HES-1 (Meloni) **Bring one clean, unwrinkled 882

HES-1 (Meloni) **Bring one clean, unwrinkled 882-E ScanTron, #2 pencils, eraser
FINAL EXAM Study Guide (ch. 1-16, 18)
Chapter 1: Health in a Changing Society
Define the terms Health and Wellness; Discuss the 7 dimensions of Wellness, the Ecological Model of Health and Wellness including
key environmental and individual factors, and the Wellness Continuum; Discuss the relationship between socioeconomic status and
health outcomes (include factors such as access to health services, education, living environment), Describe the Stages of Change
model and its application; Discuss motivation and what fuels it; Describe SMART goals
Chapter 2: Family Health History
Discuss how knowing your family’s health history can influence your own health behaviors
Chapter 3: Nervous System
Identify the two main divisions of the nervous system; Identify components of the Central Nervous System and all divisions of the
Peripheral Nervous System; Describe basic structure and function the 3 meninges and the subarachnoid space; Describe the
structure of a neuron; Describe in general the action potential (electrical signal); Describe how this electrical signal transmits to a
chemical signal; Define and describe the function of this chemical signal
Chapter 3: Mental Health
Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; Briefly define mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders; Understand factors
associated with suicide – what can lead to suicide, what are potential signs of suicide? Define stress, stressor, stress response,
eustress, and distress; Discuss the three components of the stress response – physical, emotional, behavioral responses; Explain how
the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways function in the stress response; Describe effective stress management strategies
demonstrated and discussed in class and their benefits.
Chapter 4: Spirituality
Discuss spirituality as a person’s connection to self, significant others, and the community; Understand the role of personal values
and belief system in our wellness; Briefly discuss positive emotion and pleasure, engagement, and meaning and how they relate to
cultivating happiness in our lives; Describe ways of enhancing your spirituality by looking inward and by looking outward.
Chapter 5: Endocrine System and Sleep
Define the endocrine system and its components; Define sleep and sleep deprivation; Describe the sleep cycles over the course of
one full night’s sleep (8 hours); Explain why REM and non-REM sleep are essential to our physical health, growth, and cognitive
health; Describe the roles of the SCN, the pineal gland, and the hormone melatonin as they relate to sleep
Chapter 6: Digestive System and Nutrition
Identify the functions of the digestive system; identify digestive organs and glands and their basic functions; Define nutrition, related
terms, and the six essential nutrients; Identify examples and benefits of six essential nutrients; Identify foods that contain these
nutrients: complex carbohydrates, refined carbs, healthy fats, unhealthy fats, cholesterol, complete and incomplete proteins,
dietary fiber, high sodium – and how these nutrients affect your health, positively or negatively; Identify Tips for healthy nutrition
Chapter 7: Musculoskeletal System and Fitness
Identify the five functions of the musculoskeletal system; Identify the two divisions of skeletal system and their major body
segments; Identify and briefly describe three types of muscle; Discuss the five physical fitness components – definition, benefits,
recommendations for improving each; Identify major benefits of physical fitness; Identify and describe the four Exercise Principles
discussed in class
Chapter 8: Weight Management and Body Composition
Define obesity and a healthy level of body fat in quantitative terms (specific range of % body fat for males and females); Define BMI
– how is it useful; Discuss the significance of waist circumference measurement, and define a high risk waist circumference for
males/females, Explain why dieting is not successful; Describe the Hunger Scale, its numbers/meanings, and its application
Chapter 9: Body Image:
Define body image and discuss factors that shape our body image, including differences between men and women; Briefly describe
the eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder; and briefly discuss treatments for Eating Disorders
Chapter 10: Understanding Alcohol Use
Define “one drink”, binge drinking, alcohol metabolism, alcohol absorption; Describe the pathway that alcohol takes once it enters
the body (absorption, metabolism, and excretion); Discuss gender differences related to the metabolism of alcohol; Identify factors
that affect BAC; Describe which nervous system functions are first impaired; Define and describe alcohol dependence/alcoholism
compared to alcohol abuse/problem drinking
Chapter 10: Respiratory System and Understanding Tobacco Use
Identify the basic structures and functions of the respiratory system; Identify the #1 Leading Preventable Cause of Death; Identify
harmful components of tobacco and tobacco smoke; Identify short-term effects of tobacco use and the associated risk for
emphysema, cardiovascular disease, and cancers; Define environmental tobacco smoke and its health dangers
Chapter 11: Addictive Behavior, Drugs
Define drug, drug misuse, drug abuse, dependence, tolerance/escalation, withdrawal; Describe the sequence of behaviors/effects
leading to addiction (behavior, reinforcement, escalation, pattern of addiction); Describe how most drugs affect the brain chemistry
– particularly referring to the Pleasure and Reward Circuit in the brain and the role of dopamine in this process; List the general
effects on the brain and body functioning of stimulants, depressants, Opioids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and Cannabinoids
Chapter 15: Cardiovascular Health
Anatomy and functioning of the cardiovascular system; Trace the flow of blood through the entire body; Describe the two
circulatory systems and their functions; Explain how the heart beats (SA node); Define systole, diastole, atherosclerosis and their
significance in CV System functioning; Describe how a plaque develops and the factors that accelerate the process; Define the
Major Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors; Define the values for hypertension, prehypertension, and normal blood pressure;
Define the functions of LDL and HDL cholesterol; Define healthy LDL and HDL cholesterol values
*Chapter 12: Relationships and Sexual Health
Describe reproductive anatomy and functioning of males and females, including arousal/stimulation and the four phases of the
sexual response cycle; Discuss various sexual behaviors and their advantages/disadvantages and responsible practices that promote
health; Define intimacy; Discuss how attachment and self-concept affect intimate relationships; Describe A-, H-, and M-frame
relationships and their differences; Explain how friendships help us learn about and practice intimacy; Describe Sternberg’s
Triangular Theory of Love, its three components, and the different types of “love” that can form; Identify and discuss non-verbal and
verbal communication skills and their roles in our more intimate relationships
*Chapter 13: Conception and Reproductive Choices
Define conception and pregnancy and progesterone’s role in pregnancy; Define the corpus luteum and its role; Describe key
milestones in fetal development; Define and describe abortion and the various abortion methods; discuss the central questions of
the abortion debate; Identify and describe contraceptive methods, generally how they work, and their relative effectiveness in
preventing pregnancy and STDs; Discuss factors in choosing which contraceptive method is best for you
*Chapter 14: Immune System and Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection
Identify tissues/cells of the Immune System; Briefly define and describe basic functions of the innate immune system and the
acquired immune system; Discuss the relationship between the use of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria; Discuss risk
factors for STDs; Identify and briefly describe common STIs and whether they are treatable or incurable; Identify common symptoms
of STD in both men and women; Discuss how to protect yourself and your partner from STIs
*Chapter 16: Cancer
Define cancer, benign tumor, malignant tumor, metastasis; Describe the process of cancerous cell growth; Identify the four
classifications of cancers and the tissues from which they arise; Briefly discuss common types of cancer, their specific risk factors,
and relative survival rate; Identify 3 general risk factors for cancer; Identify prevention and/or screening guidelines for breast, colon,
prostate, skin, cervical, and testicular cancers.
*Chapter 18: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Define Conventional Medicine, Holistic Health Care, and CAM; Identify common CAM therapies; Identify four domains of CAM
practices; Identify considerations for you, the consumer, in making healthcare choices.