Air Pollution, Climate Change and Ozone Depletion General Information AIR POLLUTION Some primary air pollutants may react with one another or with other chemicals in the air to form secondary air pollutants. Figure 19-3 Major Air Pollutants Carbon oxides: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a highly toxic gas that forms during the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing materials. 93% of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the troposphere occurs as a result of the carbon cycle. 7% of CO2 in the troposphere occurs as a result of human activities (mostly burning fossil fuels). • It is not regulated as a pollutant under the U.S. Clean Air Act. Major Air Pollutants Nitrogen oxides and nitric acid: Nitrogen oxide (NO)- forms when N and O gas in air reacts in High Temp. automobile engines and coal-burning plants. NO can also form from lightening and certain soil bacteria. • NO reacts with air to form NO2. • NO2 reacts with water vapor to form nitric acid (HNO3) and nitrate salts (NO3-) = acid deposition. Major Air Pollutants Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric acid Two-thirds come from human sources, mostly combustion (S+ O2 SO2) of sulfurcontaining coal and oil refining SO2 in the atmosphere can be converted to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and sulfate salts (SO42-) = acid deposition. Major Air Pollutants Suspended particulate matter (SPM): Consists of a variety of solid particles and liquid droplets small and light enough to remain suspended in the air. SPM is responsible for about 60,000 premature deaths a year in the U.S. Major Air Pollutants Ozone (O3): Is a highly reactive gas that is a major component of photochemical smog. It can • Cause and aggravate respiratory illness. • Can aggravate heart disease. • Damage plants, rubber in tires, fabrics, and paints. Major Air Pollutants Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Most are hydorcarbons: methane,industrial solvents, trichlorethylene (TCE), benzene, and vinyl chloride. VOCs can cause cancer, blood disorders, and immune system damage. Major Air Pollutants Radon (Rn): Is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in some types of soil and rock. It can seep into homes and buildings sitting above such deposits. Secondary Pollutants Form when primary pollutants react URBAN OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION Industrial smog is a mixture of sulfur dioxide, droplets of sulfuric acid, and a variety of suspended solid particles emitted mostly by burning coal. In most developed countries where coal and heavy oil is burned, industrial smog is not a problem due to reasonably good pollution control or with tall smokestacks that transfer the pollutant to rural areas. Sunlight plus Cars Equals Photochemical Smog Photochemical smog is a mixture of air pollutants formed by the reaction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic hydrocarbons under the influence of sunlight. Sunlight plus Cars Equals Photochemical Smog Mexico City is one of the many cities in sunny, warm, dry climates with many motor vehicles that suffer from photochemical smog. Figure 19-4 Factors Influencing Levels of Outdoor Air Pollution Outdoor air pollution can be reduced by: settling out, precipitation, sea spray, winds, and chemical reactions. Outdoor air pollution can be increased by: urban buildings (slow wind dispersal of pollutants), mountains (promote temperature inversions), and high temperatures (promote photochemical reactions). Temperature Inversions Cold, cloudy weather in a valley surrounded by mountains can trap air pollutants (left). Areas with sunny climate, light winds, mountains on three sides and an ocean on the other (right) are susceptible to inversions. Figure 19-5 Descending warm air mass Warmer air Inversion layer Inversion layer Sea breeze Increasing altitude Decreasing temperature Fig. 19-5, p. 447 ACID DEPOSITION Sulfur dioxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulates can react in the atmosphere to produce acidic chemicals that can travel long distances before returning to the earth’s surface. Tall smokestacks reduce local air pollution but can increase regional air pollution. ACID DEPOSITION Acid deposition consists of rain, snow, dust, or gas with a pH lower than 5.6. Figure 19-6 Wind Transformation to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) Nitric oxide (NO) Windborne ammonia gas and particles of cultivated soil partially neutralize acids and form dry sulfate and nitrate salts Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NO Acid fog Dry acid