Photocathode Theory John Smedley Thanks to Kevin Jensen (NRL), Dave Dowell and John Schmerge (SLAC) Objectives • Spicer’s Three Step Model – Overview – Application to metals – Comparison to data (Pb and Cu) • Field effects – Schottky effect – Field enhancement • Three Step Model for Semiconductors – Numerical implementation – Comparison for K2CsSb • Concluding thoughts Three Step Model of Photoemission 1) Excitation of e- in metal Reflection (angle dependence) Energy distribution of excited e- 2) Transit to the Surface Φ Φ’ e--e- scattering Direction of travel 3) Escape surface Φ Overcome Workfunction Reduction of due to applied field (Schottky Effect) Integrate product of probabilities over all electron energies capable of escape to obtain Quantum Efficiency Filled States Energy Empty States h Vacuum level Medium Vacuum Krolikowski and Spicer, Phys. Rev. 185 882 (1969) M. Cardona and L. Ley: Photoemission in Solids 1, (Springer-Verlag, 1978) Step 1 – Absorption and Excitation Fraction of light absorbed: Iab/Iincident = (1-R(ν)) Probability of electron excitation to energy E by a photon of energy hν: P( E , h ) N ( E ) N ( E h ) E f h N ( E ' ) N ( E 'h )dE ' Ef Assumptions – Medium thick enough to absorb all transmitted light – Only energy conservation invoked, conservation of k vector is not an important selection rule W.E. Pickett and P.B. Allen; Phy. Letters 48A, 91 (1974) N/eV Nb Density of States 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Efermi Threshold Energy Density of States for Nb Large number of empty conduction band states promotes unproductive absorption 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 eV Lead Density of States 1.2 Density of States for Lead 0.8 N/eV Lack of states below 1 eV limits unproductive absorption at higher photon energies Threshold Energy Efermi 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 NRL Electronic Structures Database 0 0 2 4 6 eV 8 10 12 Copper Density of States Fong&Cohen, Phy. Rev. Letters, 24, p306 (1970) Fermi Level Threshold Energy N(E) DOS is mostly flat for hν < 6 eV Past 6 eV, 3d states affect emission 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Energy above the bottom of the Valance Band [eV] 14 16 Step 2 – Probability of reaching the surface w/o e--e- scattering e ( E ) ph ( ) T ( E , , ) C ( E , , ) 1 e ( E ) ph ( ) ph 4k • e- mean free path can be calculated – Extrapolation from measured values – From excited electron lifetime (2 photon PE spectroscopy) – Comparison to similar materials • Assumptions – Energy loss dominated by e-e scattering – Only unscattered electrons can escape – Electrons must be incident on the surface at nearly normal incidence => Correction factor C(E,v,θ) = 1 Electron Mean Free Path in Lead, Copper and Niobium Threshold Energy for Emission Pb Nb Cu 250 MFP (Angstroms) e in Pb 200 e in Nb e in Cu 150 100 50 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Electron Energy above Fermi Level (eV) 5.5 6 Electron and Photon Mean Free Path in Lead, Copper and Niobium Threshold Energy for Emission Pb Nb Cu MFP (Angstroms) 250 200 150 e in Pb 190 nm photon (Pb) e in Nb 190 nm photon (Nb) e in Cu 190 nm photon (Cu) 100 50 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Electron Energy above Fermi Level (eV) 5.5 6 Step 3 - Escape Probability • • Criteria for escape: • • Requires electron trajectory to fall within a cone defined by angle: cos • 2 k2 ET E f 2m kmin E 1 ( T ) 2 E k Fraction of electrons of energy E falling with the cone is given by: 2 1 1 1 ET 12 D( E ) sin ' d ' d (1 cos ) (1 ( ) ) 4 0 2 2 E 0 For small values of E-ET, this is the dominant factor in determining the emission. For these cases: This gives: QE ( ) h E f ( h ) ET E f ET D( E )dE D( E )dE QE ( ) (h ) 2 EDC and QE At this point, we have N(E,h) - the Energy