Review - QUIZ – Accessory Skin Structures & Homeostasis Name: ________________________________________________ Diagram #1: Label the diagram apocrine gland arrector pili muscle eccrine gland hair root hair shaft sebaceous gland Diagram #2 eponychium matrix nail bed nail root Terms to know Apocrine gland Arrector pili Ceruminous gland Eccrine gland Hair matrix Lanugo Papillary region Sebaceous gland Terminal Vellus Seborrhea Blackhead Acne Whitehead Match the description to the integumentary function _____1. macrophages and Langerhan’s cells engulf invaders _____2. tight junctions and desmososmes form impermeable sheets while keratin waterproofs _____3. skin secretions lower pH and melanin blocks UV _____4. elimination of nitrogen wastes and sodium chloride _____5. regulated by vasoconstriction and vasodilation and muscle activity _____6. important in calcium uptake a. b. c. d. e. f. vitamin D production protection - chemical excretion protection - biological protection - mechanical body temperature maintenance Short answer 1. Where is a lunula located & why does it appear white? 2. Sketch a BEFORE picture and an AFTER picture & also explain in words what happens to: a. form “goose bumps” b. form “split ends”