Leadership In Action Martin Wallace Castletroy College Limerick

Leadership In Action
Martin Wallace
Castletroy College
The process of influencing others’ actions to
achieve desirable goals.
Working with others to prepare for the future
and respond to change.
At all times leadership involves
The wise use of power
My Leadership Journey
Middle management
 Deputy Principal
 Principal of an established school
 Principal of a greenfield school
 Associate with LDS
 Member of Professional Associations
Formal and informal learning experiences
Leadership Role
Create and nurture a positive and progressive
 Give purpose and direction to the school
 Develop my own leadership skills
 Develop leadership potential in others
 Play a lead role advancing ICT
A jazz band not an orchestra
Influence of LDS
Moral purpose and collaborative practice
 Personal Effectiveness and personal wellbeing
 Leader of people and a leader of learning
 Reflective practice and school self-evaluation
 Mentoring and technology
Creating wiser leaders
Review of middle leadership
 Extend the culture of continuing professional
 Provide improved support structures
 Examine length of tenure
Recognise that schools are different
Leadership In Action
Martin Wallace
Castletroy College