Prisoner Reentry: Coming to a Community Near You National Crime Prevention Council 2007 1 National Crime Prevention Council The Goal of This Presentation To inform citizens about the impact that reentry of ex-offenders has on their communities and present them with information on available strategies, resources, and effective community responses 2 National Crime Prevention Council Objectives Participants will Examine the issue of ex-offender reentry in the United States Identify practices and programs that work to reduce ex-offender recidivism Look at ways to reduce crime through focused activities on ex-offender reentry Look at resources that could aid reentry and be replicated in other communities across the country 3 National Crime Prevention Council Reentry: A Definition Reentry (n.): A broad term that refers to the issues related to the transition of ex-offenders from incarceration to community. 4 National Crime Prevention Council Reentry: A Definition (continued) Reentry specifically involves using programs that promote the effective reintegration of ex-offenders into communities when they are released from prison and jail. 5 National Crime Prevention Council Reentry by the Numbers 6 National Crime Prevention Council According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2006 In the past 30 years, the U.S. prison population grew from 190,000 to 2.2 million. By June 30, 2006, the number of inmates in the custody of state and federal prisons and local jails reached 2,245,189. 7 National Crime Prevention Council The Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2006 (continued) During the calendar year 2005, 698,459 individuals were released from prison. Jail officials reported that during the period from July 1, 2005, to June 30, 2006, there were 60,222 ex-offenders in alternative programs being supervised outside jail facilities. 8 National Crime Prevention Council The Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005 Probation • The adult probation population grew 0.5 percent in 2005, an increase of 19,070 probationers. Parole • The nation’s parole population grew 1.6 percent, an increase of 12,556 parolees. • Mandatory releases from prison as a result of a sentencing statute or good-time provision comprised 51 percent of those entering parole in 2005. 9 National Crime Prevention Council The Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005 (continued) The number of adult men and women in the United States who were being supervised on probation or parole at the end of 2006 reached 4,946,944. That’s nearly 5 million individuals. 10 National Crime Prevention Council How are communities affected by reentry? 11 National Crime Prevention Council Initial Impact of Reentry on Ex-Offenders Outside world is chaotic and stressful Initial experiences can be disappointing and ex-offenders may take impulsive actions that derail their progress. The longer the time they spent in prison, the worse their disorientation will be. Source: John Irwin (2005) The Warehouse Prison 12 National Crime Prevention Council Adjustments After Prison Many of released prisoners return to prison. A few released prisoners “make it” and do well. Most parolees fall into a life of dependency. Many cross back and forth, outside and inside the law and the parole rules. Many parolees fail to achieve minimum stability, even in dependent situations. Source: John Irwin (2005) The Warehouse Prison 13 National Crime Prevention Council Quote “I think the goal of everyone involved in the reentry process—the individual prisoner, his family, his community, and the agencies of government—should be to improve the chances of successful reintegration for each returning prisoner. This means re-establishing (or, as the case may be, establishing) positive connections between the returning prisoner and his family, the world of work, and the institutions of community.” Jeremy Travis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 14 National Crime Prevention Council Prisoner Reentry in One Baltimore Community 15 National Crime Prevention Council 16 National Crime Prevention Council 17 National Crime Prevention Council Reentry Challenges Housing Public Safety Employment Health Families 18 National Crime Prevention Council Challenges to Reentry Family relationships, if not already problematic, are often weakened by incarceration. Convicted felons have difficulty finding employment and this can be aggravated by prison experiences. Ex-prisoners often have a lower rate of literacy than individuals in the general population. Unmet health and mental health needs Housing issues Collateral barriers related to civic participation 19 National Crime Prevention Council What Does Your Jurisdiction Do? Are criminal records made publicly available? Are there legal restrictions related to certain careers? Are there restrictions on hiring, bonding, and licensing ex-prisoners? Do employers have access to criminal records? Are there restrictions on public assistance and welfare? Are there restrictions on public housing or rentals? Are there restrictions on parental rights? 20 National Crime Prevention Council Housing Challenges 21 National Crime Prevention Council Housing Challenges In the last 20 years, the number of people who are homeless has swelled from more than 440,000 to 840,000 nationwide. Ten to 20 percent of those released from prison or jail were homeless before incarceration. Source: The Re-entry Policy Council 22 National Crime Prevention Council Housing Challenges (continued) Programs that help ex-offenders find housing often face the same challenges. • Finding affordable rental housing • Maximizing the use of existing housing resources • Identifying and eliminating the barrier or stigma of ex-offenders in order to receive housing 23 National Crime Prevention Council Most Ex-offenders Return to Just a Few Neighborhoods 24 National Crime Prevention Council Public Safety Challenges 25 National Crime Prevention Council Public Safety Challenges Many returning prisoners have extensive criminal histories. A substantial number of released prisoners are reconvicted or rearrested for new crimes, many within the first year after release. Those with substance abuse histories and those who engage in substance abuse after release are at high risk for recidivism. 