Renaissance Test Review - iMiddle7thgradeWorldHistory

Renaissance Test Review
Question 1
• Which of these would be valued MOST by a
Renaissance thinker who emphasized
a. a family's ancestors
b. an army's success in battle
c. a person's achievements
d. A nation's strength
Question 2
• Independent republics in Italy were governed
by elected councils. Who often held the most
power in those republics?
a. guilds of painters
b. factory workers
c. groups of priests
d. rich merchants
Question 3
• Why did craftspeople become more important
during the Renaissance?
a. They worked for feudal lords.
b. Universities hired them.
c. Merchants traded their goods all over Europe
d. They made stained glass for churches
Question 4
• He gave leaders advice on how they should
• Rich families and church leaders hired them to
create paintings and sculptures
• Refers to showing a three dimensional scene
on a flat surface, so that it looks real.
• An emphasis on human values and
• An early Italian writer who was a politician
and a poet
• A term that refers to the common language of
the people
• Which of these methods did humanist
scholars teach as a new way to learn about
the world?
a. Read the newspaper
b. Observe and experiment.
c. Listen to the pope.
d. Sit quietly and meditate.
Which subject of study belongs to the
a. mathematics
b. anatomy
c. navigation
d. Literature
Which geographic factor contributed
most to Italy’s economic success?
a. its location
b. its mountains
c. its forests
d. its climate
• He painted many classical myths and Bible
stories. described as a "painter's painter"
because of his influence on other artists' use
of color and brush strokes.
• Gifted in both sculpture and painting. Painted
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
• United Spain as a Catholic country with her
husband. Actively encouraged exploration.
• Mother was Anne Boleyn. Became queen at
the age of 25. Known as "Good Queen Bess."
Helped England to become powerful and rich.
• Was known as a Renaissance Genius. He was
an inventor, painter, engineer, sculptor and
architect. Painted the Mona Lisa.
• Was known as a Renaissance Genius. He was
an inventor, painter, engineer, sculptor and
architect. Painted the Mona Lisa
• Known for his beautiful sonnets and plays.
Famous plays are: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet
and Macbeth.
• He was German and skilled at making
engravings and woodcuts. Much of his art
shows religious figures. He also wrote
influential books about human proportions
• Wrote, Don Quixote
• Scientist; dissected human bodies so he could
understand the human anatomy. Discovered
that the human heart has four hallow areas
called chambers. Wrote a book that explained
the construction of the body and how the
body functions.
• Printed a book that outlined his theory that
the earth rotates on its axis. Also stated, the
Earth and the other planets revolve around
the sun. His theory is part of the basis of
modern astronomy.
• Which art had the greatest influence on
Renaissance Art?
Which art had the greatest influence
on Renaissance Art?
a. early medieval art
b. medieval Islamic art
c. ancient Chinese art
d. ancient Greek and Roman art
The Renaissance philosophy of
humanism included a belief in the
a. importance of tradition
b. authority of government.
c. worth of the individual.
d. need for foreign trade
Which statement is true
a. Crusaders destroyed the libraries of Muslim
b. Crusaders brought back learning from the East
c. Crusaders developed an interest in painting and
d. Crusaders rebelled against the Roman Catholic
Who would have been most likely to
speak these words?
• I have made a lot of money in business.
I’ve hired a talented painter to decorate the
inner walls of the church. I’m sure he’ll do a
a. a priest
good job.
b. a scholar
c. a craftsperson
d. a patron
How did wealthy Italian families
encourage learning?
a. They established universities
b. They rejected ideas that weren’t new
c. They trained girls to teach school
d. They donated books to poor families
What is a major reason why the
Renaissance began in northern and
central Italy?
a. City-states there became wealthy
b. Kings there fought one another.
c. Peasants there learned to read.
d. Nobles there led the Crusades
Suppose you could look at several
paintings made in Italy before 1600.
Which was MOST likely painted
DURING the Renaissance?
a. one with a solid blue background
b. one in which nature is important
c. one in which people appear stiff
d. one that looks two-dimensional
How did trade on the Silk Road help to
cause the Renaissance?
a. Armies from Europe were able to defeat the
b. Merchants paid painters to paint them in fine
new silk clothes.
c. Italian cities on the trade routes to the East
became wealthy.
d. Ideas of Chinese philosophers became popular in
the West
Based on the meaning of the French
word renaissance, the period called
the Renaissance refers to the
a. remainder of learning not yet lost
b. restoration of basic human values
c. rebirth of classical culture
d. remembrance of better times.
What economic change during the
Renaissance made bankers more
a. Why did craftspeople become more
important during the Renaissance
b. Craftspeople set out signs to
advertise their wares
c. People began to buy goods with
money instead of bartering.
d. Jobs became more specialized.