deposition (sulfur dioxide gas and particles of sulfate and nitrate salts) Farm Ocean Lakes in deep soil high in limestone are buffered Wet acid depostion (droplets of H2SO4 and HNO3 dissolved in rain and snow) Lakes in shallow soil low in limestone become acidic Fig. 19-6, p. 448 ACID DEPOSITION pH measurements in relation to major coalburning and industrial plants. Figure 19-7 ACID DEPOSITION Acid deposition contributes to chronic respiratory disease and can leach toxic metals (such as lead and mercury) from soils and rocks into acidic lakes used as sources for drinking water. ACID DEPOSITION Figure 19-8 ACID DEPOSITION Air pollution is one of several interacting stresses that can damage, weaken, or kill trees and pollute surface and groundwater. Figure 19-9 Emissions SO2 Acid H O 2 2 deposition PANs NOx O3 Others Reduced photosynthesis and growth Direct damage to leaves & bark Tree death Soil acidification Leaching of soil nutrients Acids Release of toxic metal ions Susceptibility to drought, extreme cold, insects, mosses, & disease organisms Root damage Reduced nutrient & water uptake Lake Groundwater Fig. 19-9, p. 451 Solutions Acid Deposition Prevention Reduce air pollution by improving energy efficiency Cleanup Add lime to neutralize acidified lakes Reduce coal use Increase natural gas use Increase use of renewable energy resources Add phosphate fertilizer to neutralize acidified lakes Burn low-sulfur coal Remove SO2 particulates & NOx from smokestack gases Remove NOx from motor vehicular exhaust Tax emissions of SO2 Fig. 19-10, p. 452 Air Quality is better in US; EPA estimates since 1970 Particulate Matter (PM)- down 78% Carbon Dioxide (CO2)- down 23% Nitrogen Dioxide (Nox)- up 14% Lead (Pb)- down 98% Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)- down 32% Air quality is worse in developing countries: Mexico City & Beijing: air exceeds WHO standards 350 days/year INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Indoor air pollution usually is a greater threat to human health than outdoor air pollution. According to the EPA, the four most dangerous indoor air pollutants in developed countries are: Tobacco smoke. Formaldehyde. Radioactive radon-222 gas. Very small fine and ultrafine particles. Chloroform Para-dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethylene Formaldehyde 1, 1, 1Trichloroethane Styrene Nitrogen Oxides Benzo-a-pyrene Particulates Tobacco Smoke Asbestos Carbon Monoxide Radon-222 Methylene Chloride Fig. 19-11, p. 453 INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Household dust mites that feed on human skin and dust, live in materials such as bedding and furniture fabrics. Can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions in some people. Figure 19-12 Case Study: Radioactive Radon Radon-222, a radioactive gas found in some soils and rocks, can seep into some houses and increase the risk of lung cancer. Sources and paths of entry for indoor radon-222 gas. Figure 19-13 HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Normal human lungs (left) and the lungs of a person who died of emphysema (right). Figure 19-15 Air Pollution is a Big Killer Each year, air pollution prematurely kills about 3 million people, mostly from indoor air pollution in developing countries. In the U.S., the EPA estimates that annual deaths related to indoor and outdoor air pollution range from 150,000 to 350,000. According to the EPA, each year more than 125,000 Americans get cancer from breathing diesel fumes. Air Pollution is a Big Killer Spatial distribution of premature deaths from air pollution in the United States. Figure 19-16 PREVENTING AND REDUCING AIR POLLUTION The Clean Air Acts in the United States have greatly reduced outdoor air pollution from six major pollutants: Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides Sulfur dioxides Suspended particulate matter (less than PM-10) Using the Marketplace to Reduce Outdoor Air Pollution To help reduce SO2 emissions, the Clean Air Act authorized an emission trading (cap-and-trade) program. Enables the 110 most polluting power plants to buy and sell SO2 pollution rights. Between 1990-2002, the emission trading system reduced emissions. In 2002, the EPA reported the cap-and-trade system produced less emission reductions than were projected. Solutions: Reducing Outdoor Air Pollution There are a of ways to prevent and control air pollution from coal-burning facilities. Electrostatic precipitator: are used to attract negatively charged particles in a smokestack into a collector. Wet scrubber: fine mists of water vapor trap particulates and convert them to a sludge