Outcome 2—Hand In Blood Components 1. What is the structure

Outcome 2—Hand In
Blood Components
1. What is the structure and function of each of the following blood components:
plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets?
2. How does blood clot?
3. What is the function of hemoglobin?
Immune System
1. What is a pathogen?
2. What are antibodies?
3. What is an antigen?
4. What is given to the body in a vaccination?
5. How does a vaccination work?
6. Influenza is cause by a virus. What treatments would be effective against a viral
7. What does HIV attack?
8. How does our body attack an antigen?
9. Define antigen and antibody.
10. Why is type O blood considered to be the universal donor and why is type AB
considered to be the universal acceptor?
11. How does Rh+ blood differ from Rh- blood?
Reparatory System
1. What happens when you breathe in?
2. Air enters your lungs through the ___________________.
3. How many lungs do humans have?
4. What are bronchial tubes?
5. What muscles allows you to breathe in and out?
6. How many lobes does your right lung have?
7. How many lobes does your left lung have?
8. When you breathe out, what gas does your body get rid of?
9. How are the circulatory system and respiratory system related?
10. Trace (explain) the pathway of an oxygen molecule from the atmosphere to its
attachment to a binding site on a hemoglobin molecule.