Advanced English 6 OCTOBER 26-27 To Do Today: A Day Only: Finish vocabulary paint chip activity Read “Matthew Henson at the Top of the World” and “Over the Top of the World” and do Habit of Mind activity (pink paper)-turn in to class bin when finished Read “The Red Guards” and do Habit of Mind activity (pink paper)-turn in to class bin when finished Work on vocabulary activities-turn in to class bin when finished Read individual novel and journal DON’T WORRY ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL NARRATIVE. THE DUE DATE SAYS YOUR PAPER IS DUE NEXT CLASS. MRS. FRITZINGER WILL WORK WITH YOU NEXT CLASS. Paint Chip Activity-A Day Only In your group: Use dictionaries 1st color (top): Write your root with the meaning 2nd color: Write a derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (easy) 3rd color: Write another derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (medium) 4th color (bottom): Write a third derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (hard) ON THE BACK: Write a synonym for each of the three derivatives Group 1: bi, bis mater, matr sci trib Group 2: bio orig scribe, script Group 3: gram ped (Greek) sim Group 4: graph ped (Latin) sum Group 5: init saur super “Matthew Henson at the Top of the World” (pp. 808-821) and “Over the Top of the World” (pp. 822-826) Read the stories individually or with a partner. Pay attention to the footnotes & ideas/questions in the margins of the page. Focus on fluent, smooth reading & clarification of meaning and vocabulary as you read. As you read, take notes on the pink Habits of Mind sheet provided, finding examples of characters who used the Habits of Mind. You can write a one-sentence summary of how the character(s) used the Habit(s) of Mind. Also, find examples of derivatives from your Greek and Latin roots as you read. You can write the derivatives on your vocabulary sheet, and put a star beside the derivatives from the story. “The Red Guards” (pp. 274-287) Read the story individually or with a partner. Pay attention to the footnotes & ideas/questions in the margins of the page. Focus on fluent, smooth reading & clarification of meaning and vocabulary as you read. As you read, take notes on the pink Habits of Mind sheet provided, finding examples of characters who used the Habits of Mind. You can write a one-sentence summary of how the character(s) used the Habit(s) of Mind. Also, find examples of derivatives from your Greek and Latin roots as you read. You can write the derivatives on your vocabulary sheet, and put a star beside the derivatives from the story. Matrix Personal narratives: Final papers due Wednesday, October 28 and Thursday, October 29-DON’T WORRY ABOUT THIS DUE DATE! Reading: Choice novel Journals: Based on choice novel; see yellow sheet for topics; due Friday, October 30 and Monday, November 2 Vocabulary Activities: due Monday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 27 Stories and pink papers due Wednesday, October 28 and Thursday, October 29