Base Pay section

Slide 1
Feature Presentation
March 13th, 2008
We are using audio during this session, so please dial in
to our conference line…
Phone number: 877-322-9648
Participant code: 182500
Slide 2
Today’s Topic
We’ll be taking a look at…
The Enhanced Hire ISR form
Slide 3
Today’s Presenter
David Levy
HopkinsOne Functional Expert
Slide 4
Session Segments
Dave will be showing us the Enhanced Hire ISR form and
demonstrating how to fill out this form.
During Dave’s presentation, your phone will be muted.
After the presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session.
We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask
Dave will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5
Contact Us
If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if
you’re having technical difficulties, you can email us at:
You can also send us an instant message!
GoogleTalk –
AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts
Slide 6
At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a
short survey.
Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve
future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7
The Enhanced Hire ISR Form
Slide 8
Today, we’ll be taking a look at:
Some general information about the Enhanced Hire ISR form
The advantages of this form
The new fields contained on this form
How to fill out the Enhanced Hire ISR form
What the approver sees
The Employee Reassignment ISR form
Slide 9
General Information
Slide 10
Advantages of the Form
Eliminates some confusion by replacing the Rehire and
Reinstatement forms.
More intuitive than the previous form.
Contains validations to limit errors and typos before the form is
Pertinent position information is shown on the form allowing the
initiator and approver to make more informed selections on the
Eliminates the need to use the Comments section or send a followup email with any essential information.
Slide 11
An Overview of the Form
Please note that a checkmark
denotes a required field.
New fields
Slide 12
An Overview of the Form
New fields
New fields
New fields
New section
“Visa Type,” “Visa Issue
Date,” “Visa End Date,”
“US Entry Date,” and
“Expiry of WP” are
required fields if the
Citizenship is not US.
Slide 13
An Overview of the Form
This field is to be
used for any foreign
addresses that
require more than
two address lines.
New sections
New section
New Fields
New field
Slide 14
An Overview of the Form
Base Pay section
The Base Pay section will default to
the appropriate format based on the
Payroll Area of the position (e.g., JHU
weekly, JHHS BI-Weekly, etc.).
Slide 15
An Overview of the Form
Skills section
You can enter any valid
licenses or certifications
in this section.
Cost Distribution section
As with the current form, this
section will default to the proper
format for hourly paid or semimonthly paid employees.
Slide 16
Filling Out the Form
Slide 17
Filling out the Form
In this example, we will be showing a Hire ISR being filled out for a
Semi-Monthly paid JHU employee.
The different Base Pay sections that would default for a Bi-Weekly,
Weekly Staff, or Weekly Student employee are shown at the end of
this section.
Slide 18
Getting to the ISR
To generate the ISR form,
follow these steps:
1. Choose the appropriate
type of Hire ISR for the
employee you’ll be
hiring. In this case,
we’ve chosen “Hiring
Regular” from the list.
2. Put your effective date
in the Begin Date
3. Click Create ISR.
Slide 19
Entering Information
Start entering information. Begin
with the “Approver Details” and
“Action Details” sections.
Slide 20
Action Reason Pop-Up Window
If you click inside the
Action Reason field,
a Search button will
appear. If you click
that button, a pop-up
window will open.
Please note that all of
the reason codes that
were associated with
the Rehire ISR are
now shown here and
reasons have been
added for Hire and
Slide 21
Entering Information
Fill out the “Org Details” section. Then click the
Validate SSN & Position button.
• Default information associated with the position
you entered will populate this section.
• In addition, the system will check for any active
personnel numbers associated with the Social
Security number you entered.
Slide 22
Active Personnel Numbers for SSN
This window will show any
active personnel numbers
currently associated with
the Social Security number
you entered anywhere in
the enterprise. It will show
the personnel number,
name, and payroll area.
After clicking the
checkmark button, the
employee’s name will
automatically populate on
the form.
Slide 23
Continuing the Process
If there is a Current Position Holder in the
position, a warning message will pop up.
If you are aware of this, and it is not an
issue, simply press Enter to continue.
Please note that all of the
information in the “Org Details”
section has been filled in.
Slide 24
Entering Information
Continue to fill out the ISR and enter information
in the following sections: ”Personal Details,”
“Additional Personal Details,” and then “Emergency
Slide 25
Entering Information
Fill out the “Permanent Address,” “Work Physical,”
“Dates,” and “Work Hours” sections.
Slide 26
Entering Information
Fill out the “Base Pay” section. The
look of this section will vary,
depending on the information that was
entered in the “Org Details” section.
When filling in the
“State” field, it is best to
enter the text and not
choose from the drop
down menu.
