. CHAPTER 4.1.3 GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES ASSETS: RECEIVABLES 1 GAAP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Below are the various types of receivables recognized by the campus and the Office of the Chancellor (CO): Accounts receivable Accounts receivable of the University generally consists of State appropriations (including those related to State Public Work Board (SPWB) Lease Revenue Bond Program), discretely presented component units (mostly recognized auxiliary organizations), student accounts, government grants and contracts, intra-agency (i.e. other CSU campuses and the CO), and others. Intra-agency receivables and payables are eliminated at Systemwide level. Please see Legal Manual Chapter 28, Accounts Receivable for more details related to the account. Lease receivable Lease receivable of the University arise mainly from capital lease agreements with certain discretely presented component units to lease existing and newly constructed facilities to the discretely presented component unit. Notes receivable Notes receivable of the University arise mainly from note agreements with certain discretely presented component units to finance existing and newly constructed facilities for the discretely presented component units. This type of notes receivable is carried in the books of the CO as the agreement is entered into by the CSU Trustees and the discretely presented component units. Pledges receivable Pledges receivable of the University represent promises from donors to make a gift or philanthropic grant in the future. At the CSU, most of the pledges are managed by discretely presented component units. Please see GAAP Manual Chapter 8.7, Pledge Reporting Guidelines for more detailed information. 4.01.3-1 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . Student loans receivable Student loans receivable generally do not meet the definition of a current asset, as the related payments to be received within 12 months of the Statement of Net Position (SNP) date are not available for liquidation of current liabilities. Therefore, the entire student loans receivable balance should be classified as a noncurrent asset in the SNP, unless the funds collected on the receivable are expected to be available for current operations within 12 months. Policy on Allowance for doubtful accounts The University maintains an allowance for doubtful accounts for estimated losses inherent in its accounts receivable based on type of receivables and expectations of repayment. In establishing the required allowance, management considers one or more of the following: type of receivable, state guidelines, historical losses adjusted to take into account current market conditions, the amount of receivable in dispute, the current receivable aging, and current payment patterns. The University reviews its allowance for doubtful accounts annually. Pastdue balances over 90 days and over a specified amount are reviewed individually for collectability. Allowance for doubtful accounts are recorded in legal basis records. Please refer to Legal Manual Chapter 28, Accounts Receivable for detailed discussions of contra receivable accounts. Policy on classification of current and noncurrent assets The University considers its assets to be current if it can reasonably be expected, as part of its normal business operations, to be converted to cash and be available for liquidation of current liabilities within 12 months of the SNP date (June 30). All other assets should be considered noncurrent. 2 RELEVANT ACCOUNTING LITERATURE GASB Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting For Nonexchange Transactions GASB Statement No. 48, Sales and Pledges of Receivables and Future Revenues and IntraEntity Transfers of Assets and Future Revenue GASB 62, Codification of Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidance Contained in PreNovember 30, 1989 FASB and AICPA Pronouncements (which covers lease accounting and classification between current and noncurrent assets.) 4.01.3-2 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . 3 OBJECTIVES OF GAAP ADJUSTMENTS The objectives of the GAAP adjustments necessary at June 30 related to receivables are: Accounts Receivable To record current year net appropriations and appropriations receivable for those funds appropriated by the State. To record the reduction in state appropriations receivable for funds received during the current year. To properly classify accounts receivable between current and noncurrent. Student Loans Receivable To properly classify student loan receivable to Grants refundable account for recognizing the reserve allowance. Lease Receivables To set up lease receivable (for campus originated capital leases that are non-Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) related). To apply collection of lease payments against lease receivables. To properly classify lease receivable between current and noncurrent. Notes Receivables To set up notes receivable (for campus originated note agreements that are non-SRB related). To apply collection of note payments against notes receivables. To properly classify notes receivable between current and noncurrent. Pledge Receivable To record pledge receivable at June 30 when the pledge commitments meet all eligibility requirements (this line item is not available in the legal-basis records). Allowance for Doubtful Accounts To adjust the allowance for doubtful accounts (if necessary). 