What are macronutrients

Macronutrient Outline
Questions for students:
1. Have you heard of macronutrients?
a. Breakdown work to help define what a macronutrient.
2. What have you heard about macronutrients?
3. Can you think of some foods that are good sources of these
What are macronutrients?
 Macronutrients are energy that comes from fats, carbohydrates and
o Our energy supply comes from macronutrients.
o Macro = large and our bodies need large amounts of these
nutrients to function and thrive.
 Food is mainly made up of 3 different nutrients:
o Carbohydrates
o Fats
o Proteins
 Macronutrients are found in all foods in varying amounts.
 Water is found in all foods, but the foods that contain the most water
are fruits and vegetables.
o Water is not a macronutrient, but essential for every day living.
Which macronutrients are good for you?
 All of the macronutrients are good.
 Carbohydrates, fats and proteins all give your body energy in the
form of calories!
Now we are going to learn some interesting facts about the
four macronutrients.
QUESTION: Can anybody name any examples of carbohydrates?
 Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred and quickest source of
 They provide the largest amount of energy that our body’s use when
we are being active.
 They are also they only source of energy which feeds the brain
o This is one why reason why it is so important to eat a
nourishing breakfast!
Food Sources
 Foods that are good sources of carbohydrates:
o Fruits – bananas, apples, pineapples
o Vegetables – potatoes, corn, peas (starchy)
o Grains (especially whole grains) – especially whole grains:
 Brown rice
 Whole wheat bread
 Oats
 Whole wheat pasta
o Dairy – milk, cheese, yogurt
 Foods that also have the macronutrient carbohydrates include candy,
cookies, soda and sugary cereals.
o These foods include added sugars and NO other nutrients
o Not heart healthy because often contain a lot of unhealthy fat
QUESTION: Can anybody name an example of fats?
 Fats are also used for energy.
 We primarily use energy from fat when we are performing low-energy
activities, like sitting, walking leisurely, or playing video games.
 Having healthy fats in our diet is important to help keep us warm.
 It also helps us absorb important vitamins in our food that are called
fat-soluble vitamins:
o Vitamin A – help your eyes see at night and in color
o Vitamin D – make your bones strong
o Vitamin E – help to protect your cells against pollution in the
o Vitamin K – and help with blood clotting
 There are healthy fats and unhealthy fats.
o The unhealthy fats include trans fats and saturated fats.
 These fats are bad for you because they can clog up the
arteries and veins that carry blood throughout your body
and cause disease in your heart.
o The healthy fats are unsaturated fats including polyunsaturated
and monounsaturated fats.
Food Sources
 Fats are mostly found in the milk, meat and beans, and oil food
 Naturally found in nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon:
o These are very healthy fats and also a good source of protein.
 Also found in oils and butters:
o Choose soft margarines over butter or shortening, and choose
canola and olive oils.
 Found in fried foods, baked goods, and meats where the fat has not
been removed:
o Can hurt your heart over time.
QUESTIONS: Can anybody name any examples of protein?
 Protein helps providing building blocks for growing tall and developing
muscles so it is important to eat a diet with adequate amount of
 Proteins are used to build, repair, and maintain body tissue and
 Can be a source of energy.
Food Sources
 Proteins are mainly found in the meat and beans food group.
 When choosing foods with proteins, it is important to choose lean
o Extra lean ground beef, skinless chicken, beans, lentils,
chickpeas, nuts and nut butters, and low-fat milk.
o Lean proteins are low in unhealthy fat and are heart healthy
 Water is essential to live!
o Without it our bodies would not live very long. Fortunately,
water is everywhere!
 Water is found in all of the foods that we eat and all of the beverages
that we drink.
 Water has a BIG JOB:
o It carries the nutrients around in our body
o It helps us breathe
o Helps us keep a normal body temperature
 To get enough water, be sure to choose fresh fruits and vegetables
often, and choose milk and water as a drink.
o Some berries are made up of 85% water.
o Fruit juice does contain some good nutrients, but it is also high
in sugar so choose it less often.
o Milk is made up of 87% water.
 These macronutrients work best in our bodies when they are eaten
together at a meal.
 Balanced meals include all of these macronutrients.