Module Title: Introduction to Human Nutrition Program Level: BSc Degree Name: Introduction to Human Nutrition Course Level: Introductory Compiled: November 2014 Authors: Fred Brany Lukwago and Dr. Maureen Jepkorir Cheserek Credit Points: 3 Description: This module is designed for BSc. students with an academic background in biological sciences. The module will provide the learners with background knowledge of nutrition in preparation for further courses in human nutrition sciences. In addition, the importance, functions and metabolism of macro-nutrients (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids/fats, Dietary fiber) with their sources and recommended dietary intakes will be presented together with the concept of a balanced diet. This module is divided into 7 Topics with activities, reading materials, resources and references for further reading to the learners. Objectives 1. Provide an overview of the major macro and micro nutrients relevant to human health 2. Explain the physiological requirements and functions of the nutrients 3. Identify the causes and consequences of micro and macro nutrient deficiencies 4. Discuss the major nutrition-related diseases in developing countries Learning outcomes By the end of the module, the learner should be able to: 1. Discuss and give examples of the major macronutrients of relevant to human health 2. Explain the physiological requirement and function of nutrients; 3. Identify the cause and consequences of macronutrient deficiency; 4. Discuss major nutrition-related diseases in developing countries context. Course Outline Topic1: Introduction Operational definitions in nutrition Overview of global nutritional situation Nutrition and Health Common Nutritional problems Food choices and their related factors Functions of food Topic2: Dietary guidelines Food composition table Food groups/food pyramid Food exchange lists Dietary diversity Topic 3: Carbohydrates Sources and functions Types and Structure Digestion, absorption and metabolism Dietary requirements Nutritional related disorders Topic 4: Dietary fiber Sources and Functions Classification Health effects Topic 5: Lipids/Fats Chemical composition Sources and functions Types and Structure Digestion, absorption and metabolism Dietary requirements Nutritional related disorders Topic 6: Lipids/Fats Chemical composition Sources and functions Types and Structure Digestion, absorption and metabolism Dietary requirements Nutritional related disorders Topic 7: Proteins Sources and Functions Types and Structure Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism Dietary requirements Nutritional related disorders Modes of Instruction/delivery: Lectures; Group Discussions; Power point, Case Studies and Team Work Mode of Assessment No Mode of Assessment Mark (%) 1 Coursework 20 2 Mid-semester test 30 3 Final Examinations 50 TOTAL 100 Reading materials 1. Gibney J., Lanham Susan A., Cassidy A., & Vorster H., 2009. Introduction to Human Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons Co. 2. Gibney J., & Kritchevsk D.,1983. Animal and Vegetable Proteins in Lipid metabolism and Antheroslerosis 3. Garrow J. S., James W., P., T., Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 10th Ed. Churchill Livingstone.