4.01.3-3 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . 4 GAAP ACCOUNTING T REATMENT AND JOURNAL ENTRIES 4.1 RELATED GAAP ACCOUNT(S) 711103 – Accounts receivable, net (current) 711202 – Accounts receivable, net (noncurrent) 711105 – Leases receivable, current portion 711209 – Leases receivable, net of current portion 711110 – Notes Receivable, current portion 711210 – Notes receivable, net of current portion 711106 – Pledges receivable, net (current) 711204 – Pledges receivable, net (noncurrent) 711203 – Student loans receivable, net 4.2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Overview The accounts receivable are mainly recorded in the legal-basis books as mentioned above and it derives properly to GAAP account 711103 Accounts Receivable, Net, except for state appropriation receivables, which is recorded only in the GAAP ledger. As such, the discussion below is focused on state appropriation receivables. The State appropriates funds to the University on an annual basis. The appropriations are, in turn, allocated among the campuses by the Systemwide Budget Office. Appropriations are recognized as revenue/receivable in general when authorization is received and are reported as either noncapital appropriations when used to support general operations or capital appropriations when used for capital projects. In legal basis accounting, state appropriations are allocated to the campuses via allocation orders and are recorded by campuses as budget entries only. Budget entries are “memo entries” in legal basis accounting records, and they do not affect a campus’ legal basis assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, or encumbrances. Therefore, in these funds (governmental funds), revenue for appropriations is not recognized on the SAM07 Preclosing Trial Balance. Appropriated SCO Funds 0001 General Fund 0660* Public Building Construction Fund 0668* Public Building Construction Fund Subaccount 6028 2002 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund (HECOBF) 6041 2004 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund (HECOBF) 6048 2006 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund (HECOBF) 4.01.3-4 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . *Funding provided by the State for the construction projects under the Public Work Board (PWB) program is recorded as state appropriation revenue, capital by the campuses in GAAP. A corresponding contra state appropriation revenue, capital is recognized by the CO in order to self-eliminate upon systemwide consolidation. This is not a true state appropriation, the account is simply used as mechanism to facilitate the consolidation. Campuses no longer receive allocation orders from the CO related to the Lottery Fund, and as a result it is no longer reported as state appropriations revenue/receivable in GAAP. GAAP Accounting Treatment Current Year State Appropriation For GAAP financial reporting purposes, current year state appropriations represent a receivable of the University from the State. A receivable and revenue must be recorded for GAAP purposes at June 30. The first step in developing state appropriations revenue is to identify all allocation orders, de-allocation orders, and allocation orders pending, which make up the total current year appropriations to the campus. It will be necessary to distinguish the Capital Outlay allocations from those for the General Fund (0001), because the GAAP adjustments for these two groups of funds are recorded in different net position categories. Current year state appropriations to the campus in State fund 0660 and 0668 usually are for the construction projects funded by the SPWB. Campuses usually recognize this as state appropriation revenue, capital in GAAP in the current year. In fact, the state will usually turn around and set up a capital lease arrangement with the CO in subsequent years. Additionally, the CO issues Systemwide Allocation Transfers (SWAT) to the campus to fund special programs. The SWAT’s are mapped to and must be recorded as state appropriations revenue, noncapital in GAAP. The CO will issue “General Fund Noncapital Appropriation Support Summary” by campus for each campus to reconcile its state appropriations revenue, noncapital. This summary is included in the “State Appropriations Revenue, Noncapital Summary” that is distributed at year-end by the CO (as discussed in GAAP Manual Chapter 5). Campus will continue to use the “Capital Outlay Allocations Summary” issued by the CO to reconcile its state appropriations revenue-capital (also discussed in GAAP Manual Chapter 5). 