Microsoft Word 2007 Chapter 5 – Lab Test B Creating a Data Source, a Form Letter, and Mailing Labels Purpose: To demonstrate the ability to design a data source file, a form letter, and mailing labels from a sample letter. Problem: You are in charge of inviting donors to your charity party. You have a sample letter and you will need to design a data source and form letter to generate a similar letter for all invitees. Instructions: Perform the following tasks. 1. Create the letterhead shown at the top of page 3 as a header. Use Elegant Merge Letter as the template. Use an appropriate banner for the letterhead, and size the banner accordingly. Use Light Blue as the fill color and Gold as the line and font color. Use a 24-point font on the letterhead title. Format the spacing of the date line to appear as shown in Figure W5B – 1. Save the letterhead with the file name, Lab Test B – Word Chapter 5 – Letter Head. 2. Create a sample data source file using the field names and staff members listed in Table W5A-1. Save the data source with the file name, Lab Test B – Word Chapter 5 – Source. 3. Print the data source. 4. Save the letterhead document with the new file name, Lab Test B – Word Chapter 5. Create the main document from the sample letter shown in Figure W5B – 1. Modify the AddressBlock and GreetingLine merge fields so they appear as shown in Figure W5B – 1. If the normal style does not have a font size of 12, change it to 12 for the main document font size. 5. Save the main document for the form letter again and print it. 6. Merge and print the form letters. 7. Create mailing labels using the same data source you did for the form letters. Use Avery 5160 – Address style format. 8. Save the mailing labels with the file name, Lab Test B – Word Chapter 5 – Labels. 9. Print the mailing labels. Page 1 Title First Last Address City State Zip Ms. Sue Monet 123 Alltree Saint Cloud FL 23232 Dr. Juan Carlos 23 Mocking Ave Dallas TX 34341 Mr. Himmel Stein 45 Kentucky London KY 45451 Ms. Carla Kennedy 697 Inn Lane Marshall OH 99983 Dr. Candy DeMarco 1020 Carol Ln Houston TX 93930 Table W5B – 1 Page 2 American Blood Centers March 12, 2016 Ms. Sue Monet 123 Alltree Saint Cloud, FL 28282 Dear Ms. Monet: You are cordially invited to our GALA event in New York City to raise money for our nonprofit blood centers around the United States. We will have a silent auction and door prizes for all who attend. We look forward to seeing you at our GALA event. It will be fun and exciting evening for a good cause! Please call us for more details. Sincerely, Jenny Nevarez VP, America Blood Centers 1492 OCEAN BLUE • COLUMBUS, OHIO •81201 PHONE: 432-555-3179 • FAX: 432-555-3180 Page 3