Slide 27
Base Pay Section for a Weekly
Slide 28
Base Pay Section for a Weekly
Student Employee
Slide 29
Base Pay Section for a Bi-Weekly
Slide 30
Finishing the Process
Fill out the “Skills” section (if any
skills are required for this position)
and the “Cost Distribution” section.
When you’re done…
• Press the Enter key. The system
will validate some of the
information on the form.
• After addressing any error or
warning messages, click the Save
button. Clicking the Save button
will validate additional information.
• To workflow the form, click Save
• You may have to press Enter to
bypass any warnings.
Slide 31
Slide 32
A number of validations have been added to this form to help ensure that
the information that is being sent to HRSS is accurate and valid.
Some validations are hard errors that will keep you from initiating the form
and are denoted by this symbol . Others are warnings that can be
bypassed if they need to be and are denoted by this symbol .
Some validations are enacted by pressing Enter while others are enacted
by clicking Save.
If a warning message is bypassed, it will keep coming up anytime you press
the Enter key or click the Save button. Simply press Enter to bypass it
If a field has become grayed out due to an error message, you’ll need to
press Enter to clear the field before entering the new information.
The Cost Distribution validations that have been added to this form will also
be present on any other ISR forms that have a Cost Distribution section
(i.e., Salary Change ISR).
Slide 33
In this example, the system
realized that the “Gender” and
“Title” fields were not matching up.
So a hard stop message appears at
the bottom of the screen.
Slide 34
In this example, IT (Italian) was entered for the
“Nationality,” however, no Visa information was
entered. The system requires ALL Visa information to
be entered for any non-US citizens.
Slide 35
In this example, a Permanent Address was entered
with a US address but no zip code was entered. If US
is selected for the country, a zip code is required.
Slide 36
In this example, the “Weekly Work
Hours” do not match the employee
group for the position. This is a full-time
position. A warning message is given.
In this example, the “Semi Monthly
Salary” is outside the salary range for
the position. A warning message is
given. However, don’t forget, if this is
the correct amount, you can press
Enter to bypass the message.
Slide 37
In this example, the “Cost Distribution”
amount is greater than the “Semi Monthly
Salary.” A hard stop error message appears
at the bottom of the screen.
Slide 38
In this example, the “Cost Distribution” is
less than the “Semi Monthly Salary.” A
warning message appears at the bottom of
the screen.
Slide 39
In this example, the
business area associated
with this “Cost Center” is
invalid for the Personnel Sub
Area of the position.
In this example, the
“Percentage” field for an
hourly employee does not
equal 100 percent. A hard
stop message appears.
Slide 40
In this example, the sponsored
program selected has a project
end date that expired before
the distribution “Valid From”
In this example, the sponsored
program selected has a project
end date that expired before
the distribution “End Date.”
Slide 41
In this example, the system checks the
position for a required license/certification
and gives a hard error message if that
license/certification is not listed on the ISR
with valid begin and end dates.
Slide 42
What the Approver Sees
Slide 43
What the Approver Sees
There has been no change to the approval process or workflows.
Any warnings that have been bypassed by the initiator will also be
presented to the approver.
The approver can click
in order to see if there are
any active personnel numbers for the supplied Social Security
Slide 44
What the Approver Sees
After you submit the Hire
ISR, it will go to the
approver’s inbox. Any
warning messages that
were bypassed by the
initiator will also appear
for the approver.
Slide 45
The Employee Reassignment
ISR Form
Slide 46
Employee Reassignment ISR Form
Since the Employee Reassignment ISR form is based on the Hire
ISR, it will be changed to be the same format as the Hire ISR form.
However, a few sections have been left out.
All validations on the Hire ISR will also apply to the Employee
Reassignment ISR.
Slide 47
Top of the Form
Slide 48
Middle of the Form
Slide 49
Bottom of the Form
Slide 50
The added fields on the Enhanced Hire ISR have virtually eliminated
the need to enter any required information in the Comments
section. These new fields have also addressed some potential
compliance issues that had arisen due to missing information.
The validations that have been added will help to limit the
corrections that need to be made after forms reach HR Shared
Services with invalid information.
Overall, we hope that all of the enhancements to the Hire ISR make
the hiring process more intuitive and more efficient than it was.
Slide 51
We’re going to open the phone lines now!
There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide
instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line.
We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them.
We’ll also be answering the questions that were emailed to us
during the presentation.
If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research
after this session, and then email the answer to all participants.
Slide 52
Thank You!
Thank you for participating!
We would love to hear from you.
Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future
FastFacts sessions?
Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter?
Please email us at:
Slide 53
Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey.
Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions.
Click this link to access the survey…
Thanks again!