Fall 2013 Minutes - Washington State Board for Community and

Shoreline CC
Wednesday, 10/23
Opening Icebreaker
Subjects of discussion: A free flow exchange of ideas and topics.
Students challenging transcripts: is what is on the transcript correct/valid? How long can they question?
Drop for no attend, non-payment of tuition – what are policies/procedures?
Schools are not consistent for nonattendance policies – some schools do drop for non-attendance, and
for non-payment, some schools do not.
Petitions for Refund: online vs paper only
WCC has a form for medical providers to complete
EvCC has a committee that reviews petitions, makes the decision
Incompletes contracts: Registrar offices are responsible for maintaining incomplete contract
CBC only allows 20 days to change an I to grade. Other schools allow one quarter, others allow up to one
Grading deadlines differ – up to one week after quarter is over.
Fees differ – some schools charge late add fees, some incorporate transcript fees within a
‘comprehensive fee’
Per Scott Copeland, regarding SSN project now we can collect from Running Start students because they
are/can be responsible for tuition.
Testing Z999 for recording PLA will not work
Transcript for quarter the credits are evaluated, use quarter comments
Transfer-in screen with a special code (SD3001?)
SBCTC is pulling section PLC for section. SBCTC is not pulling that data yet, but is expecting us to code it
ARC could propose coding standardization to go forth. A committee is formed to work on
Patrick Brown, Cindy Mowry, Kathy Rhodes, Robin Young, Carlos Delgadillo, Shawn Miller will work with
Carmen on recommendations.
CTCLink update
Spokane isn't as involved as we might think
New application for admission is working. Data clean up went well
Spokane falls goes live August 23 ideally
There will be more rounds of data clean up
PeopleSoft needs something in the first name field, But could be a problem for international students
with only one name.
Catalog files will be worked on just like data clean up
It is Ok to have Betsy/ctclink to post stuff to ARC listserv
Question box
1. Does anyone post degrees without student requesting? Yes multiple schools. GRCC Bates Evcc
2. High schools requirement to apply for admission as a graduation requirement? App fee can stop
that, about 50% charge a fee
3. Free transcripts to prisoners/inmates? Some
4 Electronic signature from third parties for transcript? No. FERPA is silent but we are saying we want a
5. Voc rehab request for Ed records? Voc rehab counselors have releases. Scanned and email and faxed
is ok, per
6. Hardship withdrawal refer to refund deadline? Depends by institution
7. Veterans coding/reg appointment assignment? Using 70 fps
8. Is anyone doing/participating in Common application?cascadia has developed a process. Shawn will
send out their process.
9. Using outside agency for billing? Many. Many use nelnet
Thursday 10/24
President Campbell shoreline cc welcome
Around the room introductions
Juanita SBCTC
Carmen will send out process to charge both upper and lower level tuition
When colleges change website, it can cause problems at sbctc.
Call support desk when we need help. Not Julie directly.
SSN field will be adjusted to accept numbers that start with 9 by reporting for 2013
Possible change to electronic t/s re ctclink. Shouldn't be a difference to users.
Veterans priority registration in batch first before other batches
LGBTQ DATAX Kelly sent out process, have to get permission from security administrator
Unusual action log file purge process
If you want to keep unusual action history, run DATAX to capture it. Do it quarterly to keep it
manageable. Everyone has to be off the screen to run it.
After, run purge program. Again, everyone has to be off the sm5003.
Batch registration doesn't work well with auto-reg link classes. More than 4 linked, it will fail. Unlink
before you batch reg.
Don't go to a new machine and try again if process is slow. Be patient.
Julie needs to know who the contact is when a DATAX job fails. Julie is sending out a list.
Juanita checking on first generation question linking it to registration
Betsy CTCLink
Good participation in Business Process Alignments. All sessions recorded and stored.
Cleaning and configuration and conversion phase ongoing
Decisions online at SBCTC website
First phase of configuration/conversion done by next week.
Waves kickoff sessions in Jan and Feb for Waves 2 & 3
Data cleanup requests:
This is the first wave of cleanup
Bio demo data cleanup going well, should be done by 12/13/13
When we run data again for bio data cleanup, will include admissions data, need to run it again
First name, last name have to be in there. Issue with international students have to match SEVIS, SEVIS
says FNU is standard process. Record won't load w/o first and last name.
