Subject pronouns / I am yo lyrics

Subject pronouns / I am yo lyrics
I am “yo”
song #1
• I am “yo”
• And you are “tú”
• If we’re not on a first name basis,
saying “tú” is rude
• He is “él” , and she “ella”
• If I’m speaking formally, I say
“Usted” to you
I am “yo”
song #2
We are “nosotros”
And they are “ellos”
In a group without a guy, “ellas” means
they too.
“You all” are “Ustedes”, everywhere but
When they speak less formally,
“vosotros” is “you all”(in Spain)
I am “yo”
song #3
• Now get these into your brain.
Vosotros is “you all”, now get these
into your brain.