that is collected and disposed of usually in a landfill. Solutions: Reducing Outdoor Air Pollution There are a # of ways to prevent and control air pollution from motor vehicles. Because of the Clean Air Act, a new car today in the U.S. emits 75% less pollution than did pre-1970 cars. There is and increase in motor vehicle use in developing countries and many have no pollution control devices and burn leaded gasoline. Solutions Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Prevention Mass transit Cleanup Emission control devices Bicycles and walking Less polluting engines Less polluting fuels Improve fuel efficiency Car exhaust inspections twice a year Get older, polluting cars off the road Give buyers large tax write-offs or rebates for buying low-polluting, energy efficient vehicles Stricter emission standards Fig. 19-19, p. 460 Solutions Indoor Air Pollution Prevention Cover ceiling tiles & lining of AC ducts to prevent release of mineral fibers Ban smoking or limit it to well ventilated areas Set stricter formaldehyde emissions standards for carpet, furniture, and building materials Prevent radon infiltration Use office machines in well ventilated areas Use less polluting substitutes for harmful cleaning agents, paints, and other products Cleanup or Dilution Use adjustable fresh air vents for work spaces Increase intake of outside air Change air more frequently Circulate a building’s air through rooftop green houses Use exhaust hoods for stoves and appliances burning natural gas Install efficient chimneys for wood-burning stoves Fig. 19-20, p. 461 Major Greenhouse Gases Increases in average concentrations of three greenhouse gases in the troposphere between 1860 and 2004, mostly due to fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and agriculture. Figure 20-5 OZONE DEPLETION IN THE STRATOSPHERE Less ozone in the stratosphere allows for more harmful UV radiation to reach the earth’s surface. The ozone layer keeps about 95% of the sun’s harmful UV radiation from reaching the earth’s surface. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) have lowered the average concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere. In 1988 CFCs were no longer manufactured. Ultraviolet light hits a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) molecule, such as CFCl3, breaking off a chlorine atom and leaving CFCl2. Sun Cl UV radiation The chlorine atom attacks an ozone (O3) molecule, pulling an oxygen atom off it and leaving an oxygen molecule (O2). Summary of Reactions CCl3F + UV Cl + CCl2F Cl + O3 ClO + O2 Repeated Cl + O Cl + O2 many times Once free, the chlorine atom is off to attack another ozone molecule and begin the cycle again. A free oxygen atom pulls the oxygen atom off the chlorine monoxide molecule to form O2. The chlorine atom and the oxygen atom join to form a chlorine monoxide molecule (ClO). Fig. 20-18, p. 486 Human Impact (Positive) Pollution Control Devices Emission Control Devices – filter particles Scrubbers – use water to filter particles and gases Catalytic Converters – on cars; finish burning wastes to decrease CO 1-800-453-SMOG International Climate Negotiations: The Kyoto Protocol Treaty on global warming which first phase went into effect January, 2005 with 189 countries participating. It requires 38 participating developed countries to cut their emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O to 5.2% below their 1990 levels by 2012. Developing countries were excluded. • The U.S. did not sign, but California and Maine are participating. • U.S. did not sign because developing countries such as China, India and Brazil were excluded. Moving Beyond the Kyoto Protocol Countries could work together to develop a new international approach to slowing global warming. The Kyoto Protocol will have little effect on future global warming without support and action by the U.S., China, and India. Law – Clean Air Act 1963 - first passage 1970, 1977 and 1990 - amended Involves EPA Sets standards for acceptable levels of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, lead, & more Provides pollution credits for industries that utilize pollution-control devices+ Bush administration relaxed the rules It established NAAQS and AQI National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Sets acceptable concentrations for 6 “criteria” pollutants that: Threaten public health/the environment over broad areas (non-point) Are emitted in large quantities CO, Pb, Nitrogen Oxides, Ozone, Particulate Matter and Sulfur Dioxides Air Quality Index (AQI) Measures levels of 5 criteria pollutants Forecast of daily air