Shadow systems: not part of legacy systems. Need more data to make sure PeopleSoft can access it if
Log in will change to from PIN to Password
Self-service portal
PeopleSoft expects students to pay attention to data
Melissa made a video about admissions: many fields on admissions application are required
System will make residency determinations, student can appeal.
Training formats instruction in person, web-based and paper based
User productivity kit available online at ctclink page of sbctc.edu
All data for students with any activity within 6 years of cut over will get moved over.
Data that is older than that - Legacy lives for one year after cut over. After that one year, data will get
moved into some other platform, much like now for old data. Much discussion ensued, large concerns
among membership regarding this.
Classes will have to be built in order to register them so that transcript will be created, unlike Legacy
Need to have course data for data cross over
Legacy can load course data into new system
Course/class cleanup is next
Entry codes will be for classes not for courses.
Room scheduling software decision has been made.
No document imaging interface with PeopleSoft.
Unless SBCTC approves interface, PeopleSoft wont connect with it.
Errors in data cleanup such as "deceased" "ferpa"
CCN & can't live in CTClink. There is anxiety from universities over common course numbering
problems. There will be ccn in titles instead of &
Scott Copeland State Board
He doesn't have a director since Michelle Andreas is now at SPSCC
SSN issue:
Now that there is tuition collected from RS students, do need to collect SSNs.
Wrongfully convicted felons and family members can go to school for free. New fps created. This may
affect maybe 6 per year.
If a student is affected by military call up for less than 30 days, no negative impact can happen to
student record. The student can’t be penalized by instructor.
There will be a disabilities services task force for transition between K12 and Higher Ed.
Placement reciprocity is not negotiable.
40% of baccalaureate degree earners in WA in 2011 started at community colleges
47 new applied baccalaureate degrees applications at state board
Budget information: supplemental year request, 30 million $ for colleges, 10 million for staff and faculty
WASAC asking for $$ to improve state need grant
Legislative updates: anything that died last year automatically comes forward.
PLA-Instruction commission will partner with us for coding for PLA. Committee formed to come up with
standardization of coding.
Math in the DTA changes no longer requires intermediate algebra proficiency
"Intermediate Algebra coursework" is important language in DTA. Philosophy can't count as humanities
if it’s going to count as quantitative. Effective in January 2014.
PEHW activity courses will be looked at to limit amount of credits applied to degree
Carmen McKenzie SBCTC
Student achievement coding PowerPoint is available on SBCTC website/SAI
College can replicate all points.
Only students enrolled during the cohort year are included.
Consistent criteria applied to all colleges.
Excluding tech prep and apprenticeships, international
List of data elements listed in data warehouse
Grade thresholds d or higher
Precollege grade threshold c
Basic skills students get n extra point per transition
Changes calculation of college ready Math, English,
Only federally reportable basic skills students counted
In CTCLink, data pulls for this will be easier.
CIP code linked to college level eligibility
New completion point for 45+college level credits, 30 are vocational
Or 45 made up in math, English, science, social science, humanities
CIP Coding has become more important
New point for retention
Coding matters more than ever!!!
Proposal to modify exit coding to align with CTCLink, align with program approval process, and to align
with student achievement points
Modify exit code 4 to be 45-20, exit code 9 to be 19-1. Z code for non-credit
If approved, will be implemented for 2014-15
STEM coding- different EPCs for STEM. Carmen will send out a survey about coding.
She will also send out a draft admission application
RS policy/coding - free reduced lunch eligible get a waiver for tuition, but also count for state. M and N
count as contract not state. This is a registrar concern not a running start thing for coding.
Carmen will be setting up email listserv for data cleanup
Bio data only asked at admissions in PeopleSoft
Not currently able to ask bio questions in registration
Exit code get printed on transcripts? Just a few, multiple certificates but only four certificates degrees
post on transcript
Who builds course data in HP? Currently, course data is mostly built by instruction. There is a concern
that registrars will have to build it for data cutover.
CNA not approved by financial aid. Workarounds exist, but limited.
Question box
1. Anyone having issues with high school diploma not being accepted by universities? Only Spokane
2. Scanning records and then shredding before deadline? TCC did get approval counts scanned as
3. Credit evaluation at admission? Some do
4. LGBTQ issue: anyone having pushback about asking? Ruby at LWIT has list of definitions
Residency: Shari Smelser, BC
HB 1079/undocumented students
We can request verification for high school t/s if its conflicting with admissions application
BC has a residency website
CTCLink admissions mirrors BC regarding Driver’s License
F1 students do not intend to become citizens, so they don't qualify for 1079
DACA doesn't apply to residency requirements
If student has Driver’s License from other state, must get DL in WA state not just a WA ID.
