Brandon Bonnette

Projects 2011
This graph shows Colorado’s population from 1900-2000. I notice in this graph that the population has
increased each ten year period from 1900-2000. I can predict that the population is going to keep
increasing every ten years. The largest increase in population was from 1990-2000 it was about a one
million increase.
This graph shows Colorado’s monthly gas prices. I noticed in this graph that the gas prices are at its
lowest in January and at its highest in September. The gas price increases from February to May then
starts to decrease to July. Next, the price increase again till September then stays steady for the rest of
the year.
This graph shows Colorado’s population by age and gender in the year 2000. I can notice that there
are more males than females from o years old to 50 years old. I can also tell that there are more
females than males from 51 years old and over. For males from 20-50 years old they are the largest
group on this graph.
This graph shows Colorado’s school enrollment from Nursery school and Preschool to College and
Graduate school. I can identify that there is the most enrollment in Elementary school (Grades 1-8). I
can identify the second largest group is College or Graduate school. The lease amount of enrollments
is Kindergarten.
This graph shows Colorado’s education attainment. I can notice right away that the largest attainment
group is some college and no degree. I can also notice that High school graduate and Bachelor’s
degree are the 2nd and 3rd largest attainment groups. I can understand that the group with the least
amount of attainment is less than 9th grade.
This graph shows Colorado’s race of the house holders. There are 6 categories. The categories are:
White, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and
Other Pacific Islander, and Some other race. The largest race is White with 88% of householders.
This graph shows Colorado’s age of house holders. I can notice that the largest amounts of
householders are 35-44 Years old. The 2nd largest amount is 45-54 Years old. I can tell the least amount
of house holders with 7% is 15-24 Years old.
Top 10 Volcanic Eruptions of All-Time
Mount Tambora Indonesia April 10th, 1815
Death Toll: 92,000 People.
Mount Tambora (or Tamboro) is an active stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia. Sumbawa is flanked both to the
north and south by oceanic crust, and Tambora was formed by the active subduction zone beneath it
Krakatoa Indonesia May 26th-27, 1883
Death Toll: 36,000
Krakatoa is a volcanic island made of lava in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.
Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy August 24th, 79 AD
Death Toll: 33,000
Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. They
were never rebuilt, although surviving townspeople and probably looters did undertake extensive salvage work after the destructions. The towns' locations were
eventually forgotten until their accidental rediscovery in the 18th century
Mount Pelee, Martinique May 7th or May 8th, 1902
Death Toll: 29,000
The volcano is famous for its eruption in 1902 and the destruction that resulted, dubbed the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century. The eruption
killed about 30,000 people. Most deaths were caused by pyroclastic flows and occurred in the city of Saint-Pierre, which was, at that time, the largest city on the
island. Pyroclastic flows completely destroyed St. Pierre, a town of 30,000 people, within minutes of the eruption. The eruption left only three survivors in the direct
path of the volcano. The event marked the only major volcanic disaster in the history of France and its overseas territories.
Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia November 13th, 1985
Death Toll: 23,000
On November 13, 1985, a small eruption produced an enormous lahar that buried and desolated the town of Armero in Tolima Department, causing an estimated
23,000 deaths. This event later became known as the Armero tragedy—the deadliest lahar in recorded history. Similar but less deadly incidents occurred in 1595 and
1845, consisting of a small explosive eruption followed by a large lahar.
Mount Unzen, Japan 1792
Death Toll: 15,000
In 1792, the collapse of one of its several lava domes triggered a megatsunami that killed about 15,000 people in Japan’s worst-ever volcanic-related disaster. The
volcano was most recently active from 1990 to 1995, and a large eruption in 1991 generated a pyroclastic flow that killed 43 people, including three volcanologists.
Mount Kelut, Indonesia 1586
Death Toll: 10,000
Since the 15th century, Mount Kelut has claimed more than 15,000 people. The explosion was in 1586 claiming more than 10,000 inhabitants.