26 National Crime Prevention Council Public Safety Challenges (continued) Two of three people released from state prison are rearrested within three years. American taxpayers went from spending approximately $9 billion per year on corrections in 1982 to $60 billion in 2002. Although investment in corrections has greatly increased, recidivism rates have remained virtually unchanged over the past 30 years. Source: The Re-entry Policy Council 27 National Crime Prevention Council Employment Challenges 28 National Crime Prevention Council Employment Challenges While prisoners believe that having a job is an important factor in staying out of prison, few have a job lined up after release. Few prisoners receive employment-related training in prison. Participation in work-release jobs in prison may have a positive impact on the likelihood of finding full-time employment after release. 29 National Crime Prevention Council Employment Challenges: Incarceration Dissuades employers from hiring someone with a criminal history Disqualifies some ex-offenders for specific occupations that require ongoing training and education Makes it difficult to keep skills up-to-date Limits work experience Abets behaviors that may be unacceptable in the workplace Source: 30 National Crime Prevention Council Employment Challenges (continued) Prisoners who do find work after release may not have full-time or consistent employment. Lack of transportation is a significant barrier to employment. 31 National Crime Prevention Council Health Challenges 32 National Crime Prevention Council Health Challenges A substantial number of prisoners have been diagnosed with a physical or mental health condition. More prisoners report being diagnosed with a medical condition than report receiving medication or treatment for their condition while incarcerated. 33 National Crime Prevention Council Health Challenges (continued) Securing health care is a major concern for many released prisoners. The vast majority of returning prisoners do not have any form of medical insurance. 34 National Crime Prevention Council Substance Abuse and Reentry A majority of prisoners have extensive substance abuse histories. Prisoners identify drug abuse as the primary cause of many of their past and current problems. 35 National Crime Prevention Council Substance Abuse and Reentry (continued) Consensus in the field holds that individualized in-prison treatment, in concert with communitybased aftercare, can reduce substance use and dependency. Ex-offenders with a history of substance use and those who engage in substance use after release are at high risk to recidivate. 36 National Crime Prevention Council Family Challenges 37 National Crime Prevention Council Family Challenges Most prisoners believe that family support is an important factor in helping them stay out of prison. While most prisoners have some regular contact with family members during their prison term, relatively few receive family visits. More than seven million children under the age of 18 (approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population) have a parent in state or federal prison, jail, on probation or parole, or reentering society after a period of imprisonment. 38 National Crime Prevention Council Family Challenges (continued) A parent’s incarceration can have mixed effects on a child. One of the greatest challenges of keeping families connected is the distance between home and prison. 39 National Crime Prevention Council What Really Works To Help Ex-offenders and Ultimately To Reduce Crime 40 National Crime Prevention Council Seven Domain Areas 1. Employment—work, training, vocation, education 2. Family/marital—support from family 3. Associates/social interaction—positive interaction with noncriminal associates 4. Substance abuse—intensive, outpatient, AA/NA, sponsor 41 National Crime Prevention Council Seven Domain Areas (continued) 5. Adjusting to a new environment—home, budgeting, social services, leisure, health 6. Personal/emotional—mental health, coping skills, decision-making 7. Attitudes and beliefs—religion, law-abiding behavior 42 National Crime Prevention Council The Prisoner Reentry Initiative and Promising Programs 43 National Crime Prevention Council Three Phases Phase 1: Protect and prepare Phase 2: Control and restore Phase 3: Sustain and support 44 National Crime Prevention Council Phase 1: Protect and Prepare Institution-based programs Designed to prepare ex-offenders to reenter society Services include education, mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, mentoring, and full diagnostic and risk assessment 45 National Crime Prevention Council Phase 2: Control and Restore Community-based transition programs Work with ex-offenders before and immediately following their release from correctional institutions Services include education, monitoring, mentoring, life-skills training, assessment, jobskills development, and mental health and substance abuse treatment 46 National Crime Prevention Council Phase 3: Sustain and Support Community-based long-term support programs Connect individuals who have left the supervision of the justice system to a network of social services agencies and community-based organizations Ex-offenders receive ongoing services and mentoring relationships 47 National Crime Prevention Council Program Examples for Phase 1 Protect and Prepare 48 National Crime Prevention Council Richland County Reentry Court Richland County, Ohio Richland County Reentry Court Dave Leitenberger, CPO/Program Director 50 Park Avenue East Mansfield, OH 44902 419-774-5564 419-774-6365 (fax) 49 National Crime Prevention Council Richland County Reentry Court America’s first and largest reentry court. To date, 575 clients