Debt Bias Conceptual Analysis of the Issue EC – IMF Conference on Corporate Debt Bias 23 – 24 February 2015 – Brussels Ruud de Mooij Views are authors’ alone, and should not be attributed to the IMF, its Executive Boards, or its management 1 Outline Corporate debt bias What is the issue? How big is the bias? Why do we have a bias? Should we care? Policy options Specifics of debt bias in the financial sector How different is it? Should we care more? Policy options 2 Debt Bias Two distinct issues Bias in corporate financial structures Multinational debt shifting 3 Bias in corporate financial structures Debt Equity Corporate Level Personal Level Tax deductible for CIT 1. Exempt 2. Taxable at PIT Not tax deductible for CIT 1. Exempt 2. Taxable at PIT: - dividend tax - capital gains tax 4 Cost of Capital Debt versus Equity PIT Exempt Investor PIT Taxed Investor (top PIT) 16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 US Japan Equity Debt Europe (27) US Japan (New) Equity Europe (27) Debt 5 Multinational Debt Shifting Debt Equity Parent (home) Subsidiary (host) Interest taxable at home-country CIT Interest deductible Dividend exempt (most EU countries) Profit taxable at host-country CIT 6 Coefficient of variation in CIT rates 10% World Europe 5% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7 Debt Bias How big is effect on corporate financial structures? 8 Multinational Debt Shifting Source: Hebous and Ruf (2015) 9 Empirical literature debt bias / debt shifting Studies usually estimate D/A = α+βτ+γX+e Variation in τ over time, among firms within a country, or cross-country variation Usually for non-financial firms only Both internal and external debt Summary of 19 studies; 267 estimates Most report marginal effect of τ on D/A (=β) Elasticity better comparable ε = d㏑(D/A)/d τα R.A. de Mooij, The Tax Elasticity of Corporate Debt: A Synthesis of Size and Variations, IMF WP 11/95 Summary of empirical findings 70 60 National variation 50 40 Cross-country variation 30 20 10 0 <0 < 0; ¼> < ¼;½> < ½; ¾> <¾; 1> <1;1¼> <1¼;1½> > 1½ Main findings of literature Consensus of marginal impact coefficient is 0.28, i.e. raising CIT rate by 10 pt will increase debt/asset ratio by 2.8 pt, e.g. from 50 to 52.8 Effect increasing over time, e.g. effect today is 50 percent larger than in mid 1990s Response of intracompany debt not significantly different from external debt Debt Bias Why do we have a bias? Accounting Administrative Legal Economic 13 It’s the accountants’ fault! Interest on debt is seen as genuine cost of doing business – deductible from income Equity returns are no business costs, but reward for owner – should not be deductible Intracompany debt: under separate accounting, for each transaction within a MNC there is an equivalent external – ‘arms length’ Administration: why CIT in the first place? One could tax corporate returns at individual Interest: taxed at PIT – deductible for CIT Dividends: taxed at PIT – imputation of CIT Capital gains: can be taxed at PIT, but … CIT administratively appealing as WHT, yet … … imputation systems disappeared … internationalization breaks links Legal: what distinguishes debt from equity? Debt … … yields fixed return … has limited maturity … has prior claim … has no voting right Equity … … yields variable return … has unlimited maturity … has residual claim … gives voting right But … No dichotomy between debt – equity: hybrids blur distinction –demarcation rules vary Intracompany debt – is there any difference between debt holder and equity owner? Economic: theory of second best Modigliani-Miller Firm value independent of debt/equity ratio – no unique optimal choice of debt Imperfect capital markets Information asymmetries: bankruptcy cost, agency costs; signaling debt bias raises risk premia Imperfections in debt markets might be worse than in equity markets? Debt might be more/less mobile than equity? No general ‘direction’ for the required correction in second-best Summing up Discrimination between debt and equity originate from accounting principles, but … … have no administrative appeal – on the