Distribution Curve of the emitted electrons: EDC(E,h)=(1-R())P(E,h)T(E,h)D(E) To obtain the QE, integrate over all electron energies capable of escape: h E f QE ( ) (1 R( )) P( E, )T ( E, ) D( E )dE E f More Generally, including temperature: QE ( ) (1 R( )) dE N ( E )(1 F ( E )) N ( E ) F ( E ) E F d (cos )T e e cos dE 2 1 ( E , , ) d max ( E ) 0 1 2 1 0 N ( E )(1 F ( E )) N ( E ) F ( E ) d (cos ) d 0 D. H. Dowell et al., Phys. Rev. ST-AB 9, 063502 (2006) Schottky Effect and Field Enhancement • Schottky effect reduces work function V schottkey[eV ] E[ ] m e e 40 3.7947 10 5 [e Vm ] • Field enhancement Typically, βeff is given as a value for a surface. In this case, the QE near threshold can be expressed as: QE B(h 0 eff E ) 2 Field Enhancement Let us consider instead a field map across the surface, such that E(x,y)= (x,y)E0 For “infinite parallel plate” cathode, Gauss’s Law gives: 1 ( x, y )dxdy 1 AA In this case, the QE varies point-to-point. The integrated QE, assuming uniform illumination and reflectivity, is: B QE 2 ( h ( x , y ) E ) dxdy 0 emission area A Relating these expressions for the QE: 2 ( h ( x , y ) E ) dxdy 0 (h 0 eff E ) 2 emission area A Field Enhancement Solving for effective field enhancement factor: eff 1/ 2 2 (h 0 ( x, y ) E0 ) dxdy 1 emission area 2 (h 0 ) E0 A 2 Not Good – the field enhancement “factor” depends on wavelength In the case where h 0 , we obtain eff 1 ( x, y )dxdy 1 A emission area Local variation of reflectivity, and non-uniform illumination, could lead to an increase in beta Clearly, the field enhancement concept is very different for photoemission (as compared to field emission). Perhaps we should use a different symbol? Implementation of Model • Material parameters needed – – – – – Density of States Workfunction (preferably measured) Complex index of refraction e mfp at one energy, or hot electron lifetime Optional – surface profile to calculate beta • Numerical methods – First two steps are computationally intensive, but do not depend on phi – only need o be done once per wavelength (Mathematica) – Last step and QE in Excel (allows easy access to EDCs, modification of phi) – No free parameters (use the measured phi) Lead QE vs Photon energy 1.0E-02 QE Theory Measurement 1.0E-03 Vacuum Arc deposited Nb Substrate Deuterium Lamp w/ monochromator 2 nm FWHM bandwidth Phi measured to be 3.91 V 1.0E-04 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 Photon energy (eV) 6.50 7.00 Energy Distribution Curves Electrons per photon per eV 2.50E-03 190 nm 2.00E-03 200 nm 210 nm 220 nm 230 nm 1.50E-03 240 nm 250 nm 260 nm 270 nm 1.00E-03 280 nm 290 nm 5.00E-04 0.00E+00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Electron energy (eV) 2.5 3.0 Copper QE vs Photon Energy 1.E-02 QE 1.E-03 1.E-04 Theory Dave's Data 1.E-05 D. H. Dowell et al., Phys. Rev. ST-AB 9, 063502 (2006) 1.E-06 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Photon energy(eV) 6.0 6.5 7.0 Energy Distribution Curves - Copper Electrons per photon per eV 1.2E-03 190 nm 200 nm 210 nm 220 nm 230 nm 240 nm 250 nm 260 nm 270 nm 280 nm 290 nm 1.0E-03 8.0E-04 6.0E-04 4.0E-04 2.0E-04 0.0E+00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Electron energy (eV) 2.0 2.5 3.0 Improvements • • • • Consider momentum selection rules Take electron heating into account Photon energy spread (bandwidth) Consider once-scattered electrons (Spicer does this) • Expand model to allow spatial variation – Reflectivity – Field – Workfuncion? Three Step Model of Photoemission - Semiconductors 1) Excitation of eEmpty States Reflection, Transmission, Interference Energy distribution of excited e- h Vacuum level 2) Transit to the Surface 3) Escape surface Overcome Workfunction Filled States Energy No States Φ e--phonon scattering e--e- scattering Random Walk Need to account