“DEAD” WORDS TOMBSTONE CHECKLIST After examining my project carefully, I have: _____ 1. Included both the “dead” word and its part of speech on my project. _____ 2. Written a limerick that: ___ Is five lines in length ___ Personifies the word ___ Follows the specific rhyme scheme of a limerick ___ Uses the specific rhythm of a limerick ___ Explains how the word unfortunately met its demise ___ Is appropriate for an educational setting and makes sense _____ 3. Labeled the rhyme scheme to the left or right of my limerick _____ 4. Checked the spelling of each word carefully _____ 5. Capitalized the first word of each new line _____ 6. Capitalized any proper words _____ 7. Punctuated the limerick according to the specific sentencing rules studied in class _____ 8. Included three quality synonyms as “survivors” of the word, which are the same part of speech as the “dead” word _____ 9. Included three quality antonyms of the word, which are the same part of speech as the “dead” word _____ 10. Spelled the synonyms and antonyms correctly (check and double-check!) _____ 11. Artistically made the tombstone unique