Planet Information Sheet

In completing your planet model and presentation every member of the group will
need to include the following information: Planet Information Sheet
Please start at this web site =
Planet Researcher Name __________________
1. My planet is ____________________
2. If ordering the planets from the sun, which number is mine? _______
3. The diameter of my planet is _________________
(remember kilometers).
4. The length of one revolution around the sun is __________________ (remember to label in
years, days and hours).
5. The period of one rotation (meaning the length of a day) is _________________
(remember to label).
6. My planet has ______
known satellites (moons).
7. The average distance from the sun is:
a. perihelion_______________________ (label in km).
b. aphelion _______________________ (label in km).
8. The average surface temperature of my planet is (night and day) _________________
(indicate Fahrenheit or Celsius).
9. My planet is made up of __________________________________ (surface)
What gases makeup the atmosphere?
If there are rings orbiting your planet, describe them and when they were discovered.
10. What are some unusual geological features about the planet? (List 3 features)
For example does it have any volcanoes, mountains, canyons, tectonics, etc.
11. Probe/satellite: List some of the NASA/ESA etc mission to your planet = year, duration of
mission ________________________________________________________.
12. What future missions are planned for your planet?
13. When was the planet discovered? If the planet has been known since antiquity (ancient
times) write a brief summary of the myth surrounding its origin. (Usually the god it was named
after) __________________________________________________
14. Tell 5 interesting facts about your planet that was not covered in the first 13 questions.
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________
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