Seed Lending Library

Seed Lending Library
The Seed Library is located at:
Yorba Linda Public Library
18181 Imperial Highway
Yorba Linda Ca 92886.
How to use the Seed Lending Library
There is no cost in using the Seed Lending Library. The Seed Library is simple to use!
Just borrow seeds, grow plants, and experience the joy of gardening!
How to Borrow Seeds
Seeds can be acquired by visiting the library during normal business hours.
1.Select your seeds from the seed drawers.
2.Determine how many seeds to take, based on what you intend to plant this season,
but please remember this is a share system, please be considerate and take only what
you need.
3.Write seed growing instructions on your seed packet to assist you with planting seeds.
Planting and growing information helps you know what the optimal growth conditions
are for the seeds. In addition, if you return seeds from this plant to the library at the end
of the season, the next gardener will be grateful for your notes!
4.Place your selected seeds in the envelopes provided and return the original seed
packet to its proper place in the seed drawer
5.Document the Borrowing Date, Plant Name, Variety, and Estimated number of seeds
taken in the Seed Share Check Out Folder. This helps the library keep track of the
seeds distributed to the seed library users.
**All seeds from the Yorba Linda Public Library Seed Library are heirloom seeds.**
How to Donate or Return Seeds
It is not required that you return seeds to the Seed Lending Library. Please only return
harvested seeds if you are familiar with the seed saving process. However, if you are
skilled in seed saving, once you have collected seed from your crops, set aside some
for yourself and some for the library in clearly labeled envelopes or containers.
Seeds for the library should be returned in envelopes labeled with the Seed Donation
Form. You can print out a form from our website, or pick one up at the library. Please
only donate or return heirloom seeds to the seed library. We do not accept hybrid
seeds. If you do save and return seeds, please follow these guidelines:
1. For saved seeds, please fill out a Seed Donation Form . Please follow the below form
as an example:
Yorba Linda Public Library Seed Lending Library
~Seed Donation Form~
Please fill-out as much information as possible & return with your seeds.
Common name: Tomato
Scientific name: Solanum lycopersicum
Variety: Italian Heirloom
Seed source: Seed Savers Exchange
Location of harvest: Yorba Linda
Year: 2012
Notes/Story: Juicy, great tasting
Name (optional): May Gardener
Thank you for saving and donating seeds to the Seed Library!
2.Returning Seed Protocol: Please read the Seed Protocol when bringing seeds to the
library to share or add to the seed library. The Seed Protocol helps us to make sure we
have a healthy and genetically diverse seed for public distribution.
3.Need to find the scientific name of the seed? Visit the USDA’s website to find a search
system that will help to locate the current scientific name of different plants!
Donated seeds help to make the Seed Library self-sustaining. The more seeds in the
library, the more community members can experience the joys of gardening! Seed
Library users will not be penalized if they are unable to return seeds back to the Seed
Library at the end of the season; we understand that seed saving is new to many of our
community members. Please only save seeds if you familiar with the seed saving