pollution levels Purpose to educate and protect publicfocuses on health effects Categories: green= good, yellow= moderate, orange= unhealthy for sensitive groups, red= unhealthy, purple= very unhealthy National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Regulates emissions (from point sources) For specific substances (air toxics w/ known or suspected serious health effects (mutagens, carcinogens, neurotoxins) Tend to be localized, from point sources Examples: Ammonia, chlorine, asbestos, arsenic, mercury, benzene Sources of Pollution Agriculture Fertilizers, animal wastes, etc. Municipal Waste Sewage, fertilizers, dumping into drainage ditches, etc. Industrial Waste Chemicals left over from manufacturing, waste products, etc. Point Source Pollution Non-Point Source Pollution Pollutants enter traced to a specific spot (such bodies of water over large areas as a factory or sewage treatment Ex. Agricultural plant) because it is fertilizer runoff and discharged into sediments from the environment construction. through pipes, sewers or ditches. Cultural Eutrophication Eutrophication: the natural nutrient enrichment of a shallow lake, estuary or slow moving stream, mostly from runoff of plant nutrients from the surrounding land. Cultural eutrophication: human activities accelerate the input of plant nutrients (mostly nitrate- and phosphate-containing effluents) to a lake. 85% of large lakes near major population centers in the U.S. have some degree of cultural eutrophication. Eutrophication Definition enrichment of a body of water from nutrients such as phosphorus or nitrogen Cause/Effect Fertilizers, erosion, sewage, etc. get into water and the effect is high photosynthetic productivity. POLLUTION OF FRESHWATER STREAMS Flowing streams can recover from a moderate level of degradable water pollutants if they are not overloaded and their flows are not reduced. In a flowing stream, the breakdown of degradable wastes by bacteria depletes DO and creates and oxygen sag curve. This reduces or eliminates populations of organisms with high oxygen requirements. Water Pollution Problems in Streams Dilution and decay of degradable, oxygendemanding wastes and heat in a stream. Figure 21-4 Core Case Study: Using Nature to Purify Sewage Ecological wastewater purification by a living machine. Uses the sun and a series of tanks containing plants, snails, zooplankton, crayfish, and fish (that can be eaten or sold for bait). Figure 21-1 Fig. 21-4, p. 497 POLLUTION OF FRESHWATER STREAMS Most developed countries have sharply reduced point-source pollution but toxic chemicals and pollution from nonpoint sources are still a problem. Stream pollution from discharges of untreated sewage and industrial wastes is a major problem in developing countries. Global Outlook: Stream Pollution in Developing Countries Water in many of central China's rivers are greenish black from uncontrolled pollution by thousands of factories. Figure 21-5 Case Study: India’s Ganges River: Religion, Poverty, and Health Religious beliefs, cultural traditions, poverty, and a large population interact to cause severe pollution of the Ganges River in India. Very little of the sewage is treated. Hindu believe in cremating the dead to free the soul and throwing the ashes in the holy Ganges. Some are too poor to afford the wood to fully cremate. Decomposing bodies promote disease and depletes DO. Case Study: India’s Ganges River: Religion, Poverty, and Health Daily, more than 1 million Hindus in India bathe, drink from, or carry out religious ceremonies in the highly polluted Ganges River. Figure 21-6 POLLUTION OF FRESHWATER LAKES Dilution of pollutants in lakes is less effective than in most streams because most lake water is not mixed well and has little flow. Lakes and reservoirs are often stratified and undergo little mixing. Low flow makes them susceptible to runoff. Various human activities can overload lakes with plant nutrients, which decrease DO and kill some aquatic species. WATER POLLUTION: SOURCES, TYPES, AND EFFECTS Water pollution any chemical, biological, or physical change in water quality that has a harmful effect on living organisms or makes water unsuitable for desired uses. Point source: specific location (drain pipes, ditches, sewer lines). Nonpoint source: cannot be traced to a single site of discharge (atmospheric deposition, agricultural / industrial / residential runoff) Sediment Pollution Definition Excessive amounts of suspended soil particles that eventually settle out. Causes Erosion of agricultural lands, logging, overgrazed rangelands, strip mines, and construction. Environmental