AP 1ST NINE WEEKS REVIEW Chesapeake settlements compared to Massachusetts Bay settlements 17th century Zenger trial resulted in.. Why slavery expanded after 1680 – change in labor North American Indian cultures characteristics Mississippi River Valley Indian tribes culture before Columbus Roger Williams characteristics,significance What was responsible for Western European expansion in 15th century The Motivation(s) for Puritan settlement in New England Virginia – first to have slaves Navigation Acts - principles Great Awakening – effects, responses to Europeans greatest impact on the Americas 16th-17th centuries-disease Mayflower Compact Bacon’s Rebellion- issue of dispute Early explorers of North America Dominion of New England was established to… Explorers matched w/country MAGELLAN,CHAMPLAIN, HUDSON, CABOT, DRAKE Early 1800’s concept of “separate spheres” for the sexes- role of women Mercantilist system 1700’s led to… “Remember the ladies” quote by Abigail Adams Commonalities of colonies in mid 1700’s How Revolution was financed 1760’s 1770’s most effective tactic for the repeal of the Stamp Act and Townsend Acts Battle of Saratoga- significance “virtual representation” 1700’s- principle Albany Plan Join or Die cartoon Stamp Act Results of French and Indian War- most significant Shay’s Rebellion- issue in dispute Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation Regulator Movement, Bacon’s Rebellion, and Paxton Boys - undemocratic ways to achieve goals Tribes in the Ohio Valley 1789- characteristics Widely held beliefs among the Founding Fathers 1780’s why frontier people felt the U.S. government had forfeited their loyalty Mercantilism linked to which English philosopher 18th century Olive Branch Petition Annapolis Convention-significance The justification for British forts after the Treaty of Paris Characterization of the violence in Bacon’s Rebellion, Boston Tea Party, Shay’s Rebellion, and Whiskey Rebellion Iroquois Confederacy response to European settlers- strategies How Early American diplomats gained advantage for U.S. - exploitation of European rivals Why Continental Congress was cautious drafting the Articles of Confederation Half-way Covenant was adopted because What mercantilism was the foundation for John Winthrop “city on a hill” George Mason Anti-Federalist principle arguments over Constitution 1754-56 crucial events (2) “morning star of the American Revolution” –relate to event “republican motherhood” concepts Imperial conflicts between France and Britain- wars between King Phillip’s War was fought to.. Common Sense - significance Change in American public opinion 1774-1776 Main factor separating the first 2 political parties Social effects of the Revolution Va. House of Burgesses and Mayflower Compact similarities Federalist papers - best argument for the Federal Constitution Va. and Kentucky Resolutions position U.S. at the beginning of “Era of Good Feelings” Factors that led to English coming to America Consequences of the acts of trade and navigation Great Awakening preachers focus Hartford Convention significance Hamilton’s domestic program – his beliefs Crevecoeur’s “new man” Two Treaties of Government – philosophical foundation for Revolution French Revolution effects on American events Jefferson’s revolution of 1800 Embargo of 1807 Jackson’s veto of the 2nd BUS Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation was response to…