Question Bank SOC 101 - Don Bosco College, Kohima

Put a tick (
mark against the correct answer in the brackets provided:
1. The word ‘Sociology’ was coined by
(a) Herbert Spencer (
(b) August Comte
(c) Emile Durkheim (
(d) Max Weber
2. August Comte coined the term ‘Sociology’ in
(a) 1639
(b) 1749
(c) 1839
(d) 1929
3. Who is considered the founder of Sociology
(a) Karl Marx
(b) August Comte
(c) Herbert Spencer
(d) Max Weber
4. The literal or etymological meaning of the word ‘Sociology’ is
(a) Science of social problem
(b) Science of social origin
(c) Science of society
(d) Science of social methods
5. The word ‘Sociology ‘is derived from two languages. Which are they?
(a) Latin and Roman words
(b) Latin and Greek words
(c) Latin and Portuguese
(d) Greek and Roman words
6. The term “society” is derived from the ------- word
(a) Greek
(b) English (
(c) Latin
(d) French (
7. Sociology is the study of
(a) Social groups
(b) Society
(c) Human social behavior
(d) All the above
8. In which book was the term ‘Sociology’ first used
(a) Webster dictionary
(b) Positive Philosophy
(c) Principles of Sociology
(d) Rules of sociological method (
9. Who wrote the book “Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”?
(a) Max Weber
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) John Calvin
10. Who wrote the book “Das Capital”?
(a) Max Weber
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Jacques Rousseau
(d) Montesquieu
11. Which among the following is not a social science?
a. Social Anthropology (
b. Economics
c. Political Science
( )
d. Geography
12. The close relationship between sociology and other social sciences is due to the fact that they
have basically the same
a. Subject matter
b. Origin
( )
c. History
( )
d. Growth
13. The main difference between sociology and history is
a. Subject matter
b. Time frame and approach
c. Techniques of data collections (
d. None of the above
( )
14. Who said "History is past sociology and sociology is present history"?
a. G.E. Howard
b. Peter Wosley
c. T.B.Bottomore
d. Rudolph.
15. Political Science is the study of
a. Man and His works
b. The state and Government
c. Human History
d. Modern Politics
16. The twin sister sociology is
a. Psychology
( )
b. Education
( )
c. History
( )
d. Anthropology
( )
7. The term society is derived from the word
a. Greek
b. English
c. Latin
( )
d. French
18. Some of the problems that are common to both sociology and economics are
a. Poverty
b. Unequal distribution of wealth and power (
c. Social inequalities
d. All the above
19. Who said this: “Where there is life, there is society?”
a. MacIver
b. Max Weber (
c. Aristotle
d. Plato
20. Society is made up of
a. Culture
b. Civilisation
( )
c. Artefacts
d. Social groups (
21. Culture pertains to
a. Social etiquette
b. Religious attitude
c. Social heritage
d. Racial heritage
22. Which of the following is an example of material culture?
a. belief in heaven (
b. automobiles
c. folklore
d. spiritualism
( )
23. An achieved status is the status
a. shared by like minded people
b. inherited from parents
c. acquired through abilities and skills (
d. acquired through cultural diffusion (
24. Which of the following indicates an ascribed status?
a. medical doctor (
b. female
c) lecturer
d) engineer
25. Which is an essential element of community?
a. bureaucracy (
b. government (
c. territory
d. authority
26. A group of people organised for a particular purpose is known as
a. society
( )
b. community ( )
c. association ( )
d. institution (
27. One of the essential functions of the family is
a. economic co-operation ( )
b. procreation
( )
c. education
( )
d. religion
( )
28. The most common type of family in modern complex societies is the
a. nuclear family
b. joint family
c. extended family ( )
d. only (b) and (c) ( )
29. Social role is
a. the part by an actor in a drama
b. the behaviour of a person required by his status (
c. the standard of the living of the individual
30. In Northeast India, matrilineal family is found among the
a. Karbis
b. Mizos
c. Nagas
d. Khasis
( )
1. Sociology is the study of
a. social group
b. society
c. human social behaviour
d. all the above
2. Who wrote the book, ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’?
a. Max Weber
( )
b. Karl Marx
( )
c. Emile Durkheim ( )
d. John Calvin
( )
3. Other social sciences are special sciences where as sociology is
a. a general science ( )
b. a special science ( )
c. a pure science
( )
d. not a science
( )
4. The main difference between sociology and history is
a. subject matter
( )
b. time frame and approach
( )
c. techniques of data collection ( )
d. none of the above
5. The term ‘society’ in sociology is used to refer to
a. persons living in an area
( )
b. gathering of persons for a purpose ( )
c. the system of social relationships ( )
d. collection of NGOs
( )
6. Which is an essential characteristic of community?
a. Bureaucracy ( )
b. government
( )
c. territory
( )
d. authority
( )
7. A group of people organised for a particular purpose is known as
a. society
( )
b. community ( )
c. association ( )
d. institution ( )
8. Kinship based on marriage is called
a. marital relationship ( )
b. marital status
( )
c. consanguinity
( )
d. affinity
( )
