUTIVE BUSINESS & ITD/CIO OWNER SEAN PEARSON SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER MERV JERSAK 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE PAGE 26 PROJECT CHARTER ASPEN-SBM NAME PAGE 27 SIGNATURE DATE