List of Historical Figures

Epic World History Rap Battle Project
Hello class! Welcome to your newest and last project, Epic Rap Battles of World History! Through this
project you and a partner will look up different important people in World History, you’ll be given two,
research them, and then creatively make a "rap" pitting the two characters against each other. Get ready to
be productive, to be creative, and to most certainly have fun!
1. First, students will be put into pairs.
2. As a pair, you’ll be given two different well-known historical figures.
3. You will both research each of the historical figures and have a list of
at least 10 facts for each figure. (do the research together because it is a rap “battle”
which means you must both know enough of each character to “attack” and “defend.”)
4. You will then take your list of ten facts (twenty combined) and then
write 3 to 4 verses of rap, going back and forth between each figure.
5. You will then give a 2-3 minute presentation in front of the class,
presenting your “rap battle.” You must also be able to defend any fact
if questioned by a classmate or teacher.
6. You will also turn in a copy of your lyrics before your presentation.
7. It must be school appropriate!!!!!!
List of Historical Figures
Pope John Paul II
Mao Zedong
Ronald Reagan
Mikhail Gorbachev
George Washington
Nikita Khrushchev
John F. Kennedy
Fidel Castro
Albert Einstein
Adam Smith
Yassir Arafat
Golda Meir
Mother Teresa
Margaret Thatcher
Joseph Stalin
Harry Truman
Franklin Roosevelt
Winston Churchill
Mohandas Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Woodrow Wilson
Tsar Nicholas II
Vladimir Lenin
Theodore Roosevelt
Queen Victoria
Ho Chi Minh
James Watt
Thomas Edison
Napoleon Bonaparte
Isaac Newton
Karl Marx
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Louis XVI
Epic World History Rap Battle Project
Guided questions for research of Historical Figures
 What time period or historical event did the figure live through?
 What beliefs (ideas) were important to the Figure?
 Why did they believe in those beliefs?
 Who was against those beliefs and why?
 Effects their actions or beliefs had on history?
 Why is the figure significant to history?
 What is their family background?
*** have at least three things to argue***
Figure 1 is _____________________________ Figure 2 is ______________________________
Figure 1 – begins rap, explains background and key ideas then set the attack
towards figure 2.
Transition to figure 2 to introduce background and key ideas, and answer
attack, and then set up new attack towards figure 1.
Figure 2 - will defend then explain important info. Then attack figure 1.
Transition to figure 1
Figure 1 - will defend and attack figure 2
Transition to figure 2
Figure 2 - will defend and end the rap.
Epic World History Rap Battle Project
Names: __________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________ vs. __________________________________
Historical Accuracy:
(all historical information was accurate and clearly defended)
20 Points /_________
(Point of view, arguments, and facts were consistently in
Required Elements:
(student included all information that was required, and it
was school appropriate)
Knowledge Gained:
20 Points /_________
20 Points /_________
10 Points /_________
(Can clearly explain several ways in which his/hers character
“saw” things differently than the other character and can
clearly explain why.)
(rap battle included at least 2 minute battle, each character
battling twice, and lyrics are school appropriate)
(may cover creative music, costumes, and or clever lyrics)
Final Grade :__________________
20 Points /_________
10 Points /_________