LTG Mike Peterson – CIO/XC
 XC is an integrated function
 CIO – Comm Sustainment – Warfighter Integration
 Cyber – making sure every warfighter knows what is in his trick box – what is at his disposal
 What about the application? Reach out to the mission owners. Applications are too complicated
and too disconnected.
LTG Willie Shelton – Space Command, 14th Air Force
 CIO/XC next in command
 It's easier to get to space than it's ever been in history. You can put a small box sized satellite
into orbit for $100k
AMC – large need for Assured Systems Availability; 24x7x365. USAF is flying launching one mission
every 90 seconds. No time for systems down time.
Greg Garcia – Director 754th ESG
 Problems with unsupported COTS migrations. Need to plan and execute sooner
 Application vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited. Need for more application security and
testing of applications by industry and vendors. (the tone I picked up from Greg here is that he
expects this to be done at no cost to the government).
 Decouple requirements and deliver pieces of the application or program early.
 Develop skills in our profession. Critical shortage of skills and certifications
 Know the five priorities of the USAF (reference the slides/internet).
 Data at Rest
 NETCENTS Draft PWS' to be release next week. Check the quality / and certification
Push knowledge to the operators
Wait until the Digital Natives take over!
Rich Lombari – ESC Hanscom Executive Director (retired USAF officer)
 Delivering the power of information
 Information Dominance: instantaneous decision making ability
 Speed is important – solutions to the warfighter
 Stable of IDIQ contracts
 Leverage Open Technology Development – SOA; Mission Functionality
 Innovation – Speed
 NETCENTS II – first award 9/09
 DEAMS Increment 2 coming up.
 Smaller components
 Interoperability
 Open Technology
 Speed
 Information Assurance
 Secure Infrastructure Reuse
MG Paul Dettmer – Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR)
Warfare in the information age; U.S. Dominance is no longer assured
Technology is no longer an automatic advantage for the U.S.
We are in an information dominant environment. ISR is the hub
Every sensor a shooter; Every shooter a sensor
Finding & Fixing targets takes MUCH Longer than Finishing. How can we use IT to reduce
time to find and fix. Faster time to mensurate targets
Build and deliver capability to counter 5th generation threats
Information Fusion; processing volumes of surveillance data. Adding manpower is no the
solution. Need better systems.
mobile targets, satellite jamming, etc. make ISR more challenging
Strategy & Resources
 A8 is the process integrators. We don't do strategic thinking
 Looking at future threats.
 U.S. Has not a peer fight in 20 years
 3 Areas; Defend the Homeland, GWOT/Irregular Warfare, Conventional Commands
 Preparing now for the fights in 2030.
 DOD Directive 5100.1 being published. First update in decades of this directive.
 Cyberspace Superiority is a new AF Core Function.
 2008 Strategic Plan just published
 Acquisition Excellence
 Cyber and IT touches everything the USAF does
 3 domains – 12 core functions; articulated in AF Strategic Plan
 Strategy <-------------> Resources
 Build Joint Solutions that are not stovepipes
 Can't afford to develop single service solutions
 Can't afford to buy single source solutions
 Budget pressure to bring $'s down