4.01.3-5 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . The journal entry to record a receivable and revenue from the State for current year appropriations would be as follows: State appropriation, noncapital for General Fund (0001) Account 711103 723001 Journal Description Account Name Accounts receivable, net (current year net amount) State appropriations, noncapital (current year net amount) Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount 881-Unrestricted 90 001 $X,XXX 881-Unrestricted 50 001 ($X,XXX) Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount Fund (Net Position) To record FY 201X-1X state appropriation for General Fund (0001). State appropriation, capital for HECOBF fund Fund (Net Position) Account Account Name 711202 Accounts receivablenoncurrent (current year net amount) 834-Restricted: ExpendableCapital Projects 90 320 $X,XXX 724001 State appropriations, capital (current year net amount) 834-Restricted: ExpendableCapital Projects 50 320 ($X,XXX) Journal Description To record FY 201X-1X state appropriation for HECOBF fund. Collection of State Appropriation Funds The collection of the state appropriation funds are recorded in the legal-basis books as a credit to Fund Balance Clearing (FBC) account as these are actual transactions that have cleared the State Controller’s Office (SCO) during the fiscal year. In GAAP, the current year activity (Periods 1 -12) in the FBC account will be reclassified as a reduction of the Accounts Receivable for Appropriations due from the State. See related discussion in GAAP Manual Chapter 4 Fund Balance Clearing. In appropriated funds (governmental funds), the accounts receivable for state appropriations equals: Beginning state appropriations receivable (BBA on Tab Run at June 30, 20PY) + Current year net appropriations revenue (SRECNP) - Current year FBC activity (Periods 1-12) +/- Any other adjustments (e.g. reverted BBA) = State appropriations receivable at June 30, 20CY 4.01.3-6 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . Other Funds that receive Allocation Orders In addition to the governmental funds listed above, there are other SCO funds for which campuses receive allocation orders from the State via the CO. These funds are normally used for construction of assets from the proceeds of revenue bonds or from net revenues of auxiliary enterprise operations. An example of such a fund is SCO Fund 0576 (CSU Funds 221 through 229). While it may appear from review of SCO accounting information that the campus has received an appropriation for such a fund and therefore must record appropriation revenue and a State Appropriation receivable, this is not the proper accounting treatment. See GAAP Manual Chapter 4 Long-Term Debt Obligation. 4.3 LEASES RECEIVABLE Overview Prior to January 1, 2008, to facilitate the debt financing for a discretely presented component unit construction project, the campus enters into a ground and facilities lease agreement with the discretely presented component unit prior to the SRB issuance. The term and payment schedule under the ground and facilities lease agreements mirrors the term and debt service schedule of the related SRB debt issued by the campus. Effective January 1, 2008, the campus no longer issues a ground and facility lease agreement with the discretely presented component units, but rather the CO enters into a note agreement with the participating discretely presented component unit for financing debt under the revenue bond or revenue bond anticipation notes program. GAAP Accounting Treatment The GAAP accounting treatment is discussed in the memorandum AD06-06, see copy in Section 5.0 Reference Tools. Per the memorandum, the ground and facilities lease agreement meets the capital lease criteria per GAAP. As the lessor in the arrangement, the campus shall recognize Lease Receivables, Noncurrent in GAAP. This account is not recognized in the legal-basis books, as such manual GAAP adjusting entries are required. Below are the GAAP entries, both derived and manual, to record the collection of lease payments from discretely presented component unit. 4.01.3-7 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . Derived GAAP Entry (Period 1-12) Account 711101 723006 (a) Journal Description Class (CSU Fund) 537 Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Account Name Program Amount Cash and cash equivalents 90 $X,XXX Other nonoperating Revenue 881-Unrestricted 15 537 ($X,XXX) (Expense) Accounting records derived from legal for recording periodical lease payments from discretely presented component unit. (a) Object code 580098-Auxiliary Program Lease Principal Payment is used in legal for recording the principal payment on debt issued prior to January 2008. Manual GAAP Entry (Period 998) Account 723006 711105 Journal Description Fund (Net Position) Class (CSU Fund) Fund (Net Position) Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount 881-Unrestricted 90 537 $X,XXX 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) Account Name Program Amount Other nonoperating Revenue 881-Unrestricted 15 537 $X,XXX (Expense) Leases receivable, current 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) portion To properly reclassify the principal payment derived from legal basis as reduction of lease receivable. Account Account Name 711105 Leases receivable, portion 711209 Leases receivable, net of current portion Journal Description To re-establish the current portion of leases receivable balance. current Please refer to Chapter 10, Auxiliary Organizations of the legal manual for more details about the legal accounting entry. 