Probation Review Form - Lancaster University

Before completing this form you are advised to read the University’s Academic Probation Policy & Procedure.
Heads of Department should complete this document and retain it locally within the probationer’s personal file.
The Head of Department should ensure that the employee is given a copy of this document at each stage of their
probation and should retain the original to monitor progress against set objectives at follow-up meetings.
For 1 year probations, please only complete Parts 1, 2, 3 & 6.
For extensions of probation, an additional ‘Part 6: End of probation review’ should be appended.
For 5 year probations, add two additional ‘Part 5s’ of the review form for years 3 and 4.
Employee name:
Click here to enter text.
Job Title:
Click here to enter text.
FTE %:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Post Start Date:
Click here to enter text.
Probation End Date:
Click here to enter text.
Date Due:
Date completed:
Initial Probation Setting Meeting
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
6-month review
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
9-month review
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
12-month review
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
2nd year review
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
3rd year review
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
4th year review (where applicable)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
5th year review (where applicable)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
PART 1: Initial meeting – Probation Agreement setting meeting
The initial meeting should be completed by the Head of Department within a month of the probationer commencing
their employment using the Probationary Agreement form. The Probationary Agreement form should be appended
to this probation review form.
PART 2: First review (6 months), to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer.
1, Briefly summarise the probationer’s performance and progress (in relation to the probationary agreement)
focusing on contribution to teaching, research and service:
Click here to enter text.
2, For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:
Click here to enter text.
3, Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:
Click here to enter text.
4, Have the objectives identified for this initial period of the probation commenced to a suitable standard? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
5, Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
Employee’s Signature: Click here to enter text.
Head of Department Signature: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.
PART 3: Second review (9 months), to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer.
1, Briefly summarise the probationer’s performance and progress (in relation to the probationary agreement)
focusing on contribution to teaching, research and service:
Click here to enter text.
2, For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:
Click here to enter text.
3, Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:
Click here to enter text.
4, Have the objectives identified for this period of the probation been performed to a suitable standard? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
5, Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
Employee’s Signature: Click here to enter text.
Head of Department Signature: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.
PART 4: Third review (12 months), to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer.
1, Briefly summarise the probationer’s performance and progress (in relation to the probationary agreement)
focusing on contribution to teaching, research and service:
Click here to enter text.
2, For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:
Click here to enter text.
3, Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:
Click here to enter text.
4, Have the objectives identified for this period of the probation been performed to a suitable standard? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
5, Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
6, What objectives have been identified for the forthcoming 12 months?
Click here to enter text.
Employee’s Signature: Click here to enter text.
Head of Department Signature: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.
Upon completion of this review, please forward the Probation Review Form along with a copy of the Probationary
Agreement to Nick Thoume in HR (, t: 5-10614) for collation for the Academic
Promotions Committee.
PART 5: Fourth review (2 years), to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer.
1, Briefly summarise the probationer’s performance and progress (in relation to the probationary agreement)
focusing on contribution to teaching, research and service:
Click here to enter text.
2, For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:
Click here to enter text.
3, Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:
Click here to enter text.
4, Have the objectives identified for this period of the probation been performed to a suitable standard? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
5, Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they
have not, what further action is required and by when?
Click here to enter text.
6, What objectives have been identified for the forthcoming 12 months?
Click here to enter text.
Employee’s Signature: Click here to enter text.
Head of Department Signature: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.
Upon completion of this review, please forward the Probation Review Form along with a copy of the Probationary
Agreement to Nick Thoume in HR (, t: 5-10614) for collation for the Academic
Promotions Committee.
PART 6: End of probation review, to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the employee.
1, Probation Objectives (with reference to the original probationary agreement)
Probation Target
Probation Target Status
(select from the drop
down list)
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
Fully met
HoD qualitative commentary
Highest Teaching Qualification Held/HEA Status (select from the drop down list):
No qualification held
HoD additional commentary for the Committee (where relevant):
Click here to enter text.
2, Has the probationer completed the following mandatory training/actions?
Training / Action
1. Information Security Training
2. Equality and Diversity On-line Training
3. Encrypted mobile device(s)
4. Local Health and Safety training identified by needs analysis
Status (select from the drop down list)
Not applicable
Not applicable
3, Probation recommendation: Select a recommendation
If the recommendation is to Extend, be sure to provide a rationale for this and, where appropriate, specify any
areas of improvement that are required and how these will be monitored.
Click here to enter text.
If the recommendation is Fail, be sure to provide a rationale for this. Include a summary of what action has been
taken to address any difficulties which have arisen during the probationary period.
Click here to enter text.
4, Probationer’s comments about their experience of the probationary process (optional).
Click here to enter text.
Length of extension, if necessary
(maximum 12 months):
Click here to enter text.
New Probation end date (if applicable):
Click here to enter text.
Employee’s signature:
Click here to enter text.
Head of Department signature:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Following completion of the end of probation review, please forward the following documents:
Probation Review Form
Probationary Agreement
A current copy of the probationer’s CV
to Nick Thoume in HR (, t: 5-10614) for collation for the Academic Promotions