Biome Travel iPhoto Album You are going to create travel photo

Biome Travel iPhoto Album
You are going to create travel photo album to persuade travelers to visit your biome. Your project will
be presented as a photo album in iPhoto. The album will include 20 pages of text and photos all
about your biome. The album may be humorous or serious, but all the data should be accurate.
Internet sites should be cited as a source material on the last page of your album.
Purpose: to identify components of an ecosystem; to describe how organisms including producers,
consumers, and decomposers live together in an environment and use existing resources; and to
describe how different environments support different varieties of organisms.
Choose a biome: desert, tundra, taiga, deciduous forest, tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest,
temperate grassland, savanna, freshwater (ponds, lakes, rivers), marine (ocean)
Checklist of requirements: Please include the following requirements in this order.
1+ Panoramic view of biome
Name of your biome. Use alliteration (dry dusty desert)
to describe it.
1+ Geographical location (use map layout) Describe the location of your biome in the world
1+ Travel arrangements
How do you get to your biome? (method of
Describe major landforms, bodies of water, rivers,
natural wonders, beauty, etc.
2+ Images and/or graphs showcasing the
Describes temperatures, precipitation, weather patterns
1+ Attire for comfort
Describe how visitors should dress while here and why
5+Animals (fauna)
Describe 5 typical animals in this area. Choose one to
discuss how it is adapted for survival here
3+Plants (flora)
Describe 3 typical plants in this area. Choose one to
discuss how it is adapted for survival here.
Describe one predator-prey relationship
2+Ecological concerns/Human Impact
Describe the current and future concerns of this area
1+ Pyramid or chart of food web
List at least 3 organisms at each trophic level: producers,
primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers
2+ Activities
Describe 2 activities guests will participate in while here
2+ Photos and Postcard (use postcard layout) Create and write a post card from a fictional character.
Describe WHY people should go to the biome.
Last page(s)
Images/Text: List at least 5 additional facts not mentioned already about your biome. You may
include unique selling points about the biome and/or special instructions/things to consider when
going there (health, safety, currency, important destinations).
The very last page- Cite your sources. List the websites you used for both information and images in
your album.
Web Resources: