HES-1 (Meloni) FINAL EXAM Study Guide (ch. 1, 3

HES-1 (Meloni)
FINAL EXAM Study Guide (ch. 1, 3-16, 18)
Chapter 1: Health in a Changing Society
Define Health and Wellness; Discuss the 7 dimensions of Wellness, the Ecological Model of Health and Wellness (including key
environmental and individual factors), and the Wellness Continuum; Recognize how socioeconomic status is related to health
outcomes (access to and education about healthy lifestyle alternatives), Describe the Stages of Change model and how it can be
applied to changing health-related behavior in any of the topics discussed in this course; discuss what fuels motivation and which
types of rewards are more powerful in the long-run; Describe SMART goals
Chapter 3: Nervous System
Describe the two main divisions of the nervous system; Components of the Central Nervous System; Divisions of the Peripheral
nervous system (sensory/motor; motor is further divided into somatic (voluntary) / autonomic (involuntary); autonomic is further
divided into sympathetic/parasympathetic)
Know basic functions carried out by the: Hypothalamus (regulates homeostasis, the body’s “thermostat”); the pituitary gland (the
“Master Gland”); Midbrain (characterized by dopamine-releasing neurons – the Pleasure-Reward Circuit); Hindbrain
(autonomic/vital functions, balance, coordination, motor learning)
Describe the 3 layers of meninges (dura, arachnoid, and pia mater); Describe the structure of a neuron; Describe how neurons
communicate (action potential / electrical signal, transmits to a chemical signal / neurotransmitter, NT binds to and has an effect on
the post-synaptic membrane)
Chapter 3: Mental Health
Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; Briefly define mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders; Define stress, stressor,
stress response, eustress, and distress; Discuss the three components of the stress response – physical, emotional, and behavioral
responses; Describe “Fight or Flight”; Describe “Relaxation” response; Describe effective stress reduction strategies (e.g. choice
management, social support, deep breathing, visualization, exercise/yoga, adequate sleep, nutrition)
Chapter 4: Spirituality
Understand spirituality as a person’s connection to self, significant others, and the community; Understand the role of personal
values and belief system in our well being; Briefly describe positive emotion and pleasure, engagement, and meaning and how they
relate to cultivating happiness in our lives; Describe ways of enhancing your spirituality by looking inward and by looking outward.
Chapter 5: Endocrine System and Sleep
Define the endocrine system and its components; Define sleep and sleep deprivation; Describe the sleep cycles over the course of
one full night’s sleep (8 hours); Explain why REM and non-REM sleep are essential to our health, growth, and intellectual health
(learning, problem solving, creativity); Describe what makes us sleep, including the roles of the SCN, the pineal gland, and the
hormone melatonin; List 8-10 tips for getting a good night’s sleep
Chapter 6: Digestive System and Nutrition
Functions of digestive system, identify organs and glands and their basic functions; Define nutrition and related terms, and the six
essential nutrients; Examples and benefits of six essential nutrients; Identify foods that provide the following healthy nutrients in
your diet: complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, healthy and essential fats, complete and incomplete proteins, essential vitamins
and minerals. Identify foods to limit because they provide these less healthy nutrients: simple sugars, saturated and
hydrogenated/trans fats, cholesterol; Identify tips for healthy nutrition
Chapter 7: Musculoskeletal System and Fitness
Identify the five functions of the musculoskeletal system; briefly describe basic tissue types (bones, tendons, ligaments, muscle), the
two divisions of skeletal system, and three types of muscle; Five physical fitness components – define, identify benefits of each,
recommendations for developing each fitness component; Major benefits of physical fitness; Significance of waist circumference;
Describe the FITT Principle and each FITT variable
Chapter 8: Weight Management and Body Composition
Define obesity in quantitative terms (specific % body fat for males and females), Body Mass Index – how is it useful? Optimal % body
fat range for males and females; Define a high risk waist circumference for males and females; Explain why dieting is usually not
successful; Describe the Hunger Scale, its numbers/meanings, and its application
Chapter 10: Understanding Alcohol Use
Define “one drink”, BAC, binge drinking, alcohol metabolism, alcohol absorption
Describe how psychosocial factors and socio-cultural/environmental factors can lead to a drinking problem; Identify physical, social,
