Non-TAKS Indicators

RESULTS Policy 2: Student Achievement and
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
Non-TAKS Indicators
Monitoring Report 11/24/03
Executive Summary
Darlene Westbrook
Chief Academic Officer
Denise Collier
Executive Director for Curriculum
RESULTS Policy 2: Academic Achievement
English Language Arts
2.1.1 Reading
2.1.2 Writing
Social Studies
Second Language Proficiency
RESULTS Policy 2: Academic Achievement
2.1.1 Reading and 2.1.2 Writing
Non-TAKS Indicators
• Primary students reading at or
above grade level
• Increasing percent of students in
AP/IB courses
• Increasing percent of students
passing the AP/IB exams
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
2.1.1 Reading and 2.1.2 Writing
Reading on grade level in K-2 (TPRI/Tejas Lee)
85%-K, 84%-1st, 90%-2nd
Tejas Lee: 86%-K, 98%-1st, 95%-2nd
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
2.1.1 Reading and 2.1.2 Writing
•Increasing numbers and percent of students participating in
English AP and IB courses.
+3.4% AP participation between 2002 and 2003.
+10% participation in AP exams; +48% in IB exams
•Increasing number of students passing
AP and IB English exams.
AP exam scores  3 on AP English remained
level (892 to 894) between 2002 and 2003
+86% students scoring  5 on IB exams
between 2002 and 2003
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
2.2 Mathematics
Increasing numbers and percent of students
participating in Mathematics AP and IB courses.
+17.1% AP participation between 2002 and 2003.
+34.2% participation in AP exams
+56% participation in IB exams
Increasing number of students passing
AP and IB Mathematics exams.
+28.2% AP exams scoring  3
between 2002 and 2003
+71% IB exams scoring  5
between 2002 and 2003
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
2.3 Science
Increasing numbers and percent of students
participating in Science AP and IB courses.
+1% AP participation between 2002 and 2003.
+53% participation in AP exams
+34% participation in IB exams
Increasing number of students passing
AP and IB Science exams.
+97% AP exams scoring  3
between 2002 and 2003
+26% IB exams scoring  5
between 2002 and 2003
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
2.4 Social Studies
Increasing numbers and percent of students
participating in Social Studies AP and IB courses.
+6.5% AP participation between 2002 and 2003.
+6.7% participation in AP exams
+28% participation in IB exams
Increasing number of students passing
AP and IB Social Studies exams.
+8.3% AP exams scoring  3
between 2002 and 2003
-6% IB exams scoring  5
between 2002 and 2003
RESULTS Policy 2: Student Achievement
2.5 Technology
Non-TAKS Indicators
High School students 1 credit of Technology
Increasing percent of students mastering
TEKS based on technology benchmark test
Increasing number of Master Technology
Increasing offerings and participation in
advanced technology career pathways
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
Baseline Data
2.5 Technology
•Students receive 1 credit of Technology Applications
97.35% of students graduated with required Tech. Apps. Credit
•Increasing percent of students mastering TEKS
based on technology benchmark test
Indicators to be set after pilot assessment
which is being developed at this time.
•Increasing Master Technology teachers
42 AISD teachers have this certification
•Increasing offerings and participation in
advanced technology career pathways
Indicators to be set after CCPP audit
recommendations are received.
RESULTS Policy 2.6:
Second Language Proficiency
2.6 Be proficient in a second language
 English Proficiency for English Language Learners
 Second Language Proficiency for Native-English
RESULTS Policy 2.6:
Second Language Proficiency
2.6 Be proficient in a second language
 English Proficiency for English Language Learners
2002-2003 DRA Results indicate that between 73.2% and 76.4%
of K-2 students met DRA “on-grade level” reading requirements.
RESULTS Policy 2.6:
Second Language Proficiency
2.6 Be proficient in a second language
English Proficiency for English Language Learners
The number of students still reading at the beginning level of
English reading proficiency in US schools are decreasing at all
grade levels except grade 9 according to the 2002-2003 RPTE test.
RESULTS Policy 2.6:
Second Language Proficiency
2.6 Be proficient in a second language
 Second Language Proficiency for Native-English Speakers
National Ranking:
4 students ranked nationally in 2002, and 7 students ranked nationally
in 2003 on the National Spanish Exam.
1 student ranked nationally in 2002, and 0 students ranked nationally
in 2003 on the National French Exam.
Advanced Placement:
+47% in AP second language course participation (406 to 565)
+69.7% exams scoring 3, 4, or 5 (from 224 to 387)
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career
Non-TAKS Indicators
Explore and Experience a Wide Range
of Career Options
Graduate with a Jumpstart on College
and Career
Understand the Skills and Knowledge
Required for Successful Enrollment in
Postsecondary Education
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
3.1 Explore and Experience a Wide Range of Careers
Non-TAKS Indicators
•Academic and Career Planning
•Career Awareness and Exploration
Baseline data will be collected
and indicators will be set after
the College and Career
Program audit is completed.
•School-Based Career Experiences
•Field-Based Career Experiences
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
3.2 Graduate with a Jumpstart on College
Non-TAKS Indicators
Increases in:
•Advanced Course Participation
•AP Exam Participation & Performance
•IB Exam Participation & Performance
•Early College Start
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
3.2 Graduate with a Jumpstart on College
Non-TAKS Indicators
Improved college and career programs:
•Course offerings
•Pathways, certifications
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
3.2 Graduate with a Jumpstart on College
Non-TAKS Indicators
•Advanced Course Participation
Participation remained relatively level (22.2% in 2002; 22.3% in 2003)
•AP Exam Participation
+17% between 2002 and 2003
•AP Exam Performance
+17.5% between 2002 and 2003
• IB Exam Participation
+23.6% between 2002 and 2003
•IB Exam Performance
+24.2% between 2002 and 2003
•Early College Start
+104% between 2002 and 2003
+82% between 2002 and 2003
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
3.2 Graduate with a Jumpstart on College
Non-TAKS Indicators
•Career Focuses Courses
•Career Pathways
Baseline data will be collected
and indicators will be set after
the College and Career
Program audit is completed.
RESULTS Policy 3: College and Career Preparation
3.3 Successful Enrollment in Postsecondary Education
Non-TAKS Indicators
•SAT/ACT Participation
SAT +10% between 2002-2003
ACT +30% between 2002-2003
•SAT/ACT Performance
SAT 52 points above state
SAT 19 points above nation
ACT .1% < state and .8% < nation
• Final Transcripts to Colleges
2260 (58.2%) sent in 2003—Baseline data
•Recommended/Distinguished Plan
+2.8% students receiving offers
+32.9% in average value of offers
Non-TAKS Indicators Monitoring Results
Summary of Student Performance on Non-TAKS Indicators:
1. Student performance in non-TAKS areas is improving
over time in most areas.
2. Baseline data has been established for some indicators,
and trend data will be available in 2004.
3. Baseline data and numerical targets for some indicators
will be set after the college and career programs audit.