MT Unit 13 Endocrine System Study online at 1. -crine: secrete 42. kal/i: potassium (an electrolyte) 2. -dipsia: thirst 43. pancreat/o: pancreas 3. -gen: forming, producing, origin 44. parathyroidoma: mass or tumor in the parathyroid 4. -toxic: poison 45. pineal-: pineal gland; pine cone shaped 5. -uria: urine 46. pituitary: pertaining to the pituitary gland 6. acromegaly: metabolic disorder characterized by gradual, 47. poly-: many, much 48. polydipsia: excessive thirst 7. adenoma: benign glandular tumor 49. thry/o: thyroid gland 8. adenomalacia: softening of a gland 50. thym/o: thymus gland 9. adren/o: adrenal glands marked enlargement and thickening of bones of face and jaw. 51. thymectomy: removal of the thymus gland 10. adrenalectomy: removal of one or both adrenal glands 52. thymoma: rare neoplasm in thymus gland 11. adrenocorticohyperplasia: increased development of the 53. thyrogenic: produced in the thyroid gland 54. thyroidectomy: removal of the thyroid gland 55. thyroparathyroidectomy: removal of both the parathyroid adrenal cortex 12. adrenocorticotropic: pertaining to influencing the adrenal cortex 13. adrenopathy: disease of the adrenal gland 14. androgen: any hormone that increases masculinization 15. calc/o: calcium 16. cortic/o: cortex or outer layer of a gland 17. crin/o: secrete 18. DM: diabetes mellitus 19. endocrine/o: internal secretion 20. endocrinology: study of the endocrine glands 21. eu-: good, normal 22. euthyroid: resembling normal thyroid function 23. exo-: outside, outward 24. gluc/o: sugar, sweetness 25. glyc/o: sugar, sweetness 26. glycos/o: sugar, sweetness 27. glycosuria: abnormal amount of sugar in the blood 28. GTT: Glucose Tolerance Test 29. hormon/o: to excite; urging on 30. hormone: chemical substances that are released slowly in 31. hyper-: excessive, above normal 32. hypercalcemia: high blood calcium 33. hyperglycemia: high blood sugar 34. hyperparathyroidism: excessive parathyroid secretion 35. hyperplasia: growth beyond normal (tumor) 36. hypo-: under, below 37. hypoglycemia: abnormally low amount of sugar in the blood 38. hyponatremia: low sodium in the blood 39. hypothyroidism: condition of low thyroid secretion 40. IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 41. K: potassium minute amounts into the blood stream. and thyroid glands 56. thyrotoxicosis: toxic condition of the thyroid gland 57. thyrotropic: pertaining to influencing the thyroid gland 58. toxic/o: poison