contrary … have an increasingly problematic legal base – hybrids … induces significant arbitrage risks … have no clear economic rationale – perhaps the opposite (too high risk premia) Debt Bias Should we care? 19 Welfare costs of debt bias Using trade-off theories ‘Triangles’ might be small – WeichenriederKlautke (2008); Sorenson (2014) Externalities can magnify them – rectangles Business cycle – magnify shocks Externalities of excess debt Financial Sector Arbitrage – administration and compliance Debt Bias Policy Options Treat all returns as we currently treat equity Treat all returns as we currently treat debt 21 Comprehensive Business Income Tax Deny interest deductibility Consistent with comprehensive income tax Base-broadening allows for rate reduction Problems & complexities Higher cost of capital Requires special regime for banks International mismatches Transitional regime for pre-existing debt Restrictions to mitigate debt shifting Deny deductibility of certain types of interest Arm’s length Thin cap rule (TCR) – D/E ratio Earning stripping rule – interest cap Do not generally address debt bias 2/3 of all TCRs apply to internal debt only Usually a (very) high threshold Often do not apply to financial sector ACE –the love baby in public finance Neutrality properties Practically feasible Consumption tax – neutral to investment Neutral to debt/equity; depreciation rules Experiences in Croatia, Austria, Italy Now operational in Brazil, Belgium, Italy Potentially costly 10 – 15 percent of CIT revenue of full ACE, but … … not in short-run if incremental (Italy) … not in long-run if economic benefits are large 24 ACE – Design Base of the ACE Initial equity base: zero (BEL) or base year (ITA) + taxable profit - CIT payable + dividends received - dividends paid + net new equity issues + net revenue from sale/purchase of shares in other companies x Rate of the ACE (risk-free rate of return) 25 Debt Bias in the Financial Sector How different is it? Should we care more? Policy options 26 Debt Bias in the Financial Sector How different is it? 27 How different do we expect banks to be? M. Keen & Ruud de Mooij, 2015, Debt, Taxes and Banks, JMCB (forthcoming) Banks face regulatory capital requirement Hybrids are particularly important for banks Banks enjoy (implicit) insurance Yet Banks generally hold buffers well above regulatory minima: room for tax bias Banks may already exploit hybrids fully Unclear how corporate governance affected 28 Findings from (small) recent literature Response average bank ≈ average non-bank But: Effect is on hybrid debt negligible Response banks with higher buffers bigger Response by largest banks is smaller (Fig) MNC banks shift debt to low-tax affiliates Should we care (more) about all this? 29 Empirical findings – banks of different size Source: Jost H. Heckemeyer and Ruud A. de Mooij (2014) 30 Should we care more? R.A. de Mooij, M. Keen and M. Orihara, 2014, Taxation, Bank Leverage and Financial Crisis, Volume MIT Press Three-stage estimate of the macro-economic cost of debt bias in financial sector 1. Impact of bias on aggregate bank leverage 2. Impact of average bank leverage on probability of financial crisis (highly nonlinear – see Fig) 3. Impact of crisis on GDP / Public debt 31 Social cost of debt bias in financial sector Increase in probability of crisis due to debt bias 45 Crisis Countries 40 35 Borderline Crisis 30 Others FRA DEU LUX NLD 25 20 NOR IRL 15 10 5 0 0.86 KOR ISR SWE CAN ITA FIN GRC POLCHL SVN ESP DNK USA MEX EST NZL SVK AUT HUN BEL TURPRT 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 Bank Leverage ratio (liabilities/assets) 0.98 32 But a lots of unknowns still … … on taxation and bank behavior E.g. MNC choice of subsidiaries vs branches Why does size matter? Importance of shadow banks … on taxation and financial stability Small response – big effects? Hybrids – effects on risk? Interaction regulation – taxation Cross-border spillovers of taxation 33 Debt Bias Policy Options ? Bank levies – EU experiences Thin-cap / regulatory cap ACE for banks – e.g. UK debate Radical reform: CBIT; R+F base 34