for Random Walk in cathode suggests Monte Carlo modeling Medium Vacuum Ettema and de Groot, Phys. Rev. B 66, 115102 (2002) Assumptions for K2CsSb Three Step Model • 1D Monte Carlo (implemented in Mathematica) • e--phonon mean free path (mfp) is constant • Energy transfer in each scattering event is equal to the mean energy transfer • Every electron scatters after 1 mfp • Each scattering event randomizes e- direction of travel • Every electron that reaches the surface with energy sufficient to escape escapes • Cathode and substrate surfaces are optically smooth • e--e- scattering is ignored (strictly valid only for E<2Egap) • Field does not penetrate into cathode • Band bending at the surface can be ignored Parameters for K2CsSb Three Step Model • • • • • • e--phonon mean free path Energy transfer in each scattering event Number of particles Emission threshold (Egap+EA) Cathode Thickness Substrate material Parameter estimates from: Spicer and Herrea-Gomez, Modern Theory and Applications of Photocathodes, SLAC-PUB 6306 Laser Propagation and Interference Laser energy in media 0.8 Calculate the amplitude of the Poynting vector in each media 0.6 Not exponential decay 0.4 563 nm 0.2 2 10 Vacuum -7 4 10 K2CsSb Copper 200nm -7 6 10 -7 8 10 -7 1 10 -6 QE QE vs Cathode Thickness 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 50 nm 200 nm Experiment 20 nm 20 nm 10 nm 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 photon energy [eV] Data from Ghosh & Varma, J. Appl. Phys. 48 4549 (1978) 3 3.2 3.4 QE QE vs Mean Free Path 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 2.00 Experiment 10 nm mfp 5 nm mfp 20 nm mfp 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 photon energy [eV] 3.00 3.20 3.40 Concluding Thoughts • As much as possible, it is best to link models to measured parameters, rather than fitting – Ideally, measured from the same cathode • Whenever possible, QE should be measured as a function of wavelength. Energy Distribution Curves would be wonderful! • Spicer’s Three-Step model well describes photoemission from most metals tested so far • The model provides the QE and EDCs, and a Monte Carlo implementation will provide temporal response • The Schottky effect describes the field dependence of the QE for metals (up to 0.5 GV/m). Effect on QE strongest near threshold. • Field enhancement for a “normal” (not needle, grating) cathode should have little effect on average QE, though it may affect a “QE map” • A program to characterize cathodes is needed, especially for semiconductors (time for Light Sources to help us) Thank You! Sqrt QE vs Sqrt F, KrF on Cu Figure 5.15 0.025 Phi = 4.40 Filter = .187 0.02 DC results at 0.5 to 10 MV/m extrapolated to 0.5 GV/m Sqrt QE 0.015 0.01 Theory, Beta = 1.2 Theory, Beta = 1 Theory, Beta = 2 0.005 Theory, Beta = 3 Data (80 Ohm, 1.19 mm) Data (80 Ohm, 2.11 mm) Dark current beta - 27 Data (20 Ohm, 2.11 mm) 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Sqrt F (F in V/m) 25000 30000 35000 = 3.72 eV @ 5MV/m Photoemission Results QE = 0.27% @ 213 nm for Arc Deposited 2.1 W required for 1 mA Electroplated Φ = 4.2 eV Expected Φ = 3.91 eV Schottky Effect Φ’ Φ Φ’ (eV) = Φ- 3.7947*10-5E = Φ- 3.7947*10-5βE If field is enhanced QE (1 R)(h 0 E ) near photoemission threshold Slope and intercept at two wavelengths determine Φ and β uniquely Semiconductor photocathodes Vacuum Level Three step model still valid Conduction Band Ev Eg+Ev< 2 eV Low e population in CB E e-n Vacuum Band Bending Level Eg Electronegative surface layer Valence Band Medium Vacuum K2CsSb cathode Properties Crystal structure: Cubic Stoichiometry: 2:1:1 Eg=1 eV, Ev=1.1 eV Max QE =0.3 Polarity of conduction: P Before(I) and after (II) superficial oxidation Photoemissive matrials, Sommer High resistivity (100-1000 larger than Cs3Sb)