9. How many tertiary kins can a person have?
a. 7
( )
b. 33
( )
c. 151
( )
d. 251
( )
10. The term ‘Evolution’ is derived from the Latin word ‘evolvere’ which means
a. to ‘to discover’
( )
b. ‘to develop’ or ‘to unfold ( )
c. ‘to change’
( )
d. ‘to advance’
( )
1. Sociology emerged as a distinct science in the 18th century. (T/F)
2. Sociology is relatively an abstract science and not a concrete science. (T/F)
3. Society is a web of social relationship. (T/F)
4. Man is a social animal both by nature and necessity. (T/F)
5. Sociology is an independent science. (T/F)
6. Sociology is a physical science and not a social science. (T/F)
7. Sociology is a pure science. (T/F)
8. Sociology is concerned about marriage as an institution. (T/F)
9. Nagas are Patrilineal in nature. (T/F)
10. Nagaland consists of eleven districts. (T/F)
11. The chief method of data collection in Sociology is social survey. (True/False)
21. Culture exists as a continuous process. (True/False)
22.Culture in ordinary language means refinement and good manners. (True/False)
23. An example of material culture is belief in spirits. (True/False)
24. The word ‘organisation’ is used to refer to the associational groups. (True/False)
25. The main bases of community are locality and community settlement. (True/False)
26. Common interest is not a characteristic of association. (True/False)
27. A Goal is an essential element of organisation. (True/False)
28. Radcliffe Brown presumes that society may be compared to a living organism. (True/False)
29. Association possess rights and obligations. (True/False)
30. Family is the most universal social group. (True/False)
1. Sociology is not an abstract science but a concrete science.
(T / F)
2. Society is a web of social relationships.
(T / F)
3. In unilineal descent group, descent is traced through a single line.
(T / F)
4. Polyandry is a union of one man with several women.
(T / F)
5. Social change means total change only.
(T / F)
1) What is the difference between natural science and social science?
2) What are the two schools of thought in sociology? Explain them in two lines each.
3) Write a definition on Sociology?
4) What is the subject matter of Sociology? Write in three lines.
5) What are the three differences of sociology and Economics?
6) Write three differences of Sociology and Anthropology?
7) Write the similarities of Sociology and History?
8) What is Social system?
9) Write on ascribed and achieved status.
10) Define Association.
11) What is Social Organisation?
12. Explain the term ‘social organisation’.
13. What is social system?
14. What are ascribed status and achieved status? Give examples.
15. Differentiate between patriarchal family and matriarchal family.
16. What are consanguineous kinship and affinal kinship?
17. What are the basic components of religion?
18. Name two characteristics of society.
19. Differentiate between sociology and political science.
1. Write on the characteristics of the nature of sociology.
2. What is the subject matter of sociology?
3. Explain the relationship between Sociology and History
4. Write the relationship of Sociology and Political science.
5. What is society? Explain its characteristics?
6. What is Culture? Explain its Characteristics.
7. What is Social Structure? Explain the Elements of social structure.
8. Define Family. What are the Functions of the family?
1. a. Define sociology. Discuss the growth of sociology.
b. Describe the nature and significance of sociology.
2. a. Discuss the relationship between sociology and history and write their differences.
b. Analyse the relationship and the difference between sociology and social anthropology.
3. a. Define culture. Mention the characteristics of culture.
b. What is social structure? Discuss the characteristics of social structure.
4. a. What is family? What are the functions of family?
b. What do you understand by marriage? Explain the different types of marriage?
5. a. Elaborate on the cyclic and evolution theory of social change.
b. What is social change? Bring out the various factors leading to social change.
Define Sociology and explain its subject matter and scope.
Define Sociology. What are the different methods of Sociology?
Define Sociology. Describe the nature of sociology.
Define sociology and examine its nature as a science.
Define sociology. Discuss the functionalist and conflict perspectives.
What is sociological perspective? Explain the functionalist and conflict paradigms.
Define sociology. Explain the scientific and humanistic orientations of sociological
Who coinen the term sociology and what does it mean?
Why is Auguste Comte considered as the founder of sociology?
Why is sociology the general study of sociology?
What is the difference between natural science and social science?
What is sociological perspective? Explain the conflict paradigm?
Explain the functionalist perspective of society?
What is the conflict model of society?
What is meant by scientific orientation in sociology?
What is humanistic orientation in sociology?