have participated in this reentry program. Of the first 213 clients from 2000 to 2003, • 124 clients graduated from the program • Nine (4 percent) were terminated having been charged with a felony offense within their first year 50 National Crime Prevention Council Richland County Reentry Court (continued) Focuses on the management of criminal ex-offenders with court oversight through the various stages of the criminal justice system • • • • 51 Arrest to conviction Sentencing Incarceration to release Supervision to termination National Crime Prevention Council East of the River Clergy Police Community Partnership (ERCPCP) Faith-based Transitional Housing Program Donald Isaac Executive Director Main Office 4105 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20032 202-373-5767 202-373-5769 fax 52 National Crime Prevention Council East of the River Clergy Police (continued) Provide supportive housing to previously incarcerated individuals Work with government, financial entities, faith-based institutions, and corporations to secure transitional and independent housing for eligible reentrants 53 National Crime Prevention Council East of the River Clergy Police (continued) Partners Federal Bureau of Prisons Faithworks Enterprise Foundation Bank of America United Bank Faith-based community 54 National Crime Prevention Council The Dangerous Mentally Ill Offender Program (DMIO) Community Protection Unit Department of Corrections PO Box 41127 MS 41127 Olympia, WA 98504 360-586-4371 55 National Crime Prevention Council DMIO (continued) How It Works Identify ex-offenders who can be classified as dangerous and mentally ill. A mental health provider is contacted and the prerelease transition process starts. About six months before release, treatment is given based on need (i.e., counseling services and drug rehabilitation). 56 National Crime Prevention Council Program Examples for Phase 2 Control and Restore 57 National Crime Prevention Council Fort Wayne/Allen County, Indiana Reentry Court 201 W Superior Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 260-449-7252 260-449-7308 fax 58 National Crime Prevention Council Fort Wayne, IN, Reentry Court (continued) The Elements Case management Electronic monitoring Rewards and sanctions Home visits Drug testing 59 National Crime Prevention Council Fort Wayne, IN, Reentry Court (continued) Activities and Programs That Support the Elements Transitional programs (e.g., anger management) Remedial education Employment readiness Job development Mental health/health services Substance abuse treatment 60 National Crime Prevention Council Fort Wayne, IN, Reentry Court (continued) The Results Significantly lower re-arrests Significantly lower new charges Savings of $2 million (based on the 209 ex-offenders in the program) 61 National Crime Prevention Council Federal Bureau of Prisons Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) 62 National Crime Prevention Council Federal Bureau of Prisons RRCs (continued) How It Works The Federal Bureau of Prisons contracts with Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs), also known as halfway houses. Provide assistance to inmates who are nearing release Setting is structured and supervised Services include counseling, financial services, and job placement 63 National Crime Prevention Council Federal Bureau of Prisons RRCs (continued) Focus Areas Accountability Employment Housing Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling Medical and Mental Health Treatment 64 National Crime Prevention Council Program Examples for Phase 3 Sustain and Support 65 National Crime Prevention Council EXODUS Transitional Community 161 East 104th Street New York, NY 10029 917-492-0990 917-492-8711 fax 66 National Crime Prevention Council EXODUS Transitional Community (continued) Based in Harlem, NY Staff consists of ex-offenders Exodus forms a contract of agreed-upon goals and objectives with the ex-offender, consisting of • • • • • • • 67 Employment readiness training Job placement Computer training Life coaching Substance abuse and anger management Mentoring children of incarcerated parents Evaluating the Exodus model National Crime Prevention Council EXODUS Transitional Community (continued) Other services include HIV/AIDS education and referrals Speaker’s bureau of formerly incarcerated individuals Services for exoffenders’ families 68 National Crime Prevention Council EXODUS Transitional Community (continued) The Results The Exodus staff consists of ex-offenders or individuals directly affected by incarceration and/or HIV/AIDS in their immediate families. Each case manager thoroughly follows the ex-offender and works with him or her according to the contract’s goals and objectives. 69 National Crime Prevention Council Reentry and Faith-based Organizations Brainstorm What organizations are working in your community? 70 National Crime Prevention Council Additional Reentry Programs and Initiatives 71 National Crime Prevention Council Citizen Circles Initiative The Citizen Circles concept originated in Ohio and is managed by the Department of Corrections. It focuses on the seven domain areas. It helps create partnerships that promote positive interaction and accountability for ex-offenders upon release. 