PowerPoint - Making Molar Solutions - Procedure

What are molar solutions?
A molar solution is one that expresses
“concentration” in moles per volume
Usually the units are in mol/L
mol/L can be abbreviated as M or [ ]
Molar solutions are prepared using:
a balance to weigh moles (as grams)
a volumetric flask to measure litres
L refers to entire volume, not water!
Because the units are mol/L,
we can use the equation M = n/L
Alternatively, we can use the factor label method
Calculations with molar solutions
Q: How many moles of NaCl are required to
make 7.5 L of a 0.10 M solution?
M=n/L, n = 0.10 M x 7.5 L = 0.75 mol
# mol NaCl = 7.5 L x 0.10 mol NaCl = 0.75 mol
But in the lab we weigh grams not moles, so …
Q: How many grams of NaCl are required to
make 7.5 L of a 0.10 M solution?
# g NaCl =
7.5 L x 0.10 mol NaCl x 58.44 g NaCl =43.83 g
1 mol NaCl
Read pages 288 – 290. Do Q 19 - 22
19. # g NaOH =
3.00 L x 0.125 mol NaOHx 40.00 g NaOH =15.0 g
1 mol NaOH
20. # g NaCl =
5.0 L x 0.56 mol NaCl x 58.44 g NaCl = 164 g
1 mol NaCl
21. 355 ppm = 355 mg/L or 0.355 g/L
# g CO2 = 1.00 Lx 0.355 g CO2 =.355 g
0.355 g CO2x 1 mol CO2 = 8.07 x 10–3 mol
44.0 g CO2  1L = 8.07 x 10–3 mol/L
22. a) 235 g  3000 mL x 100% =7.83 % W/V
b) mol/L = 4.02 mol / 3.00 L = 1.34 mol/L
Practice making molar solutions
1. Calculate # of grams required to make 100 mL
of a 0.10 M solution of NaOH (see above).
2. Get volumetric flask, plastic bottle, 100 mL
beaker, eyedropper. Rinse all with tap water.
3. Fill a beaker with distilled water.
4. Pour 20 - 30 mL of H2O from beaker into flask.
5. Weigh NaOH. Add it to flask. Do step 5 quickly.
6. Mix (by swirling) until the NaOH is dissolved.
7. Add distilled H2O to just below the colored
8. Add distilled H2O to the line using eyedropper.
9. Place solution in a bottle. Place label (tape) on
bottle (name, date, chemical, molarity). Place
More Practice Questions
For more lessons, visit
1. How many grams of nitric acid are present in 1.0 L
of a 1.0 M HNO3 solution? 63 g
2. Calculate the number of grams needed to produce
1.00 L of these solutions: a) 1.00 M KNO3 101 g
b) 1.85 M H2SO4 181 g c) 0.67 M KClO3 82 g
3. Calculate the # of grams needed to produce each:
a) 0.20 L of 1.5 M KCl b) 0.160 L of 0.300 M HCl
c) 0.20 L of 0.09 mol/L AgNO3 a) 22 g b) 1.75 g
d) 250 mL of 3.1 mol/L BaCl2
c) 3 g d) 0.16 kg
4. Give the molarity of a solution containing 10 g of
each solute in 2.5 L of solution: a)H2SO4 b)Ca(OH)2
5. Describe how 100 mL of a 0.10 mol/L
a) 0.041 mol/L
NaOH solution would be made.
b) 0.054 mol/L