The word sociology was coined by ( Auguste Comte)
Auguste Comte coined the term sociology in ( 1839)
Who is considered the founder of sociology ( Auguste Comte)
The literal or etymological meaning of the word sociology is ( science of society)
The word sociology is derived from two languages. Which are they? ( Latin and
Greek word)
6. Which of the following statements is a suitable defination to sociology? ( Sociology is
the scientific study human society)
7. Who defines “sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their
conditions and consequences?” (Morries Ginsberg)
8. Which of the following is more important as a subject od study by a social science? (
social environment)
9. Sociology is a science because (it makes use of the scienctific method)
10. Sociology can be best described as (a science of intustrial society)
11. Sociology is the study of (social groups, society, human social behaviour)
12. In which book was the term sociology first used? (positive philosophy)
13. Who wrote the book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?”
14. Who first developed the idea that society makes progress through evolution? (Herbert
15. An important assumption of functionalism is that (society is a system of integreted
16. The main emphasis of the functionalist paradigm is (that society is a complex system
whose part focus on social order and stability)
17. The modern theory of social conflict owes its origin to (Karl Marx)
18. Who wrote the book “Das Capital” (Karl Marx)
19. Among the following who does not belong to the conflict school? (Herbert Spencer)
20. Symbolic interactionism assumes that the basic interaction is (the shared meaning of
symbols in a society)
21. Who among the following does not adop the symbolic interactionist perspective?
(Ralf Dahrendorf)
22. Scientific method means (a systematic way of studying)
23. Which of the following is an important step in the scientific method? (data collection)
24. Scientific explinations are based on (observation and experimentation)
1. Discuss the relationship of sociology with other sciences?
2. How would you explain the relation of sociology with social anthropology and
political science?
3. Describe how sociology is different from history, economics and political science and
state the similarities.
4. Explain the relationship of sociology with social anthropology, social psychology and
political science.
1. Explain the basic differences between sociology and social anthropology.
2. Explain the relationship of sociology and social anthropology.
3. Discuss the relationship between sociology and political science.
4. Bring out the relationship between sociology and economics.
5. State the similarities between sociology and economics.
6. Explain the relationship between sociology and history.
1. Which among the subject is not a social science? (Geography)
2. The close relationship between sociology and other sciences is due to the fact that
they have basically the same (subject matter)
3. Other social sciences are special sciences whereas sociology is (a general science)
4. Who said the relation between sociology and social anthropology is so close that
social anthropology is only another name for comparative sociology (Radcliffe
5. Who said that anthropology with all its branches and sociology are almost twin
sisters? (Kroeber)
6. The literal or etymological meaning of anthropology is (science of man)
7. Anthropology is broadly defined as (the study of man and his works and behaviour)
8. Almost all the branches of anthropology which which is the closest to sociology?
(sociology anthropology)
9. The chief method of data collection in sociology is (social survey)
10. The chief method of data collection in anthropology is (participant observation)
11. In India there is no difference between (sociology and social anthropology)
12. Politica science is the study of (the state and government)
13. Because of the close relationship between sociology and political science a new
discipline called (political sociology) has emerged.
14. Who said, “economics is, on the one side, the study of wealth, and on the other, and
more important side, a part of the study of man”? (Alfred Marshall)
15. (Lionel Robbins) has said, “economics is the science of human behaviour in its
relation with ends ans scarce means which have alternative uses”.
16. Some of the problems that are common to both sociology and economics are (poverty,
social ineqalities, unequal distribution of wealth and power)
17. Which statment is related to history? (history seeks to record, reconstruct and
understand the past of a society)
18. Who among the following argued that history should adopt the sociological
perspective? (E.H. Carr)
19. The main difference between sociology and history is (time frame and approach)
What is society? Explain its characteristics.
Define society. Explain the main charactistics of society.
Define community and explain its features.
Define society. Explain the importance of status and role in society.
5. What is social structure? Describe status and role as its elements.
Explain briefly any four characteristics of a society.
Explain briefly the features of a community.
What is a community? What are its chief characteristics?
Differentiate between association and institution.
What is status? Describe its types.
What is ascribed status? How can you differientiate it from achieved status?
Is role and status two seperate concepts or two aspects of the same phenomenon?
8. Explain the significance of structure and function for the society.
9. Differentiate between manifest and latent functions. Give suitable examples.
1. A concept is the (idea or meaning given to a word)
2. Well defined concepts are necessary in a science like sociology (for the sake of
precision in what is said or written)
3. “Society is conciousness of the kind” is the defination of (Giddings)
4. Who has defined society as “a system of usage and procedures of authority and
matual aid, of many groupings and divisions of control of human behaviour and
5. The term society in sociology is used to refered to (the system of social relationships)
6. “Society is the web of social relationships” was said by (Maclver)
7. Who said this “Where there is life there is society”? (Maclvers)
8. “Man is a social animal” are the words of (Aristotle)
9. Which of the following statements is sociologically correct? (society is a historical
10. Society is fundamentally based on (likeness of each other, division of labour, and
common desires)
11. Society is made up of (social groups)
12. As a sociologist which of the following do you think is an adequate defination of a
society? (a society is a population that is organised to carry out the major functions of
13. Animals also need society (to satisfy their physical needs)
14. Which of the following elements distinguishes human society from animal society
15. Simple societies are characterised by (a dominance of primary groups)
16. Which is an essential characteristic of community? (territory)
17. Which of the following is an element of difference between society and community?
(definite locality)
18. ‘A society ‘ is distinct from ‘society’ because ‘a society’ is (an abstract concept in
19. As the communiy gets larger and more complex it tends to (become impersonal)
20. A city, a town, and a village are examples of (community)
21. Who among the following definitely constitute a community? (the Bengali Brahmins
in Allahabad)