4.4 NOTES RECEIVABLE Effective January 1, 2008, there is no ground and lease agreement signed between the campus and the discretely presented component units for financing the latter’s construction, refunding of old debt and purchase of capital assets. The note agreement is actually signed between the discretely presented component units and the CSU Trustees directly (carried in the books of the CO). The campus may be involved through the following scenarios: 4.01.3-8 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . a. Acts as a pass-through to collect payments of debt service from discretely presented component units and to transfer it to the CO (see GAAP Treatment Scenario 1 below). b. Acts as a capital project manager on behalf of the discretely presented component unit (see GAAP Treatment Scenario 2 below). c. No involvement as proceeds and payments of debt service are directly between CO and discretely presented component units. No campus entries. GAAP Treatment Scenario 1 – Campus is acting as an agent only No manual GAAP adjusting entry by campus is required for the periodic principal payments from the discretely presented component unit as payments have already been recorded and derived as other liability in the campus’ legal accounting records. Object code 250002 "Uncleared Collections" is derived to GAAP account 712109 “Other liabilities – current”. The CO should create a manual GAAP entry to apply the payments against Notes Receivable. Derived GAAP Entry (Period 1-12) Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Account 711102 Account Name Short-term investment 712109(b) Journal Description Other liability-current 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) Accounting records derived from legal-basis books for recording periodical debt service payments collected from discretely presented component unit. Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 537 Account 712109(b) Account Name Other liability-current 711102 Journal Description Short-term investment 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) Accounting records derived from legal-basis books for transferring discretely presented component unit's debt service payment to the CO. (b)Object Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 537 Amount $X,XXX Amount $X,XXX code 250002-Uncleared collection is used in legal for recording auxiliary debt service payment after the SB 855. Please refer to the legal manual, Chapter 10, Auxiliary Organizations for more details about the legal accounting entry. 4.01.3-9 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . Scenario 2 – Campus is acting as a project manager Discretely presented component unit construction projects after the Senate Bill 855. Derived GAAP Entry (Period 1-12) Account 722004 Account Name Supplies and other services Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted 713899 Journal Description Fund Balance Clearing 881-Unrestricted Program Various Class (CSU Fund) 537 Amount $X,XXX 90 537 ($X,XXX) Accounting records derived from legal for recording vendor payments. Manual GAAP Entry (Period 998) Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Account 711206 Account Name Other long-term investment 712208 Journal Description Other liabilities-noncurrent 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) To properly record the authority to spend the SRB proceeds and establish liability to the discretely presented component unit. Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 537 Account 713899 Account Name Fund Balance Clearing 711206 Journal Description Other long-term investment 881-Unrestricted 90 537 ($X,XXX) To properly reclassify construction expenses charged to fund balance clearing recorded in legal basis to investments. Account 711208 Account Name Other liabilities-noncurrent Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted 722004 Journal Description Supplies and other services 881-Unrestricted Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 537 Amount $X,XXX Amount $X,XXX Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 537 Amount $X,XXX Various 537 ($X,XXX) To properly reclassify the construction expenses recorded in legal basis to reduce other liabilities. The CO will provide passdown entries for campuses and their discretely presented component units that utilized SRB financing. The above examples are simplified in the GAAP manual. Actual transactions in the passdown entries are more complicated and require more thoughtful communications between the campus, the discretely presented component units and the CO. If the campus is a party to such a transaction, the campus should contact the discretely presented component units as soon as possible to verify that both parties are properly 4.01.3-10 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . recording the transaction. Additionally, the campus and the discretely presented component units must also consult with the CO, the independent auditors of the discretely presented component unit, and the independent auditors of the campus in order to determine 1) the proper accounting treatment for the transaction and 2) consistency in accounting treatment within the CSU as a whole. Note that in certain situations, the total construction costs of the asset may ultimately be more or less than the SRB issuance amount. In these situations, the campus and the related discretely presented component units would need to come to agreement on how to handle the resulting “excess” or “shortfall” and consider this aspect in determining the proper accounting treatment In addition to construction, the discretely presented component units is able to participate in the refunding of its senior bonds through the SRB, also discussed in AD 06-06. 