academic, or legal consequences of drinking, especially among college students; Describe the pathway that alcohol takes once it
enters the body; Understand what affects the absorption and metabolism of alcohol in the body and any gender differences;
Describe the effects of alcohol on the body, including impaired functions relative to BAC levels; Compare and contrast alcohol
dependence/alcoholism with alcohol abuse/problem drinking
Chapter 10: Respiratory System and Understanding Tobacco Use
Identify the basic structures and functions of the respiratory system; Identify the #1 Leading Preventable Cause of Death; Identify
the harmful and addictive substances in tobacco and tobacco smoke; Identify possible quitting methods; Identify short-term and
long-term effects of tobacco use; Identify special health risks of tobacco use for men and for women; Define environmental tobacco
smoke and its health dangers
Chapter 11: Addictive Behavior, Drugs
Define drug, drug misuse, drug abuse, dependence, tolerance; Describe how most addictive psychoactive drugs affect brain
chemistry – particularly referring to the Pleasure and Reward Circuit and the role of dopamine in this process; List the effects on the
brain and body of stimulants, depressants, Opioids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and Cannabinoids
Chapter 12: Relationships and Sexual Health
Describe reproductive anatomy and functioning of males and females, including the four phases of the sexual response cycle;
Discuss various sexual behaviors and responsible practices that promote good health; Define intimacy and describe how a positive
self-concept helps us to love and respect others; Explain the differences between A-, H-, and M-frame relationships (codependent,
independent, interdependent); Explain how friendships help us learn about and practice intimacy; Discuss three key communication
skills; Describe Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, its three components, and the different types of “love” that can form
Chapter 13: Conception, Pregnancy, and Reproductive Choices
Define conception and pregnancy; Identify key milestones in fetal development; Describe three stages of labor and delivery; Identify
various contraceptive methods, how they work, and their relative effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and STDs; Discuss how you
would determine which contraceptive method is best for you; Briefly discuss Central Questions surrounding the abortion debate;
Identify common physical and psychological effects of abortion
Chapter 14: Immune System and Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection
Identify tissues/cells of the Immune System; Identify three types of blood cells; Define and list components of the innate immune
system and the acquired (adaptive) immune system; Understand that the over-usage of antibiotics and anti-bacterial products is
contributing to more and more strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria; identify and describe common STIs and whether they are
treatable or incurable; identify common symptoms of STI in both men and women; discuss how to protect yourself from STIs
Chapter 15: Cardiovascular Health
Anatomy and functioning of the cardiovascular system (the heart, its valves and chambers, and the blood vessels); Trace the flow of
blood through the entire body; Describe the two circulatory systems and their functions; Explain how the heart beats (SA node);
Define systole, diastole, atherosclerosis; Describe how a plaque develops and the factors that accelerate the process; Discuss how
you know your risk for heart disease; Define the Major Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors; Define the numbers for hypertension,
prehypertension, and normal blood pressure; Discuss the difference between HDL and LDL blood cholesterol, why an excess of LDL
is “bad” and why a higher HDL is “good”
Chapter 16: Cancer
Define cancer, tumor, benign, malignant, metastasis; Understand how cancerous cell growth differs from healthy cell growth; Briefly
discuss common types of cancer, including the relative survival rate compared to other cancers; Briefly discuss the roles of lifestyle,
genetics, and environment in developing cancer; Identify several ways you can protect yourself from cancer (think what are the risks
for certain types of cancers, what is my family history, what are my lifestyle and environmental factors that increase my risk?? Then
think about what you can change in order to reduce your risk…)
Chapter 18: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Define Conventional Medicine, Holistic Health Care, and CAM; Identify common CAM therapies; Identify four domains of CAM
practices; Identify considerations for you, the consumer, in making healthcare choices