Team Lead, Administrative Services

Position Number: 6503
Current Grade (if applicable): 10
Working Title: Team Lead, Administrative Services: Planning and Project Delivery
Faculty/Department: Facilities & Operations
Department ID: Click here to enter text.
Incumbent Name (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Campus Address: Click here to enter text.
Campus Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.
Hours of Work/Week: Choose an item.
 Actual Hours Worked (if Part-Time): Click here to enter text.
Name of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Title of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Position Type: Choose an item.
 If OTHER, please indicate Position Type: Click here to enter text.
Special Requirements:
Home Internet Access: Choose an item.
Professional Accreditation: Choose an item.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Choose an item.
Second Language: Choose an item.
SIGNATURES: The signatures below indicate that all parties have read and discussed the content of the JFS
EFFECTIVE DATE (if different from date signed): Click here to enter a date.
INCUMBENT (if applicable):
The primary duties of the Team Lead are in support of the activities, roles and responsibilities of
the Executive Director, Directors, Associate Directors and Managers of the Project Management
Office and the Office of the University Architect, including all component units. In this role, the
Team Lead is expected to assist in managing collaborative and participative processes in the
department. This position provides senior level administrative support to the Executive Director
of the Project Management Office, and serves as the primary point of contact and resource
person for the department in the absence of the Executive Director, Directors, Associate
Directors, and Managers. In addition, this position provides full supervision to four
administrative support staff. Additionally, this role includes a requirement to be fully versed in
the issues and activities of sixteen additional administrative services staff (twenty-one in total).
3. RESPONSIBILITIES/ACTIVITIES: Group activities into categories and list in point form each
duty performed until the major elements of the position are represented. Review each
statement to ensure that it accurately describes what is done and briefly, how it is done.
Please indicate the percentage of time spent on each of the major activities listed
Administrative Services provides support to the F & O portfolio in a shared services model. To
meet the need for seamless and consistent support, Team Leads and the Administrative Services
Manager work in close collaboration to ensure effective consistency. The Team Lead must be
fully versed in the issues and activities of the entire unit and all administrative services staff to
ensure continuity in the absence of the Manager or another Team Lead. Team Leads work
closely with all members of the administrative services team to ensure best practices.
Understanding of the basic needs of other units within F & O is required to provide excellence in
service. Consistent standards, expectations and knowledge must be maintained: the spirit of
"Team" is essential.
Administrative Activities (65%)
Assists with strategic planning and management activities of the Executive Director, Planning &
Project Delivery (PPD):
 Acts as liaison with project management, team members, consultants, government, external
partners, etc.
 Assists and supports the Executive Director in preparation of the department's key strategic
initiatives documents, and special projects, including preparation and review of briefing
notes and governance submissions (includes writing, researching, editing, ensuring
appropriate vetting, incorporating feedback/changes)
 Coordinates production of the Project Management Quarterly Status Report, requiring
collaboration with various members of the portfolio, as well as external contractors while
ensuring adherence to governance schedules
 Coordinates and collaborates on the production of the annual Capital Plan, which forms the
University's request to the provincial government for contributions to the cost of priority
capital projects and issues
Assists in monitoring the grant agreement process for project funding (includes collaborating
with Government and ensuring that the University meets its obligations)
Manages the Order in Council process for project financing (includes collaborating with
Government and other University portfolios)
Assists in monitoring performance/action plans to ensure all priorities and deadlines are met
Researches other University departments for information included in presentations and
other published materials for use in key strategic documents
Creates, maintains and tracks a repository of information and statistics on projects and
Creates and maintains permanent forms and spreadsheets to track projects and related
In collaboration with F&O Communications staff, assists in the development of departmental
internal communication strategies, and administers those strategies
Coordinates the preparation and distribution of accountability reports for the government;
coordinates follow-up as required
Monitors performance/action plans for projects and assignments to track progress, ensuring
that priorities and timelines are met
Through process mapping, streamlines flow of information through identification of
challenges and implementation of change
Assists in setting priorities for development and implementation of policies, ensuring
appropriate vetting and approval
Oversees annual department processes such as vacation plans, conference dates and
attendance, performance appraisals
Provides administrative support for the Executive Director, PPD, assisting with the daily activities
of the Executive Director and members of the unit:
 Maintains Executive Director's calendar, prioritizing meetings, events, and other activities;
 Screens and prioritizes incoming calls, mail, meeting requests
 Evaluates, redirects or responds to requests, inquiries, complaints
 Prepares confidential reports and correspondence, such as performance appraisals, project
proposals, etc.
 Coordinates meetings within the department and other departments, faculties, off-campus
agencies, etc. Includes compilation and distribution of meeting materials (agendas, reports,
minutes/meeting notes); recording minutes/meeting notes; tracking and ensuring follow-up
of action items
 Maintains central filing for PPD and the Executive Director
 Researches, develops and maintains presentation materials for internal and external use by
the Director
 Coordinates project data updates posted on U of A web pages
 Coordinates all aspects of meetings and conferences, including venue, equipment, catering,
 Coordinates travel arrangements and itineraries for the Executive Director; compiles travel
and expense claim reimbursements
 Provides clerical support including typing, formatting, editing, proofreading, ensuring that
documents meet professional standards and reflect the department's competence and
credibility as a unit within the University of Alberta. Clerical support also includes tasks such
as photocopying, faxing, collating, arranging courier service, etc.
