How we became a EER region Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo Consellería Key info about Valencian Region 5,1 million inhabitants; over 22 million tourists Valencia’s GDP accounts for nearly 10% of Spain’s GDP. 13.5% of foreign citizens who live in Spain 5 commercial seaports international airports and 2 514km of coastline Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 2 Innovative Entrepreneurship: we had an excellent platform to start with 5 Science Parks 4 European Business Innovation Centers (CEEIS) Young Entrepreneur Associations 9 Universities and Business schools Chambers of Commerce Regional Ecosystem to support innovative entrepreneurship 8 Business Incubators/ Accelators Business Angels network 14 Institutes of technology Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 3 However, we visited Boston, Helsinki and Tel Aviv ecosystems to study best pratices Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 4 After learning from the best, we completed a swot analysis… OPORTUNITIES 1. Development of intensive-knowledge services and high-tech industry as new economic engines 2. Transformation through continuous innovation of traditional sectors: Hi-tech to Low tech 3. Campus of International Excellence: repercussion of the university system 4. Self-employment as a driver of the economy and in the fight against unemployment 5. Good interplay between the public and private agents of entrepreneurial system. 6. Emergence of new sectors with high growth potential (renewable energy, health care, tourism, environment, ICT, chemistry and logistics) 7. Attraction of new customers and investors from emerging countries in process of internationalization: increasing attraction of foreign capital 8. Start of administrative deregulation for business creation THREATS 1. Short and medium-term perspectives of slow economic growth in and other advanced economies. Weak restarting up of domestic demand 2. Credit and liquidity constraints. Concentration of Venture Capital in and 3. Strong migration of human capital of excellence 4. Limitation of productive and commercial expansion of Valencian companies due to their small size and low level of cooperation 5. Scant consideration for entrepreneurship and fear of failure in entrepreneurial activity STRENGTHS 1. Geo-strategic position in the Mediterranean area: Mediterranean Corridor 2. Powerful tourism sector: Tourism as a role of raising the profile of the region. 3. Experience in foreign markets, especially in sectors such as automotive, food,&agriculture, footwear & ceramic 4. Important network of traditional SME’s with capacity for growth and expansion by using new technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing technologies 5. Strong innovative capacities along with excellent scientific and academic infrastructure 6. Large availability of human capital/resources due to improvements in education. Better academic and training levels of entrepreneurs 7. Provision of industrial land in attractive conditions and excellent access WEAKNESSES 1. High unemployment rate, low education level of the unemployed 2. Issues of productivity levels and improvements pace: loss of external competitiveness 3. Scarce use of human capital, high rate of overqualification and low level of spending on R + D + i 4. Insufficient business vocations with appropriate training 5. Difficulties for companies to grow accordingly to the market 6. Shortage of big/international companies, as driving forces in the global economy and in the training of executive boards. Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 5 …and we started defining the basics MISSION “Valencian Region is to promote entrepreneurship culture and enable sustainable, smart, and inclusive entrepreneurs through its Industrial and Economic policy, which should offer citizens and companies a better environment to create new companies and better quality jobs “ Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 6 VISION To become a European Reference in Entrepreneurship because of: 1. A coordinated collaborative and cross-cutting model among public administration, education entities, private sector. 2. A sound entrepreneurial culture in society and in businesses. By educating, promoting the desire to undertake as a contribution to the development of society, the improvement of quality of life and of our society, emphasizing the social aspect of job creation. 3. A high attraction to talent as a source of innovation and wealth creation. 4. A high rate of technology transfer among universities, research institutes and companies. 5. A wide consensus on strategy (Entrepreneurial Valencian Council) Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 7 We have defined our own cross cutting strategy to boost entrepreneurship Governance 1. Development of an attractive, sustainable, effective and efficient Entrepreneur Ecosystem 2. Boosting intensive knowledge entrepreneurship in emerging and traditional sectors 3. Innovative and entrepreneurial culture committed to the region International attraction Entrepreneur Helpdesk Specialization, efficiency and support throughout the cycle: idea, start-up, consolidation, acceleration Administrative simplification – efficiency Technology transfer. Interconnection supply – demand Global Dimension for entrepreneurship & innovation Entrepreneurship for a better Climate sustainability Entrepreneurial and innovative culture Entrepreneurship as a Goal for the Universities Communication Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 8 Action Plan. Small Business Act Forward-looking strategy to increase the innovation potential of small enterprises. We completely assist our SME together with our 4 Business Innovation Centers (BICs) located in Valencian Region in coordination with the key role played by our Universities(5), our 5 Scientific Parks and our 14 Technological Institutes. Start Points helpdesk (customer service desks for entrepreneurs). Our objective: deploying throughout all our Regional territory 50 Start Points helpdesks located within public administration bodies, municipalities, private entities, professional associations, business associations or chambers of commerce. Looking for administrative simplification and efficiency, during the EER year CRM Entrepreneur e-CENSUS Software Development/file of the entrepreneur will be running. ‘Top Ten laws project’ to highlight our commitment to derogate laws that generate barriers for business. Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo Action Plan. Financing In our cross cutting strategy, boosting early stage investment is essential. Good teams/projects have to have the opportunity to overcome death valley Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 10 Action Plan. Financing The regional government has deployed financial instruments to support start ups all along their initial stages under a private co-investment basis Instruments Subordinated loans To co-invest with Entrepreneurs, friends and family Business Angels Venture Capital funds Participation in VC Funds Venture Capital funds Other instruments: microcredit Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 11 Action Plan. Financing In 3 years, regional government has co-invested 19,4M€ in 159 companies; the total amount including private investment has reached 59M€ 6 deals* 39 deals 2 M€ 114 deals 6 M€ 11M€ * Only 1 year in place Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 12 Action Plan. Financing We also participate directly in private funds. We are currently looking for new participations in VC funds Office in Valencian Region MITEF Fondo Investment profile No office in Valencian Region but investment commitment 2x Inveready 5M€ 10M€* 3M€ 17M€ Technology transfer Innovation driven companies TIC Software Online services Biotech Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 13 Action Plan. Empowering entrepreneurship culture Promoting social recognition of the entrepreneur’s figure and ensuring the transmission of entrepreneurial success is a must for us. Promoting entrepreneurial attitudes, values, acquisition of skills leading to entrepreneurship. More than 7.740 students have already participated, at 15,480 hours. Next two years, it will be implemented with a similar participation. Development of training programmes with special attention to teachers and professors through our Summer Camp programmes. Closer cooperation, especially between higher education and enterprises: “the Patents Bank”. This initiative, one of the major strategic bets for technology transfer, was born in 2013 for promoting the encounter between entrepreneurs, businesses and generating innovative knowledge centers, ( Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo Action Plan: Governance and consensus Valencian Entrepreneur Council VEC. It is a remarkable figure of our Action Plan, because of its transversal and coordinative role. In charge of designing a more efficient strategy for the promotion of entrepreneurship, policies management and results. Made up of representatives from public administrations, academic institutions, social and economic institutions such as technological institutes, chambers of commerce, industry and navigation, business organizations, young entrepreneurs, cooperatives and autonomous workers’ organizations. Acting as an advisory body, the Council shall be responsible for making proposals to help improve legislation on entrepreneurship, as the center of regional government measures Consistent with the better implementation of the SBA and the entrepreneurial strategy. Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo Some relevant events The most important event on innovation in Europe, EMTECH, improving innovation potential in SMEs. Organized by the Spanish edition of the MIT magazine Technology Review, it is considered one of the most important events in the world on technology and entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneur’s Day which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2015, and (Do Networking/ Get Involved 16 workshops per year), mobilizing more than 43.000 entrepreneurs since 2006. Sustainability is one of our key points. Valencian Region participates as one of the 6 Regions in CLIMATE KIC, one of the three Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs) created in 2010 by the European Innovation and Technology Institute (EIT). Iberian Techtour. International investors and top Startups from Spain and Portugal met in Valencia and Lisbon the 1st October 2014 . Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo This strategy is completely aligned with our industrial policies and our sectorial specialization (RIS3) ÁREAS ESPECIALIZACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA EJES DE DESARROLLO Materiales avanzados y nanotecnologías Fabricació n avanzada TIC Biotecnología Tecnologías Micro y energéticas y nanoelectróni ca y fotónica medioambientales Logística Turismo y calidad de vida EJE 1 CALIDAD DE VIDA Promoción de la salud y sanidad eficiente CALIDAD DE VIDA Agroalimentació n, cosmética y productos hogar EJE 2 PRODUCTO INNOVADOR EJE 3 PROCESOS AVANZADOS DE FABRIC. Bienes de consumo personalizado PRODUCTOS INNOVADORES EJE DE SOSTENIBILIDAD Hábitat: La vivienda y su entorno Automoción y movilidad PROCESOS AVANZADOS DE FABRICACIÓN Bienes de equipo Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 17 Let´s keep it clear… Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 18 Some good results have already been achieved… Valencia Region´s strategy awarded as “Entrepreneurial European Region 2015” +30 new companies are created per day Top 3 in number of start ups in Spain; n#1 in terms of accelerators, incubators and co-working spaces 1 out of 4 people in adulthood is engaged in any of the stages of the entrepreneurial process (intention, emerging activity, new or consolidate activity). GEM report +120 start ups are accelerated by experienced incubators/accelators Together with London, Singapore, Seoul and Rio de Janeiro we have been selected to develop the REAP at MIT (Regional Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program) Nevertheless, we are just at the beginning of a transformational change Conselleria de Economía, Industria, Turismo y Empleo 19