Change Management Presentation:
Slides will be made available from presenter.
Friday October 25
Introduction of Stuart Whipple, Exec. Director of Business and student support services
Scott Copeland:
Veterans early/priority registration mostly everyone giving it similar consideration to CDS
Messaging takes a few paths
Suggestions to make sure veteran students know they can have/have priority registration. If you have
developed a website, let Steve Downing know.
If you have priority registration available, veteran students get to have priority.
Julie is willing to help set up process for priority veteran reg.
LGBTQ question.. Any pushback? Some. Two schools have opted out of putting the q on registration.
Not a lot of problems announced.
Most are not putting on registration forms, but only on online registration.
Could LGBTQ question be included in public records request? Not considered directory? LGBTQ question
will be on application in CTCLink. Check with AG office.
WSSSC report Dave, SVC
Data governance committee: WSSSC representation from EvCC and BC.
Exit coding is a topic.
The 2014 WSSSC conference is being held in Tacoma, April 30-May 2. The various Council meetings are
coordinating at same meeting. There will be a Request for Proposals coming out soon.
Suggestions to have WSSC support registrars/ES as CTCLink moves forward. WSSSC is aware.
Should schools hire project manager for CTCLink? WSSSC's concerned.
It will be hard to know till Spokane and TCC does cutover.
Should Project Manager be temporary position?
PACRAO: Several folks are going, some leadership opportunities. PACRAO 2014 in Portland
WAACRAO: In August at CWU. If you are interested in presenting, contact Kathy Rhodes or Karl Ritter.
DACA not a tool involved in establishing residency.
Likely that dream act and residency will come up in legislature
DACA students not eligible for fin aid. Will likely be discussed in leg for next year
Business meeting
No old business.
New business:
ARC Meetings weeks - Wednesdays would be prof development days
We will try to have that as much as we can? Not strict if we don't stick to it
Name change of CIS to SBCT-IT motioned by Sean Miller, seconded by Mike Singletary. Motion carried
Minutes sent out by previous secretary. Julie's name spelled right. Moved to approve and seconded.
Treasure report. As of 8/23/13, ending balance was $6540.24.
Chris Melton thanks Theresa Nording for organizing food.
ACC liaison: need a liaison. Carlos Delgadillo
ICRC liaison: Jerad Sorber. PE credits were discussed. Loss of “&” has an issue with CTCLink. Universities
concerned. Math in DTA approved.
Applied baccalaureate discussions. Backs asked to be included in CTCLink reporting. A pathway being
discussed. RN TO BSN pathway moving forward. Elementary Ed DTA likely going away.
BAR: Julie Anderson. Julie Sent out minutes. CTCLink was discussed. Mapping was discussing. Higher one
- only 9 colleges not signed up. Students who claim bankruptcy considers lost money. Hiring backfill
employees, BAR wants SBCTC to pay for backfilled positions, once it's implemented. SBCTC has positions
in place for positions. BAR wants to have 4 meetings this year.
Career and employment: Joan Kammerzell. Their Meeting was canceled.
Disabilities: Steve at Spokane. He'll post the meeting notes,
Elearning: Chris Melton. Canvas switchover has happened. eLearning council will work with disability
council to make sure new tech updates are ADA accessible. Some states not allow enrollment in online
Financial Aid. Kathy Rhodes.
Multicultural Services Karl Ritter. Will send out notes
Women's programs: no
RPC: (formerly WARP); all they talk about is IPEDS. Julie sharp will keep us updated. Moving some
questions from registration to admissions.
Holding the line on section coding for AP
Business meeting moved to close, seconded, approved.
Question Box:
1. FERPA after student no longer enrolled? Record is still covered by FERPA.Public info request can
trump FERPA. Defer to AG.
2. Limit retakes for ABE? Ability to benefit is impacted.
3. Nonresident waiver for undocumented student under DACA? No
4. How many schools grading basic skills classes? 8 are
Hostess gift to Chris Melton and staff
Carlos Delgadillo gets the gift bag.