ISSUES WITH DOCUMENTARIES WHAT DIRECTORS AND PRODUCERS HAVE TO CONSIDER. When creating a factual programme filmmakers need to ensure that they get the important information across and not missing out any valuable information that may be key when the audience Is developing their opinion. They must also provide accurate information as well as protecting audiences and participants from harm. ACCURACY Accuracy is where information is correct and legitimate. This is important in a factual documentary as the audience expects the information to be reliable. Also it is important that the audience is not being told false and misleading evidence. An example of an inaccurate documentary would be an episode of Bear Grylls where he had claimed to sleep rough over night where infact he slept in a hotel this is misleading to the public. CORROBORATE This means to confirm or give support for example when crimes are taken to court they will usually feature a witness who will ‘corroborate’ information with another witness. This is important as it backs up what the documentary is showing meaning that it is easier for audiences to believe. For example to prove he stayed over night they could have shot a time-lapse to show exactly what he encountered in the night. INACCURACY Bear Grylls once made an episode where he claimed to spend the night in a cave when in fact he spent the night in a hotel with his family this lead to some bad publicity however some people understood that he did not have to stay in the cave. In his book he goes on to explain how it was a silly mistake and that he had spent the last few months filming and had not time to see his wife and three boys so he chose to fly them out to this hotel and spend a few nights with them. BALANCED PROGRAMMING Balance means that the programme should not come across as bais so it needs to show both sides in order to be balanced. HTTP://WWW.IBTIMES.COM/BBCCONDEMNED-UNBALANCED-ASSISTEDSUICIDE-DOCUMENTARY-290733 The BBC published a programme in which a man committed suicide. The programmed showed Pratchett accompanying a 71year old man and his wife to Switzerland where they filmed the man drinking poison and showing his gasping for air and pleading for water. They must weigh up the positive and negatives of the event. So it looks like they are not promoting suicide whilst not insulating the people who have committed so they do not of fend their families. They also must be seen to of fer solutions for people in this situation and be sympathetic towards the subject matter. Nola Leach said “ I rather thought that we had moved on from the days when people gathered in crowds to watch other people die” IMPARTIALIT Y Treating matters equally and fairly to explore all opportunities without seeming to promote one. 4.2.1 We must do all we can to ensure that ' controversial subjects' are treated with due impartiality in all our output. 4.2.2 News in whatever form must be treated with due impartiality, giving due weight to events, opinion and main strands of argument. 4.2.3 We seek to provide a broad range of subject matter and perspectives over an appropriate timeframe across our output as a whole. 4.2.4 We are committed to reflecting a wide range of opinion across our output as a whole and over an appropriate timeframe so that no significant strand of thought is knowingly unreflected or underrepresented. 4.2.5 We exercise our editorial freedom to produce content about any subject, at any point on the spectrum of debate, as long as there are good editorial reasons for doing so. H T T P: / /WWW.I NDEP ENDENT.C O.UK / NEWS/ MEDI A/ T V R A DI O/ G AZ A - DOC UMENTARY- RA PP ED - FOR - BREA KING I M PARTI ALI T Y- RULES - 2 041 59 5. H TM L A documentary on the events during and after a interception conducted by Israeli military on a pro Palestinian aid convoy which resulted in nine deaths. The Ofcom deemed this as not impartial as they did not show both opinions meaning that it seemed like a publicity attack . They also said that the programme did not contain alternate views. OBJECTIVIT Y This means that you look at things from an external point of view rather than acting upon personal feelings. For example this may be difficult in a factual programme as the producer and director still have to get their point across whilst remaining impartial. SUBJECTIVIT Y This is someone’s personal feelings and is not influenced by external influences. 102 minutes that changed America is a documentary about 9/11 and this features many people’s views on the event. This documentary features archive sounds such as George W. Bush and Kelly Edwards a news reporter, this makes it accurate. There were also a number of interviews conducted throughout this programme to express peoples views and feelings. OPINION An individuals views and feelings on a certain matter. Top Gear give their opinions on cars. They review cars and this can lead to the brand image being damaged or really succeeding. People can be influenced either to buy the car or not where as it is down to personal preference. These opinions can sometimes land Top Gear in hot water such as views on Mexicans resulted in massive up roar including complaints from the Mexican ambassador. Comments were that “ Mexican cars would be lazy, feckless, flatulent, overweight, leaning against a fence asleep looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat." BIAS Where the opinion is af fected by close relations for example a documentary on the war conducted by the B ritish could be slightly bias. Supersize me this showed how bad McDonalds are however the food still gives energy and to some people this is vital. This was taken over the top as Morgan Spurlock just ate McDonalds for all three meals whilst not increasing his exercise. This was bias because from the beginning he looked at McDonalds as terrible and not looking at any of the nutritional values. MISREPRESENTATION The BBC may have intentionally misrepresented the Queen as it makes it more news worthy and interesting for viewers. They did this by editing parts to make it seem like the queen stormed out. They would have done this to attract more viewers. Misrepresentation is an issue as because the documentary becomes inaccurate therefore becoming un factual. This can also upset the person involved as it can portray them negatively to the public. A more recent event would be American Sniper which was a film based on a person and his war experience. His father did not want them movie to portray his son as an animal and made threats to Clint Eastwood. INFRINGEMENT - PRIVACY Infringement is where a programme breaches privacy laws of individuals. Examples where it is acceptable to breach privacy policies are: Exposing or detecting crime such as Watchdog shows faces to the public. Protecting health and safety Disclosing information that assists people to comprehend or make decisions. CONTRACT WITH THE VIEWER This is an assumption that everything shown is 100% accurate. The audience will rely on the producers to give them accurate information as they expect that at least from a factual documentary