CC01 - MaoZedong - John Bowne High School

Tuesday – April 14, 2015
Mr. Lombardi
Aim: How did Mao Zedong transform China?
Do Now: Copy the domain-specific vocabulary:
1. Mao Zedong: (1893-1976) Leader of the Communist Party in China
that overthrew the Nationalist Party.
2. Long March: March that Mao Zedong and his Communist Party
underwent to avoid being captured and killed by China’s Nationalist
3. Great Leap Forward: The economic program designed to increase
farm and industrial output (communes).
4. Cultural Revolution: Political policy started in China by Mao Zedong
to eliminate his rivals and train a new generation in the
revolutionary spirit that created communist China.
5. Red Guard: Militaristic group of students in China who brutalized
anyone who criticized Mao’s government.
Unit 9:
___________ in China
From Imperialism to Republic
• For many years, foreign countries controlled China’s trade and
economic resources.
• Many people, including groups like the Guomindang (“Kuomintang”,
or Nationalist Party), led by Sun Yat Sen, believed that modernization
and nationalism could restore China’s independence.
From Imperialism to Republic
In 1911, a group called The Revolutionary Alliance, a forerunner of the
Guomintang, successfully overthrew the Qing Dynasty, (the last series of
emperors from a single family that had ruled China since 1644).
After becoming the president of a new Republic of China in
1912, Sun Yat Sen aimed to establish a modern government
by using “three principles of the people”…
1. Nationalism - an end to foreign control
2. Democracy - restoring people’s rights
3. Peoples livelihood - Economic Security for all Chinese
From Republic to Revolt
• After gaining power, Sun turns over the Presidency to powerful general named
Yuan Shikai who rules like an emperor and ultimately betrays the ideals of the
revolution. This sparks local revolts.
• After Yuan Shikai’s death (1916), civil war breaks out in China and authority falls
into the hands of warlords who rule territories as large as their armies could
World War I increases tension in China
• China fights on side of victorious allies but suffers huge casualties during WWI.
• After the war, some Chinese leaders felt that the Allies should repay them for their
help by returning control of Chinese territories that had previously been controlled
by Germany. However, under the Treaty of Versailles, the Allied leaders decided to
give these territories to Japan.
• On May 4, 1919, outraged students gathered in Beijing to protest Japanese
control of colonies in China. This began the May Fourth Movement. It’s
supporters aimed to make China stronger through modernization.
Activity #1
• We will read From Republic to Communist
Nation together.
• Sun Yat Sen / Sun Yixian
• Chiang Kai-Shek / Jiang Jieshi
China splits in two during WWII
Communist vs. Nationalists
• In 1921, two leaders rise to power and fight for political control. Chiang Kai-Shek
leads the nationalist party and Mao Zedong leads the Communist party.
Dominates the
Dominates the
Activity #2
• Read- China Under Mao Zedong
– Answer the questions that follow in COMPLETE
• We will read the document together
– Answer the questions that follow in COMPLETE
The Long March (1934-1935)
Chinese communists
make a 6,000 mile trek
from southeastern to
northwestern China.
This relocates the
communist revolutionary
base and sets the stage
for Mao Zedong to
become the undisputed
party leader.
The existence of two China’s increases tensions
between the Superpowers during the Cold War
The U.S. supports Chiang Kai-shek
and helps him set up a Nationalist
government called the Republic of
The Soviets support Mao Zedong
and the countries pledge to assist
one another if either is attacked.
• ______________ in China.
• How did China go from Dynasties to
a Republic to Communism?
Regents Prep - Chinese Communist Revolution
Critical Thinking Questions:
1. How did the Superpowers respond to the two
parties in China?
2. How did Communism transform China during the
time of Mao Zedong?
3. How did the outcome of the Chinese Civil War
contribute to Cold War tensions?
4. Why did the Cultural Revolution fail?
5. Why did the United States support the
nationalists in the civil war in china?