Español IV EL REPASO DEL SUBJUNTIVO La formula 1 Subject #1 (indicative verb) 2 3 que Subject #2 + This is the verb in the conjunction subjunctive necessary to (Must have a introduce the different subjunctive subject from clause subject #1) Como formar el subjuntivo 1. Go to the yo. Make sure to include any stem-changes or yo-go verbs. 2. Drop the –o. 3. Add the opposite vowel. -ar verbs will use e -er/-ir verbs will a Subjunctive endings -ar verbs yo tú -e -es él -e ella Ud. nosotros/as -emos -éis vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. -en Subjunctive endings -er/-ir verbs yo tú -a -as él -a ella Ud. nosotros/as -amos -áis vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. -an Dar and estar are technically regular verbs but they take accents. Estar takes accents on all forms but the nosotros Dar takes accents on the yo and the él/ella/Ud form Irregulars Ir yo tú vaya vayas él vaya ella Ud. nosotros/as vayamos vayais vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. vayan Irregulars saber yo tú sepa sepas él sepa ella Ud. nosotros/as sepamos sepais vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. sepan Irregulars ser yo tú sea seas él sea ella Ud. nosotros/as seamos seais vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. sean Irregulars haber yo tú haya hayas él haya ella Ud. nosotros/as hayamos hayais vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. hayan Spelling Changes -ar verbs with spelling changes -car -gar -zar -que -gue -ce Spelling Changes -er/ir verbs with spelling changes -ger / -gir -ja -guir -cer -ja -zca Los usos del subjuntivo Uso No 1: Nonexistent Uso No 2: Recommendations Uso no 3: Will, wish, hope Uso no 4: Doubt, denial Uso no 5: Emotions Uso no 6: Judgment (Sometimes called impersonal) Special words Special word: Ojalá que… To hope that Never has a subject for ojalá Derives from Arabic: Oh, allah… Quizás – perhaps, maybe Quizás Sr. Miga reciba mil dólares hoy. Tal vez – maybe, perhaps Tal vez llueva las albóndigas. Indicative versus Subjunctive The indicative is used to express what is objectively known or believed to be true. In other words, lots of people believe it is the truth. The subjunctive is subjective and deals with the realm of internal perceptions. Ways to Remember U Unknown W Wishes, wants E Emotions I Impersonal expressions R Recommendations D Doubt, denial O Ojalá Ways to Remember W Wishes, wants E Emotions D Doubts D Demands I Impersonal expressions N Negation G God grant