72 National Crime Prevention Council Citizen Circles (continued) Accepting responsibility Accepting recommendations Community service Law-abiding goals Productive community behavior 73 National Crime Prevention Council Citizen Circles (continued) There are also circles in other states, including Wisconsin. For more information, email DRC.CitzenCircles@odrc.state.oh .us. 74 National Crime Prevention Council DOJ-AmeriCorps*VISTA 12-City Reentry Program The goals of this initiative are to Reduce ex-offender recidivism and crime and promote successful reentry into society Build capacity for reentry and mentoring initiatives Advance a scalable model of leveraging volunteers 75 National Crime Prevention Council DOJ-AmeriCorps*VISTA 12-City Initiative (continued) Philadelphia, PA Providence, RI Cleveland, OH Dayton, OH Portland, OR Washington, DC 76 Chicago, IL Charleston/ N. Charleston, SC Dallas, TX Indianapolis, IN Miami, FL Oakland, CA National Crime Prevention Council DOJ-AmeriCorps*VISTA Sampling of Accomplishments Developed a curriculum focusing on practical life skills for returning ex-offenders Put together resource handbook/online database for formerly incarcerated persons Developed an employment database that includes employers willing to employ exoffenders Created a multilingual software program for an online resource directory 77 National Crime Prevention Council Other Agencies With Reentry Initiatives Department of Labor • Workforce Investment Board • Ready 4 Work • Prisoner Reentry Initiative Demonstration Grants National Institute of Corrections Law Enforcement Coordinating Councils (LECCs) Administration for Children and Families (ACF) • 78 Mentoring Children of Prisoners National Crime Prevention Council Questions and Answers 79 National Crime Prevention Council Resources 80 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Government-sponsored or -supported Websites The Reentry Policy Council was formed with two specific goals in mind. 1. To develop bipartisan policies and principles for elected officials and other policymakers to consider as they evaluate re-entry issues in their jurisdictions 2. To facilitate coordination and information-sharing among organizations implementing re-entry initiatives, researching re-entry trends, communicating about reentry related issues, or funding re-entry projects 81 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Government-sponsored or -supported Websites Justice Reinvestment Initiative, The Justice Center, Council of State Governments The initiative develops a strategy based on fiscally sound, data driven criminal justice policies to break the cycle of recidivism, avert prison expenditures, and make communities safer. Step 1: Analyze the prison population and spending in the communities to which people in prison often return Step 2: Provide policymakers with options to generate savings and increase public safety Step 3: Quantify savings and reinvest in select high-stakes communities Step 4: Measure the impact and enhance accountability 82 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Government-sponsored or -supported Websites (continued) Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency in Washington, DC • Provides information, programs, and resources for exoffenders returning to the Washington, DC, area • 83 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Government-sponsored or -supported Websites (continued) U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics • Offers the latest information, research, statistics, and trends in various areas, including prisoner reentry • 84 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Research-based Websites The Urban Institute • Gathers and analyzes data, conducts policy research, evaluates programs and services, and educates Americans on critical issues and trends • 85 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Research-based Websites (continued) Public Private Ventures • A national nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the effectiveness of social policies and programs • 86 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Research-based Websites (continued) Reentry Strategies Institute (RSI) • A nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging frontline service providers, donors, and employers in support of successful, scalable reentry programs throughout the United States; their primary focus is organizing, training, and research • 87 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Faith-based Websites • Provides information and resources for chaplains and ministers who work with ex-offenders • Provides media resources to community and faith-based organizations that will facilitate community discussion and decision making about solution-based reentry programs 88 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Faith-based Websites (continued) The Pew Charitable Trusts • Serves as a resource and provides expert, unbiased information on policy and legal developments concerning faith-based organizations involved in social services • 89 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Faith-based Websites (continued) The Faith and Service Technical Education Network (FASTEN) • Offers informational resources and networking opportunities to faith-based practitioners, private philanthropies, and public administrators who collaborate effectively to renew urban communities • 90 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Volunteer-based Websites AmeriCorps*VISTA • Through the Corporation for National and Community Service • Over 6,000 AmeriCorps*VISTA members nationwide • Serve in hundreds of faith-based and community organizations and public agencies • 91 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Publications When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry by Joan Petersilia (Professor of Criminology at the University of California, Irvine), Oxford University Press, February 2003 • This publication can be ordered through Oxford University Press at 92 National Crime Prevention Council Resources: Publications (continued) Successful Transition and Reentry for Safer Communities: A Call to Action for Parole by Peggy Burke and Michael Tonry, The Center for Effective Policy, 2006 • This document can be downloaded from the American Probation and Parole’s website, 93 National Crime Prevention Council NCPC’s Reentry Listserv • Sponsored by the National Crime Prevention Council and the Corporation for National and Community Service • To join, send an email to 94 National Crime Prevention Council The National Crime Prevention Council 2345 Crystal Drive Fifth Floor Arlington, VA 22202 202-466-6272 FAX 202-296-1356 95 National Crime Prevention Council Presenter Contact Information 96 National Crime Prevention Council