Penn State University, Berks Campus Student Government

Penn State University, Berks Campus
Student Government Association
Minutes September 2, 2015
Call to Order
Jess – Explain Robert’s Rules and introduce officers.
Call to order at 1:13pm
President/VP Address
Approval of the Minutes
Katie Zambanini – I so move
Equestrian Team – I so 2nd
Approval of the Agenda
Equestrian Team – I so move
Quidditch- I so 2nd
Old Business
New Business
Vice president Vacancy:
Jess – The VP resigned over the summer and we are filling the position. The
president appoints a VP and it is voted on. Jess appoints Emilio.
Asked – Who takes over Emilio’s spot?
Jess – Chief of Staff will be filled.
Voting begun- halted
Motion to allow clubs:
Joey moves
Equestrian team 2nds
Voting re-begun:
Emilio exits the room.
Jess- Raised hand by voting members for approval of appointing Emilio as VP
Majority voted raised hand and Emilio appointed vice president
Next topic – Constitution
Jess- Last year there were a lot of loop holes in constitution, Devon and Andy fixed a
lot of the issues. The constitution will be posted to view on the website and will be
discussed in future meeting.
Open positions for SGA – apply through website
Chair Reports
Open Forum
Student Veteran Coalition – Welcomes everyone back and has contact information
for any club that would like to help out
Accounting Club – Pleased that everyone voted to place Emilio as VP. Was a wise
choice and he is experienced.
Club Events
Katie Zambanini/CAB - 1st Berks movie night of the year tomorrow. Information on
various Facebook pages. Friday night afternoon acoustics in Gaige plaza patio area
at 1:00pm; Middle Ground. Also having a tailgate for an away game. Signups for
Point Pleasant $10.
Berks Cares – Picnic in Perkins Plaza from 12-1
Christian Fellowship – Ice-cream social tomorrow. Pastor coming to answer
questions in Penn State Room.
THON- club event coming up, no meeting tonight
-Some important details may have been missed. Check out This Week at Berks
emailCampus Life Reports
Kelly Ann Ryan – Club updates; SGA is very important and info should be taken back
to club. Accounting and Rainbow Alliance need to register for the year. Attain club
training and hand in advisor form to register club. Berks Cares, Black Student Union,
Step Team, Zumba Alliance, etc. need to go to last club training. If the meeting can’t
be made contact her. Advisor form handed in these clubs needs to submit one: AG,
Aikido, Psyche, Blue and White Society, INK, Volleyball, PRSSA, Quidditch, SWE,
Zumba, Pre-med, etc. Must do this to get funding and access account. Some clubs
have a deficit and should reach out to Kelly to work on community service. Surplus
hours in the fall do not roll over to the spring. The community service needs to be
done each year, but the surplus hours are still eligible for awards. Advisor form is
on club webpage. Only one club training needs to be attended. The last club training
is Perkins room 3 on Friday during common hour. Advisor forms are turned into
Perkins 19. The deadline is by the end of the week otherwise club is inactive until
handed in. Brittney overseas volunteer activities and student activities- her office is
in the game room and she has a mailbox in Perkins room 19. Volunteer work she
sponsors qualifies toward club hours.
Jess- Budget is later in the semester. Information will be given next time.
Kelly- No weekly required minutes, 10 members to sustain club. Email Kelly or
Brittany to find hours needed for volunteer due to deficit. Each club has a
constitution and it should be accessed annually to make sure it is not out of date.
You should email Kelly the constitution so that it is stored for future members and
Katie- There is paperwork to be completed for volunteer hours.
Kelly – Club training goes over the registration of events and the paperwork.
Student Organization Request form to request an activity, room, table, etc. There is a
new form which includes community service and the activity on the form can be
described as community service. Two people must attend community service for
each club. The nature is to go out as a club and do community service.
ASME – What is the recommended amount of meeting time for a club?
Kelly – Weekly or biweekly is best.
Message sent out to student body about an event for Sexual misconduct on campus
streamed from UP. This is experienced at Berks and everyone is influenced to come.
3:00 pm on Tuesday September 8th in the MPR. It is unsure if students can interact
with UP but the footage will be streamed from UP.
Katie CAB – I so move
Volleyball – I so 2nd