MovieGuideQuestions - PV

SOCIOLOGY IN FILM: Sociology Movie Analysis
Rating: ____________
1. Write a brief summary of the movie.
2. Which of the three main sociological perspectives we covered in class best characterizes the film: Describe in
detail the elements of the movie which illustrate this perspective. Below are the perspectives and the elements to
be included.
Functionalism: Parts of society that work together to keep the society stable/functioning. What “institutions” are present to
keep this society stable and functioning? What are the institutions “manifest and latent functions?” What are the
“dysfunctional” of this society? How does this society handle those dysfunctions
Symbolic Interactionism: Interactionists are interested in the many relationships that exist in this society and the quality of
those relationships. They are also very interested in symbols. What are the main symbols and relationships of the movie? How
do they impact the movie?
Conflict Perspective: The Conflict Perspective is focused on the competition and conflicts that exist between people and
various groups within society. What inequalities exist? What is the resource possessed by those in power and wanted by
those who are not in power? Who/what group is the “Thesis?” Who/what group is the “Anti-thesis?” What is the initial
“Synthesis” (world order)? Through conflict and change, what is the “new synthesis?”
3. Throughout the course, we have been studying the discipline of sociology.
a. How does the movie pertain to the category in which it is placed on the movie list? Be descriptive.
b. What evidence do you see in the film that represents other core issues we have explored in the class
[social forces, sociological imagination, culture, socialization, social structure, race, class, gender, religion,
education, crime, deviance, economy, and social change]. A bullet point list with a simple explanation of
six will suffice.
4. Choose two characters form the movie. Explain the following for each:
Character #1:
Character #2:
Example of achieved status:
Example of achieved status:
Examples of ascribed status:
Examples of ascribed status:
Example of Role conflict:
Example of Role conflict:
Example of Role strain:
Example of Role strain:
5. In a paragraph answer the following: did you like or dislike the topic of the movie? Would you recommend this
movie to others as useful in helping others understand the discipline of Sociology?