Nervous Systems Multiple choice. Select the best answer. 1. Which of the following gland(s) is located on the front and sides of the trachea just below the larynx? a. thymus b. pituitary c. adrenal d. pancreas e. thyroid Answer: e 2. Which term describes a congenital defect characterized by incomplete closure of the spinal canal? a. shingles b. sciatica c. spondylosis d. hydrocephalus e. spina bifida Answer: e a. ovaries b. adrenal gland c. pancreas d. testes e. liver Answer: d 8. The combining form for sugar, sweetness is: a. sucr/o b. sucr/a c. glyc/o d. glec/o e. saccr/o Answer: c 9. Symptoms of diabetes include all of the following except: a. polyuria b. polydipsia c. polyphagia d. anorexia e. hyperglycemia 3. What is the medical term for the inability to speak? a. apnea b. aphasia c. anorexia d. dysphasia e. diplopia Answer: d 4. The hormone responsible for uterine contractions during childbirth is: a. glucagon b. FSH c. estrogen d. oxytocin e. progesterone Answer: a 70 Multiple Choice Test Questions Answer: b Answer: d 5. What is the function of the hormone glucagon? a. It lowers blood glucose levels. b. It increases blood glucose levels. c. It regulates the amount of salt in the body. d. It stimulates absorption of calcium. e. It regulates metabolism of the body. 10. The suprarenal glands are superior to the kidneys, which means they are located: a. above the kidneys b. below the kidneys c. in front of the kidneys d. behind the kidneys e. beside the kidneys 11. The gland that regulates the body's metabolism is the: a. pituitary gland b. pancreas c. adrenal gland d. thymus gland e. thyroid gland Answer: e 12. Graves disease is also known as: a. hypothyroidism b. thyrotoxicosis c. myxedema d. cretinism e. thyrotropin Answer: b Answer: b Answer: c 7. Orchidopexy is the surgical fixation of the: Answer: d 6. A disorder caused by hyperthyroidism is: a. an adenoma b. a neoplasm c. a goiter d. cretinism e. Addison disease 13. Another term for stroke is: a. paraplegia b. cerebral palsy c. Parkinsonian syndrome d. cerebrovascular accident e. myelomalacia 14. A yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes is: a. metastasis b. acromegaly c. jaundice d. deglutition e. glycogenesis Answer: c 15. Which term means an abnormal condition of a pancreatic stone? a. pancreatitis b. pancreatopathy c. pancreatomegaly d. pancreatoma e. pancreatolithiasis Answer: e 16. An endocrinologist treats patients who suffer from: a. cerebral palsy b. a CVA c. meningitis d. myeloma e. diabetes Answer: e 17. Which of the following glands secretes hormones that regulate the body's metabolism? a. pineal b. pancreas (islets of Langerhans) c. parathyroid d. adrenal e. thyroid Answer: e 18. The hormone PTH is produced by the: a. parathyroid glands b. pituitary gland c. pancreatic gland d. thymus gland e. thyroid gland Answer: a 19. When the membranes that cover the brain herniate through the opening of the skull, the condition is called: a. cerebrosclerosis b. encephaloma c. meningocele d. stroke e. neuroglia Answer: c 20. Which diagnostic term is not related to the others? a. cerebrovascular accident b. trigeminal neuralgia c. stroke d. CVA e. apoplexy Answer: b 21. Hyposecretion of the thyroid gland in adults causes: a. Cushing disease b. Parkinson disease c. myxedema d. giantism e. hirsutism Answer: c Chapter 9 71 22. Gigantism and dwarfism are a result of improper functioning of hormones from the: a. pituitary gland b. adrenal glands c. thyroid gland d. pancreatic gland e. thymus gland Answer: a 23. Which term means incision of the thyroid gland? a. thyrostomy b. thyrotomy c. thyropathy d. thyromegaly e. thyroidectomy Answer: b 24. What is the inner part of the adrenal gland called? a. cortex b. hypophysis c. medulla d. isthmus e. islets Answer: c 25. Which of the following hormones helps control calcium levels in the blood? a. oxytocin b. insulin c. epinephrine d. FSH e. PTH Answer: e 26. Which of the following hormones is responsible for the body's ability to react to dangerous situations with increased responsiveness and energy? a. epinephrine b. insulin c. glucagon d. oxytocin e. ADH Answer: a 27. The gland that produces the hormone responsible for maintaining secondary sex characteristics is the: a. adrenal gland b. thyroid gland c. thymus gland d. pituitary gland e. pancreas Answer: a 28. A disease characterized by polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia is: a. diabetes mellitus b. myelomalacia c. hypercalcemia d. acromegaly e. jaundice Answer: a 29. The front lobe of the pituitary gland is called the: a. anterior lobe b. posterior lobe c. inferior lobe d. superior lobe e. posterosuperior lobe Answer: a 30. The primary source of energy for living organisms is: a. fat b. glucose c. salt d. water e. vitamin C Answer: b 31. What term is a synonym for IDDM? a. diabetes insipidus b. non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus c. non-insulin dependent diabetes insipidus d. type 1 diabetes e. type 2 diabetes Answer: d 72 Multiple Choice Test Questions 32. Which term means enlargement of the thyroid gland? a. hypergonadism b. euthyroid c. goiter d. tetany e. hypophyseal enlargement Answer: c 33. Parkinson disease is characterized by: a. narcolepsy b. cerebellar ataxia c. cephalgia d. shuffling gait e. epilepsy Answer: d 34. Which term means highly malignant brain tumor? a. subdural hematoma b. glioblastoma c. meningioma d. subdural hematoma e. neuroma Answer: b 35. All of the following are characteristics of Huntington chorea except: a. hereditary nervous disorder b. progressive loss of brain cells c. synaptic plexus d. bizarre, dancelike movements e. involuntary movements Answer: c 36. Translate the root asthenia. A. Arrangement, order, coordination B. Feeling, sensation C. Know D. Slight or partial paralysis E. Weakness 37. Translate the root tax/o. A. Arrangement, order, coordination B. Feeling, sensation C. Know D. Slight or partial paralysis E. Weakness 38. Translate the root paresis. A. Arrangement, order, coordination B. Feeling, sensation C. Know D. Slight or partial paralysis E. Weakness 43. Which root refers to the nerve bundle? A. dur/o B. gangli/o C. mening/o, meningi/o D. myel/o E. phren/o 39. Translate the root esthesi/o. A. Arrangement, order, coordination B. Feeling, sensation C. Know D. Slight or partial paralysis E. Weakness 44. Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow? A. dur/o B. gangli/o C. mening/o, meningi/o D. myel/o E. phren/o 40. Translate the root gnosi/o. A. Feeling, sensation B. Know C. Mind D. Sleep E. Speech 41. Which root refers to the tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord? A. dur/o B. gangli/o C. mening/o, meningi/o D. myel/o E. phren/o 42. Which root refers to the entire membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord? A. dur/o B. gangli/o C. mening/o, meningi/o D. myel/o E. phren/o 45. Which of the following roots is associated with the function of the nervous system (as opposed to the structure of the nervous system)? A. cephal/o B. cerebr/o C. crani/o D. encephal/o E. psych/o 46. Identify and define the root in the term schizophrenia A. schizo–divide B. schizo–multiple C. phren–brain D. phren–mind E. ia–condition 47. Identify and define the roots in the term somnambulism. A. somn–speech; ambul–clot B. somn–same; ambul–clot C. somn–singing; ambul–throw D. ism–condition E. somn–sleep; ambul–walk