4.5 PLEDGES RECEIVABLE GASB Statement No. 33 requires that the pledge receivable should be recognized as assets on the University’s SNP if it meets all applicable eligibility requirements. Example In the current year, a donor makes a promise to give the CSU $240,000 each year for five years starting 06/30/CY. This promise to give is unconditional and can be recorded when received. Derived GAAP Entry (Period 1-12) Account 711101 711103(c) 724002 Journal Description (c)Object 4.01.3-11 Account Name Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net (current) Grants and gifts, capital Program 90 Class (CSU Fund) 491 Amount $240,000 881-Unrestricted 90 491 $240,000 881-Unrestricted 50 491 ($480,000) Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Accounting records derived from legal for recording pledge payments from donors. code 103007-Accounts Receivable-Other is used in legal as pledges receivable is not available in legal. GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . Manual GAAP Entry (Period 998) Account 711106 711204 711103 724002* Journal Description Fund (Net Position) 881-Unrestricted Class (CSU Fund) 491 Account Name Program Amount Pledges receivable, net (Current) 90 $240,000 Pledges receivable, net 881-Unrestricted 90 491 $720,000 (Noncurrent) Accounts receivable, net 881-Unrestricted 90 491 ($240,000) (Current) Grants and gifts, capital 881-Unrestricted 50 491 ($720,000) To reclassify accounts receivable, net (current) to pledges receivable (current) and to record yearend gross pledges. *If the pledges are for noncapital purposes, 723002-Gifts, noncapital should be used. Please refer to Chapter 8.7, Pledge Reporting Guidelines of GAAP Manual, for detailed discussion of pledge reporting. 4.6 STUDENT LOANS RECEIVABLE GAAP Treatment Federally Guaranteed Student Loans Under the William Ford Direct Loan Program and the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), the CSU acts as an agent in disbursing money provided by the lenders and the Federal government to the students. Accordingly, the direct loan program and FFELP should be reported as agency transactions; no revenue or expense should be recognized and the SNP should contain only assets or liabilities for these programs. Other Loan Programs The Federal Perkins and Nursing Loan Programs also shall be reported as agency transactions. Prior to fiscal year 2001/02, these programs were reported as loan programs with revenues, expenses and net position. However, any cash, investments and receivable balances that are carried in these programs at the end of the fiscal year are considered to represent a refundable grant liability to the Federal government, as they must be repaid to the government if they are not continually loaned out to students. At a minimum, an allowance for the portion of student loans receivable deemed uncollectible in the Perkins or Nursing Loan Programs is required for GAAP purposes. There appears to be some inconsistency in the method each campus uses to obtain this estimate, but the idea is that a reserve allowance is recorded. One common method used to estimate the allowance amount at fiscal year-end is to obtain the annual Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) report under Part III-Federal Perkins Loan Program which contains the loan balances in default 240 or more days (lines 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 in the A-133 Input Sheet of TM1 reporting package). 4.01.3-12 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . GAAP entry to recognize the reserve allowance is as follows: Account 712203 711203* Journal Description Fund Account Name (Net Position) Program 892-Agency funds: Grants Grants refundable 90 Refundable Student loans receivable, 892-Agency funds: Grants 90 net Refundable To properly record the reserve allowance for the current fiscal year. Class (CSU Fund) 406 406 Amount $X,XXX ($X,XXX) *Object code 104015, Allowance Uncollectible Accounts-Student Loans Receivable, derives to 711203, Student loans receivable, net. On an ongoing basis, only the incremental change in the allowance from the prior year to the current year is recorded. The campus may also reverse the gross amount of the GAAP adjustment from the prior year and record the full amount of the current year uncollectible allowance as a current year GAAP adjustment if that is more practical. 5 REFERENCE TOOLS 5.1 AD06-06 SYSTEMWIDE REVENUE BOND PROGRAM – AUXILIARY ORGANIZATION DEBT REFINANCING AND CONSTRUCTION FINANCING AD06-06.pdf 5.2 TABLES OF OBJECT CODE AND CSU FUND DEFINITIONS http://www.calstate.edu/SFSR/standards_and_rules/2014/Tables-of-Object-Code-andCSU-Fund-Definitions-Updated-10-30-14.xls 5.3 CAMPUS PASSDOWN SCHEDULES http://www.calstate.edu/sfsr/gaap/ 4.01.3-13 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015 . REVISION CONTROL Document Title: CHAPTER 4.1.3 – GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES – ASSETS: RECEIVABLES REVISION AND APPROVAL HISTORY Section(s) Revised 4.2.1 4.01.3-14 Summary of Revisions Removed state fund 0574 from the fund list as it is closed as of 06/30/2015 Revision Date April 2015 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Assets: Receivables | June 30, 2015