Effects Reduces light penetration, covering aquatic organisms, bringing insoluble toxic pollutants into the water, and filling in waterways. Health Effects Sediments carrying toxic chemicals. Disease-causing agents can also be transported into water via sediments. Sewage Causes waste water from drains or sewers (toilets, washing machines, and showers) and include human wastes, soaps and detergents. Environmental Effects Enrichment – nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus causing algal blooms Health Effects when sewage enter microorganisms bloom, leaving less Dissolved Oxygen (DO)for the fish, etc., and then they die disease- causing agents. Disease-Causing Agents Definition Infectious organisms that cause disease. Causes Comes from the wastes of infected individuals. Environmental Effects Municipal wastewater contains bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasitic worms, and other infectious agents that cause human or animal diseases. Health Effects Typhoid, cholera, bacterial dysentery, polio and infectious hepatitis are some of the more common bacteria or viruses that are transmitted through contaminated food and water. Major Water Pollutants and Their Effects Water quality and dissolved oxygen (DO) content in parts per million (ppm) at 20°C. Only a few fish species can survive in water less than 4ppm at 20°C. Figure 21-3 Inorganic Plant and Algal Nutrients Chemicals such as nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate the growth of plants and algae. Read “The Dead Zone” Causes Nitrates and phosphates come from sources such as human and animal wastes, agriculture Environmental Effects Inorganic nutrients encourage excessive growth of algal and aquatic plants Cultural Eutrophication. This causes problems, including enrichment and bad odor. Organic Compounds Causes synthetic chemicals that are produced by human activities; these included pesticides, solvents, industrial chemicals and plastics, and leachate (seepage) from landfills. Health Effects Hundreds of synthetic organic compounds are toxic and some of these have been shown to cause cancer or birth defects. Environmental Effects Pollutes streams and groundwater. Inorganic Compounds Causes Examples include acids, salts, and heavy metals. Sources - industries, mines, irrigation runoff, oil drilling and urban runoff from storm sewers. Environmental Effects toxic to aquatic organisms. Health Effects Lead and mercury are poisonous. Mercury exposure to developing fetuses - mental retardations, cerebral palsy, and developmental delays, causes kidney disorders and damages nervous and cardiovascular systems. Low levels of mercury in the brain cause neurological problems such as headache, depression, and quarrelsome behavior. Radioactive Substances Contains atoms of unstable isotopes that spontaneously emit radiation Radioactive Substances Causes mining and processing of radioactive minerals such as uranium and thorium. The nuclear weapons industry use the largest amounts. Medical and scientific research facilities also use them. Health Effects Mutations, birth defects, mental retardation, genetic disease, leukemia, cancer (breast, bone, thyroid, skin, lung), burns, cataracts, male sterility. Environmental Effects Pollutes air, water and soil. Thermal Pollution Causes heated water produced during certain industrial processes is released into waterways. Environmental Effects Decomposition of wastes occurs faster, Depletes Oxygen Health Effects affects animals, not humans. Oil Spills When a tanker accident happens, it gets lots of publicity. But, more oil is released by normal operation of offshore wells, washing tankers & from pipeline or storage tank leaks. One estimate says that oil companies spill, leak, or waste per year an amount of oil equal to that shipped by 1000 huge Exxon Valdez tankers. Floating Oil Oil coats the feathers of birds (especially diving birds) and the fur of marine animals, destroying the animals’ natural insulation and buoyancy Many drown or die of exposure from loss of body heat. Mechanical Methods Floating booms contain the oil spill or keep it from reaching sensitive areas Skimmer boats are used to vacuum up some of the oil into collection barges Absorbent pads or large feather-filled pillows are used to soak up oil on beaches or in waters that are too shallow for skimmer boats Chemical Methods Coagulating agents cause floating oil to clump together for easier pickup or sink to the bottom, where it usually does less harm. Dispersing agents break up oil slicks. However, these can also damage some types of organisms. Fire can also burn off floating oil, but crude oil is hard to ignite. Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Septic tanks and various levels of sewage treatment can reduce pointsource water pollution. Figure 21-15 Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Primary and Secondary sewage treatment. Figure 21-16 Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Advanced or tertiary sewage treatment: Uses series of chemical and physical processes to remove specific pollutants left (especially nitrates and phosphates). Water is chlorinated to remove coloration and to kill disease-carrying bacteria and some viruses (disinfect). Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Raw sewage reaching a municipal sewage treatment plant typically undergoes: Primary sewage treatment: a physical process that uses screens and a grit tank to remove large floating objects and allows settling. Secondary sewage treatment: a biological process in which aerobic bacteria remove as much as 90% of dissolved and biodegradable, oxygen demanding organic wastes. Water Treatment Primary Removes suspended and floating particles, such as sand and silt, by mechanical processes such as screening and gravitational settling. The solid material that is settled out is called primary sludge. Bar screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers, digesters and pre-aeration Secondary Uses microorganisms to decompose the suspended organic material in wastewater. Ex. trickling filters – where wastewater trickles through aerated rock beds that contain bacteria and other microorganisms, which degrade the organic material in the water. Secondary (Cont.) Or activated sludge process – wastewater is aerated and circulated through bacteria-rich particles; the bacteria degrade suspended organic material. After several hours, the particles and microorganisms are allowed to settle out, forming secondary sludge. Use aeration basins, settling tanks and sand filters Tertiary This includes a variety of biological, chemical and physical processes used to remove phosphorus and nitrogen, the nutrients most commonly associated with enrichment. Tertiary treatment can also be used to purify wastewater so that it can be reused in communities where water is scarce. Use chlorine as a disinfection and then chlorine is removed by SO2 so it can be released into river. Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Sewage sludge can be used as a soil conditioner but this can cause health problems if it contains infectious bacteria and toxic chemicals. Preventing toxic chemicals from reaching sewage treatment plants would eliminate such chemicals from the sludge and water discharged from such plants. Reducing Water Pollution through Sewage Treatment Natural and artificial wetlands and other ecological systems can be used to treat sewage. California created a 65 hectare wetland near Humboldt Bay that acts as a natural wastewater treatment plant for the town of 16,000 people. The project cost less than half of the estimated price of a conventional treatment plant. Water Quality United States Groundwater contamination still occurs, especially due to non-point source pollution, but laws like the Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, and Water Quality Act have helped in the U.S. Global Problems According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.4 billion people still do not have access to adequate sanitation systems. Worldwide, at least 250 million cases of water-related illnesses occur each year, with 5 million or more of these resulting in death. Specific Water Quality Measures Dissolved Oxygen The amount of oxygen gas dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure. Carbon Dioxide Enters aquatic systems from the atmosphere and from respiration by animals. The concentration of CO2 varies at different depths because of light/photosynthesis. Nitrate Contaminates shallow groundwater (100 feet or less) and usually comes from fertilizers. It’s a concern in rural areas where 80-90% of the residents use shallow groundwater for drinking. This harms humans because it reduces the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Sulfate Problem because too much can kill fish. Gets in water from industrial processes and mining. Iron Causes problems because it separates out of the water and forms particulates (sediment), it tastes bad if it gets in our water, and can coat fish’s gills. Groundwater problems in wells, from natural minerals in rocks. Phosphate –cultural eutrophication Plant nutrients that cause algae blooms. It comes from detergents, human wastes and fertilizers. Coliform