Laki, Iceland June 8th, 1783
Death Toll: 9,350
The system erupted over an 8 month period during 1783-1784 from the Laki fissure and the adjoining Grímsvötn volcano, pouring out an estimated 14 km3 (3.4 cu mi)
of basalt lava and clouds of poisonous hydrofluoric acid/sulfur-dioxide compounds that killed over 50% of Iceland's livestock population, leading to famine which
killed approximately 25% of the population.
Santa Maria, Guatemala 1902
Death Toll: 6,000
The first eruption of Santa María in the recorded history occurred in October 1902. Before 1902 the volcano had been dormant for at least 500 years and possibly
several thousand years, but its awakening was clearly indicated by a seismic swarm in the region starting in January 1902, which included a major earthquake in
April 1902.
Mount Kelut, Indonesia May 19th, 1919
Death Toll: 5,115
On May 19, 1919, an eruption at Kelud killed an estimated 5,000 people, mostly through hot mudflows (also known as "lahars").
Poly Gone Mad!!
1.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle?
2.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex quadrilateral? (A
quadrilateral has 4 sides)
3.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex pentagon?
4.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex hexagon?
5.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex 7-gon?
6.) What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex n-gon, where n is
greater than 7? Look for a pattern and find a formula.
1260o the pattern is to add 180o to each side added on.
7.) Give a specific example of a situation where you could use the formula to help you
determine an unknown angle.
You can be given so many sides then multiply the sides by 180o.
8.) Does the formula hold for non-convex polygons?
No it does not.
This is the story of my life.
 Birth
 Favorites
 Hockey
 Racing
 Skiing
 Family
 School
 Vacation
 On
December 5th 1995 I was born. It was
a Tuesday night. I was born at 10:09. I am
15 Years old now.
 Sports: Hockey, Racing, and
 Colors: Green
and Orange
 Food: Chicken Parmesan
 Store: Pure Hockey and Hollister
 Subject: Math and Science
I started playing hockey when I was in 6th
grade. I play hockey for the Worcester Junior
Wildcats now. It is a very competitive hockey
league. The league consists of players from 1520 and plays teams from CT, MA, NH, RI, ME,
and NY.
started racing when I was 8 years old. I
raced Quarter Midgets at Little T which is
the short track on the side of the
Thompson Speedway. I also raced up in
Meriden CT and I also raced in North
Carolina for the Fall Nationals. My first
year I dominated in my division with 7
wins and 1 track record. I retired from
racing when I was 13 years old.
plan on going to college and getting
degrees in Aerodynamic Engineering
and Aeronautical Engineering.
live with my Dad, my Mom, and my
Sister. My parents names are Mike and
Laura and my Sister’s name is Ashley.
am a Freshmen at Tourtellotte. I plan on
going to a 4-Year college.
usually go on vacation a few times a
year. I go up North for Skiing and Hockey
and I go to Florida to visit my family. My
dream vacations are to go to Bora Bora
and to Italy.
By Brandon Bonnette
Ice Hockey is known to have evovled around the game of
field hockey which was played in Northern Europe for
hundreds of years. The modern version of ice-hockey finds
its origins in the rules laid down by a Canadian named J G
Creighton. His rules were implemented in the first game of
ice hockey played in Montreal, Canada in the year 1875.
In fact, the “rink” or the playing area for ice hockey was
actually used in the game called “curling” in Scotland
during the 18th century. Initially there were as many as
thirty players for each side and the goals were two stones
frozen on one end of the ice. The rules for the game of ice
hockey were drafted at McGill University in Montreal,
Canada in the year 1879. Ice hockey found its way to the US
in the year 1893. By the early 1900s, the sport had become
prevalent in parts of Europe including the UK.
 In
1799, William Pierre Le Cocq, in a
letter written in Chesham,
Buckinghamshire, England, provides the
earliest known reference to the word
A game played on ice with a curved bat and a ball existed
before Ice Hockey in the form of IJscolf, or Colf on ice,
which was a popular game in the low countries between the
Middle Ages. The game was played with a wooden curved
bat (called Colf or Kolf) and a ball made of wood or leather
between two poles or simply convenient nearby landmarks,
with the object of hitting the chosen point with the least
number of strokes.
