Literature-English-Math Terms 1 Definitions addend noun the number being added in an addition question adjective (ajihktihv) noun,adjective 1. descriptors; modify nouns and pronouns; answers the questions: what kind, how many, which one(s), whose 2. These are the words that tell which ones, what kind, how much, or how many. They usually come before nouns that they describe or modify. adverb (advurb) noun 1. A part of speech that describes a verb. 2. The word that modifies verbs or clauses. 3. Words that describe verbs and often end in -ly cause (koz) noun,verb and effect something that brings a change in something else Synonyms: call, determine, source, influence, make, affect, crusade, purpose, create, begin, origin, product, occasion, antecedent, basis, generate, reason, action Antonyms: result, effect, accomplishment character (kEHrihktur) noun,verb a person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work Synonyms: mark, quality, personality, nature, sign, temperament, honesty, property, morality, feature, description, trait, disposition, integrity, symbol Antonyms: vagueness, anonymity climax (kliimaks) noun,verb 1. End, especially to reach a final or climactic stage. 2. The most exciting moment in a story's plot. Synonyms: zenith, summit, peak complications (kompluhkayshuhnz) noun These arise as the characters take steps to resolve the conflict. conjunction (kuhnjuhNGkshuhn) noun 1. A word which joins words or phrases together. Examples: For, and, nor, but, or, yet 2. A word or phrase that joins together words, phrases, clauses, or sentences context clue 1. using other words in a sentence to define a specific word in the sentence 2. hints within a work of literature that lead the reader to the meaning effect (ihfEHkt) noun,verb 1. Act so as to bring about. "effect a change" 2. something that happens as a result of a cause Synonyms: consequence, outcome, upshot, result Antonym: cause entertain (EHnturtayn) verb To amuse people or provide a pleasant way to pass time. Synonyms: interest, delight, regale, cheer, divert, absorb, occupy, amuse Antonyms: disregard, reject, exclude, bore, eject, debar, annoy express (ihksprEHs) noun,verb,adjective,adverb to make one's opinions, feelings & abilities known Synonyms: voice, special, indicate, set, reveal, declare, speak, definite, show, definitive, state Antonyms: vague, unclear, slow, sluggish Literature-English-Math Terms 1 Definitions factor (faktur) noun,verb The numbers that are multiplied to give a product. Synonyms: consideration, circumstance, detail, agent, component, element, constituent, deputy, attorney, ingredient genre (zhonruh) noun A kind of literary or artistic work. idiom (ihdeeuhm) noun an expression which means something differently than it is written inform (ihnfawrm) verb one of the purposes an author writes; to give information Synonyms: apprise, post, animate, fire, advise, tell, notify, relate interjection (ihnturjEHkshuhn) noun 1. word used to express mild or strong emotions 2. It is a part of speech for words like Oh! ah! ouch! and hurrah! noun noun a word that is the name of something (as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) and that is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition outcome (outkuhm) noun An event that follows and is caused by some previous action or event. Synonyms: end, result, conclusion, aftermath, consequence persuade (purswayd) verb Cause someone agree with you; to believe your point of view. Synonyms: convert, influence, prompt, induce, convince, coax, lead, urge, sway Antonyms: dissuade, deter, indispose, discourage, disincline plot noun,verb storyline; has a beginning, a middle, and an end Synonyms: space, area, land, story, tract, lot, ground, parcel, narrative preposition noun 1. a word that connects a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to another part of a sentence 2. word that shows the relationship between a noun and some other word in the sentence (tells where, when, which one...) product (produhkt) noun the answer to a multiplication problem Synonyms: outcome, commodity, goods, merchandise, result, production, yield, produce pronoun (prohnoun) noun 1. He, she, it, they, them, us, her, his, I, me, my 2. A word used in the place of a noun. realistic fiction A fiction story that could happen in real life, but didn't. resolution (rEHzuhlooshuhn) noun Denouement; the solution to the problem or the resolution of the action. Antonyms: uncertainty, fickleness rising action 1. The action that introduces the characters and the conflict in a work of fiction. 2. The part of a plot that adds complications to the problems in the story and increases reader interest. setting (sEHtihNG) noun,adjective When and where a story takes place. sum (suhm) noun,verb The result from adding two or more numbers. Synonyms: sum total, gross, totality, aggregate, integrate, total, entirety, amount, number, entity verb (vurb) noun 1. A word that explains or tells an action or a state. 2. a word or group of words that expresses an action, a condition, or the fact that something exists.