General group of bacteria from animal wastes. It uses up available oxygen. Also causes e-coli disease. Giardia Organism (protozoa) that can cause diarrhea if you drink unchlorinated water. It is a natural organism that lives in the guts of animals. Chloride Part of salts, but too many can cause too much salt in the water. Too much is bad; a little is okay. It is naturally found in water, but can come from pollution. pH Too high/too low can be bad; fish like 6.5-9.5; acid mine drainage can kill fish. Hardness Calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water. A little is good (50400 ppm for fish is good), but very low or high is a problem. Low is more of a problem. Affects fish eggs, poor bone development. Turbidity Cloudiness/muddiness; blocks the light; coats fish gills. Hard Water Definition Calcium and magnesium in the water. Can cause problems with cleaning clothes. Soap doesn’t bubble as much. Methods of Treating Ion Exchange Substitute sodium for calcium and magnesium. Water softeners usually do this. Reverse Osmosis Membrane system that allows water to go through but calcium and magnesium cannot. Water Usage Major Users – United States & global Agricultural users are the biggest by volume, then industrial and municipal. POLLUTION OF GROUNDWATER U.S. EPA had completed the cleanup of 297,000 of 436,000 underground tanks leaking gasoline, diesel fuel, home heating oil, or toxic solvents. Water Legislation Safe Drinking Water Act It required the EPA to determine the maximum contaminant level, the max permissible amount of any pollutant that might adversely affect human health. PREVENTING AND REDUCING SURFACE WATER POLLUTION Most developed countries use laws to set water pollution standards, but such laws rarely exist in developing countries. The U.S. Clean Water Act sets standards for allowed levels of key water pollutants and requires polluters to get permits. EPA is experimenting with a discharge trading policy similar to that for air pollution control. Clean Water Act Has two basic goals: To eliminate the discharge of pollutants in U.S. waterways To attain water quality levels that make these waterways safe to fish and swim in. Water Quality Act •controlling toxic pollutant discharges •control non-point sources of pollution •authorized $18 billion for wastewater treatment •address problems such as coastal estuaries, the Great Lakes, and the Chesapeake Bay RISKS AND HAZARDS Risk is a measure of the likelihood that you will suffer harm from a hazard. We can suffer from: Biological hazards: from more than 1,400 pathogens. Chemical hazards: in air, water, soil, and food. Physical hazards: such as fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption… Cultural hazards: such as smoking, poor diet, unsafe sex, drugs, unsafe working conditions, and poverty. Case Study: Growing Germ Resistance to Antibiotics Rabidly producing infectious bacteria are becoming genetically resistant to widely used antibiotics due to: Genetic resistance: Spread of bacteria around the globe by humans, overuse of pesticides which produce pesticide resistant insects that carry bacteria. Overuse of antibiotics: A 2000 study found that half of the antibiotics used to treat humans were prescribed unnecessarily. Transmissible Disease Pathway for infectious disease in humans. Figure 18-4 Transmissible Disease WHO estimates that each year the world’s seven deadliest infections kill 13.6 million people – most of them the poor in developing countries. Figure 18-5 CHEMICAL HAZARDS A toxic chemical can cause temporary or permanent harm or death. Mutagens are chemicals or forms of radiation that cause or increase the frequency of mutations in DNA. Teratogens are chemicals that cause harm or birth defects to a fetus or embryo. Carcinogens are chemicals or types of radiation that can cause or promote cancer. Effects of Chemicals on the Immune, Nervous, and Endocrine Systems Long-term exposure to some chemicals at low doses may disrupt the body’s: Immune system: specialized cells and tissues that protect the body against disease and harmful substances. Nervous system: brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Endocrine system: complex network of glands that release minute amounts of hormones into the bloodstream. TOXICOLOGY: ASSESSING CHEMICAL HAZARDS Factors determining the harm caused by exposure to a chemical include: The amount of exposure (dose). The frequency of exposure. The person who is exposed. The effectiveness of the body’s detoxification systems. One’s genetic makeup. TOXICOLOGY: ASSESSING CHEMICAL HAZARDS Children are more susceptible to the effects of toxic substances because: Children breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food per unit of body weight than adults. They are exposed to toxins when they put their fingers or other objects in their mouths. Children usually have less well-developed immune systems and detoxification processes than adults. RISK ANALYSIS Annual deaths in the U.S. from tobacco use and other causes in 2003. Figure 18-A RISK ANALYSIS Number of deaths per year in the world from various causes. Parentheses show deaths in terms of the number of fully loaded 400-passenger jumbo jets crashing every day of the year with no survivors. Figure 18-13 Hazard Poverty Born male Smoking Overweight (35%) Unmarried Overweight (15%) Spouse smoking Driving Air pollution Alcohol Drug abuse Flu AIDS Drowning Pesticides Fire Natural radiation Medical X rays Oral contraceptives Toxic waste Flying Hurricanes, tornadoes Lifetime near nuclear plant Shortens average life span in the U.S. by 7–10 years 7.5 years 6–10 years 6 years 5 years 2 years 1 year 7 months 5 months 5 months 4 months 4 months 3 months 1 month 1 month 1 month 8 days 5 days 5 days 4 days 1 day 1 day 10 hours Fig. 18-14, p. 436 HAZARDOUS WASTE Hazardous waste: is any discarded solid or liquid material that is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive enough to explode or release toxic fumes. The two largest classes of hazardous wastes are organic compounds (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, dioxins) and toxic heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, arsenic). Hazardous Waste Regulations in the United States Two major federal laws regulate the management and disposal of hazardous waste in the U.S.: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) • Cradle-to-the-grave system to keep track waste. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) • Commonly known as Superfund program - polluters pay fo cleaning up abandoned hazardous waste sites Conversion to Less Hazardous Substances Physical Methods: using charcoal or resins to separate out harmful chemicals. Chemical Methods: using chemical reactions that can convert hazardous chemicals to less harmful or harmless chemicals. Conversion to Less Hazardous Substances Biological Methods: Bioremediation: bacteria or enzymes help destroy or convert toxic and hazardous waste Phytoremediation: involves using natural or genetically engineered plants to absorb, filter and remove contaminants from polluted soil and water. Radioactive contaminants Organic contaminants Sunflower Willow tree Inorganic metal contaminants Poplar tree Brake fern Indian mustard Landfill Polluted groundwater in Soil Groundwater Decontaminated water out Rhizofiltration Roots of plants such as Phytostabilization sunflowers with dangling Plants such as willow trees and poplars can roots on ponds or in greenabsorb chemicals and houses can absorb pollutants keep them from reaching such as radioactive strontium-90 groundwater or nearby surface water. and cesium-137 and various organic chemicals. Polluted leachate Oil spill Phytodegradation Plants such as poplars can absorb toxic organic chemicals and break them down into less harmful compounds which they store or release slowly into the air. Soil Groundwater Phytoextraction Roots of plants such as Indian mustard and brake ferns can absorb toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, and others and store them in their leaves. Plants can then be recycled or harvested and incinerated. Conversion to Less Hazardous Substances Incineration: heating many types of hazardous waste to high temperatures – up to 2000 °C – in an incinerator can break them down and convert them to less harmful or harmless chemicals. Long-Term Storage of Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste can be disposed of on or underneath the earth’s surface, but without proper design and care this can pollute the air and water. Deep-well disposal: liquid hazardous wastes are pumped under pressure into dry porous rock far beneath aquifers. Surface impoundments: excavated depressions such as ponds, pits, or lagoons into which liners are placed and liquid hazardous wastes are stored. Long-Term Storage of Hazardous Waste Long-Term Retrievable Storage: Some highly toxic materials cannot be detoxified or destroyed. Metal drums are used to stored them in areas that can be inspected and retrieved. Secure Landfills: Sometimes hazardous waste are put into drums and buried in carefully designed and monitored sites. Secure Hazardous Waste Landfill In the U.S. there are only 23 commercial hazardous waste landfills. Figure 22-22