Supervision (15%)
 Has full supervisory duties consisting of hiring activities, performance appraisals, monitoring
of quality and appropriate workloads, coordinating training and skill development, providing
overall leadership, mentorship and guidance to his/her direct reports
 Prepares and administers performance evaluations
 Ensures that admin services unit members have current and accurate job fact sheets
 Trains support staff and provides orientation for new and interim support staff
 Provides leadership through a positive influence, coaches and establishes effective working
relationships across the portfolio
 Identifies issues and provides timely and appropriate intervention; elevates identified issues
to the Manager
 Coordinates the day to day activities of the support staff to ensure appropriate coverage
during vacations, absences, and as otherwise required
 Ensures cross training takes place in all areas
 Coaches staff through frequent changes within the portfolio; provides direction and
encourages successful performance during transition and in the changed environment
Project Coordination (10%)
 Gathers and reviews all documentation related to a project, categorizes recommendations
and/or identifies problem areas
 Composes project status reports and briefing notes for review
 Meets with the Manager to set timelines, determine critical path to ensure that follow-ups
and schedules are met
 Writes proposals pertaining to strategic initiatives for Administrative Services and other
departments within F&O, as requested
 In collaboration with the portfolio's communications team, develops communication plans
and strategies for special projects/major initiatives and/or events
4. KNOWLEDGE: Identify the minimum formalized training/education and/or qualifications
required to prepare an individual to be functional in the position.
Post-secondary diploma in Office or Business Administration with greater than 18 months to
become functional in the role.
5. INDEPENDENCE OF ACTION: Describe the initiative required, the creativity and original
thought, and also the amount of direction and control received from the supervisor or standard
practices and precedents.
A. What types of decisions are made independently?
Prioritization of daily routines and communications
Compilation of data and information to expedite reports, correspondence, etc.
Scheduling of meetings and conferences
Appropriate records management
Proactive response to project demands
Works independently on multiple, concurrent projects requiring initiative, collaboration and
adherence to strict timelines and formats
Using independent judgment, researches, develops, prepares or edits briefing notes,
summary reports, and presentation materials, ensuring clear, comprehensive, accurate and
timely documents
B. For what actions is it necessary to consult someone? Are approvals or instructions verbal or in
Media communications: approvals either written or verbal
Role of governance in project approval or policy development: written approval
Frequent consultation with members of the unit to ensure adherence to policies, contracts,
financial obligations, etc.; both written and verbal
Preparation of strategic documents may require individual meetings/discussions with clients
from academic and administrative units; the Associate Vice-President and Directors, project
managers, and planners. Documents are vetted through numerous individuals resulting in
approval or additional instructions
6. CONSEQUENCE OF ERRORS: Identify the extent of losses which result from mistakes in
judgment or poor decisions (typical instances, not rare or extreme ones), and the responsibility
for safety of others.
The department is accountable to internal and external stakeholders and errors in
communicating information can have significant detrimental impact on its operations
Incomplete or inaccurate information, failure to meet deadlines, and inappropriate release of
confidential and/or sensitive information could jeopardize the profile and credibility of the
department, the portfolio and the University, and could set back project timelines with serious
financial and reputational repercussions.
The large value of projects undertaken by the Project Management Office carry significant risk,
requiring conscientious and vigilant management of resources and reputation.
7. CONTACTS: Identify the contacts and the purpose of the interaction.
A. Inside the University
Vice-President (Facilities and Operations), Associate Vice-President, Executive Directors,
Directors, Associate Directors, Managers, planners, project managers, administrative, and other
support staff in the portfolio, including the office of the Vice-President; Office of the VicePresident (Finance and Administration), various other senior institutional officials (ie. Deans)
and their staff.
B. Outside the University
Alberta Government departments, consultants, contractors, Alberta Health Services, lawyers,
and other universities and colleges
C. Information Sources
University of Alberta strategic planning documents, such as the Capital Plan
Business cases, visioning documents
Reports and minutes of governance committee meetings
UAPPOL and other University of Alberta policy documents
Government legislation
RFPs and contracts and agreements
Capital Expenditure Authorization Requests (CEAR)
8. SUPERVISION: If this position is not required to supervise staff, please indicate “n/a”.
A. Describe all aspects of formal supervision required of this position. Please be sure to complete
Part B.
Full supervision includes:
 Hiring activities, performance appraisals, monitoring of quality and appropriate workloads,
coordinating training and skill development, providing overall leadership, mentorship and
guidance to his/her direct reports
 Preparation and administration of performance evaluations
 Training and orientation for new and interim support staff
 Leadership through a positive influence coaches and establishes effective working relationships
across the portfolio
 Identifies issues and provides timely and appropriate intervention; elevates issues identified to
the Manager
 Coordinates the day to day activities, ensures there is appropriate coverage during vacations,
absences, and as otherwise required
 Encourages cross training between units
 Change management within the portfolio; provides direction and encourages successful
performance during transition
Unit Supervision:
 Must be fully versed in the issues and activities of the various units and all administrative staff to
ensure continuity and seamless support of the portfolio in the absence of the Manager or other
Team Lead
B. Please indicate how many staff members are supervised by the position.
Full-time employees: 4
Part-time employees:
Casual employees:
9. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Describe the degree, frequency, severity, intensity and continuity of
physical activity and/or intense visual concentration required.
A. Activities
Typical office equipment: computer, telephone, photocopier, fax, scanner, calculator, binding
equipment, laminating equipment, projector, project management software, etc.
B. What types of equipment or tools are used in the job?
Standard office equipment
10. WORKING CONDITIONS: Describe the disagreeable aspects of the job environment in
relation to employee safety and comfort, and the severity and frequency of exposure to
workplace hazards.
Standard office environment
11. SIMILAR POSITIONS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA: Please list any position numbers,
titles, departments or incumbent names that may be considered to be similar.
Administrative lead positions in large departments, faculties
12. ORGANIZATION CHART: An organization chart is mandatory for the evaluation process to
be completed. You may include this as a separate attachment or file may be pasted/
embedded below