However, most believe that ice hockey evolved from stickand-ball games, played outdoors, and adapted to the icy
conditions of Canada in the 19th century. The games of
British soldiers and immigrants to Canada, influenced by
stick-and-ball games of First Nations, evolved to become a
game played on ice skates, often played with a puck, and
played with sticks made by the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia.
 Hockey
is played on an ice rink with 6
people on each side including a
Goaltender, 2 Defensemen, and 3
Offense men ( Left wing, Center, Right
 You can’t ever check a guy into the
boards by hitting their back.
 You cannot cross the blue line on the
opposing side till the puck is carried
over or you will get a whistle for offsides.
For most penalties, the offending player is sent to the
"penalty box" and his team has to play with one less skater
for a short amount of time. Minor penalties last for two
minutes, major penalties last for five minutes, and a double
minor penalty is two consecutive penalties of two minutes
duration. A single Minor penalty may be extended by a
further two minutes for drawing blood from the victimized
player. The team that has taken the penalty is said to be
playing shorthanded while the other team is on a power
play. Some penalties include: tripping, elbowing, roughing,
high-sticking, delay of the game, too many players on the
ice, boarding, illegal equipment, charging, holding,
interference, hooking, slashing, butt-ending or crosschecking.
 In
hockey rules fighting is prohibited but
for the players in the fight you get a 5
minute major penalty. At college and
junior level it is a 10 minute misconduct.
 The best hockey fight in history was Ken
Tasker vs. Trevor Senn.
 There
are usually 2-4 officials in a hockey
game. They break up fights, they take
face offs, they watch the lines, they
determine what a goal is, and they
determine penalties.
Chicago Blackhawks 2010
Pittsburgh Penguins 2009
Detroit Red Wings 2008
Anaheim Ducks 2007
Carolina Hurricanes 2006
Canceled due to lockout 2005
Tampa Bay Lightning 2004
New Jersey Devils 2003
Detroit Red Wings 2002
Colorado Avalanche 2001
New Jersey Devils 2000
"Five Best Hockey Fights of All-time - 04-13-2010." Sports
Betting Odds, Picks and Statistics – Web. 10
May 2011.
The History of Hockey. Web. 10 May 2011.
"Ice Hockey." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 May
2011. <>.
"NHL Stanley Cup Winners - NHL Playoff Champions - Stats
Hockey." Stats Hockey - Hockey Information & Store. Web. 10
May 2011.
By: Brandon Bonnette
Step 1:
You begin by opening up Paint in the start menu
underneath accessories.
Step 2:
Once you have Paint open draw a square or rectangle by clicking on
this button and dragging the pointer.
 Step
• Once you have the square or rectangle made
now select the curve button and draw a line
across the square or rectangle and then click on
the line and curve it. Please click 2 times to see
all the steps for this step. There are 2 animations
for it.
 Step
 Step 3:
• Once you have the square or rectangle made
now select the curve button and draw a line
across the square or rectangle and then click on
the line and curve it. Please click 2 times to see
all the steps for this step. There are 2 animations
for it.
 Step
• Now we have to transfer this into word so
we have to click on this button and then
right click and click on copy.
 Step
• Now you open up word and paste the portrait in.
Step 7: You will now want to go under picture
format at the top and then click on this button (
Recolor then set Transparent Color and click just
on the outside of the figure.
 Step
• Now you want to Copy and Paste that same
figure to make a new one and rotate that second
one to Flip Horizontal.
 Step
• Now select one of the figures and once you have
it selected hold CONTROL and select the other
figure and both figures should be highlighted
and copy them and the paste them under the
first figure. Once you have done this you want to
select them both again and hit Flip Vertical.
 Now
you should have successfully
created your Tessellation.
 These
are my projects for Intro to
Computers for 2011!