Blood Types: Overview, Compatibility, and Transfusion Scenarios

What are the 3 types of T-Cells and their
Sharks don’t have bones instead their
skeleton is made of cartilage.
Blood Types Overview
Video: Doughnuts & Sprinkles
Blood Typing Games
Concept Map & Assignment #2 Work Time
1. Describe the difference between blood
2. Identify how the Rh factor affects blood
3. Describe how blood types affect
4. Analyze blood transfusion scenarios.
Type A–antigen.
Anti-B antibodies in plasma.
Type B-antigen.
Anti-A antibodies.
Both Type-A and Type-B antigens.
No anti-A or anti-B antibodies in plasma.
No Type-A or Type-B antigens.
Both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in plasma
Clumping of red blood cells that occurs when
incompatible blood types are mixed.
Another group of antigens found in most red
blood cells is the Rh Factor.
People with Rh antigens are considered Rh+
People without Rh antigens are considered
What problems could be caused if an Rh+
male has a child with an Rh- female?
Blood Type
% of Blood Type Amongst
all Canadians
Universal donor = Type O-
Universal acceptor = Type AB+
While drag racing through the streets of LA,
Justin Bieber looks in his rear view mirror to
make sure he has enough swag.
Unfortunately, this causes him to lose control
of his car and crash into a light post. Bieber is
horribly injured in the car accident and
requires a blood transfusion.
Luckily his mentor Usher is willing to donate
blood to save JB’s life. Usher is type B+ while
JB is type B-. Does the transfusion work?
While on a date with his new girlfriend
Rhianna, Drake stops by a local flower shop
to buy his new girl some roses. Unfortunately,
Chris Brown is also in the same flower shop
buying flowers to win her back. In a fit of
blind rage Chris Brown fights Drake leaving
him severely injured.
Luckily for Drake, Lil Wayne just so happens
to be in the flower shop as well. Weezy
donates blood to help save Drake. Lil Wayne’s
blood type is O+ while Drake’s blood type is
A+. Does the transfusion work?
While at an awards show, Taylor Swift wins
the award for best song by a female artist.
Once again Kanye West does not agree with
this selection and jumps on stage demanding
Beyonce should have won. This time T-Swift
is ready and knocks out Kanye.
Of course his best bud Jay-Z will donate
blood. Jay-Z is Type AB- while Kanye is Type
O-. Does the transfusion work?
While riding his motorcycle through the
countryside, Christian Bale is cut off by a
poor driver and loses control causing him to
crash. Of course he survives because he’s
batman but he does need a blood
Luckily, Gary Oldman (Commissioner Gordon)
is there to donate blood. His blood type is Awhile Christian Bale’s blood type is A+. Does
the transfusion work?
Kobe and Lebron decide to settle who the
greatest basketball player is by playing a
game of one on one. During the game, Kobe
dunks over Lebron and hits him in the face
with his elbow. Lebron’s nose appears broken
and he begins to cry insisting he needs a
blood transfusion.
Luckily, Michael Jordan is there to watch the
game and decides to donate blood to Lebron.
Jordan is type A+ while Lebron is type AB-.
Does the transfusion work?
I will give each of you a sticky note. On your
sticky note write down a blood type ex. AB+,
A-, B+, etc.
Next find someone else in the class and place
your sticky note on their back.
Once you have a sticky note on your back
look at it that is your blood type.
You must now do the following based on your
blood type.
Write down the names & blood type of 5
classmates you can donate blood to.
Write down the names & blood type of 5
classmates you can receive blood from.
Write down the name of 1 classmate whose
blood type would be considered the
“universal donor.”
Write down the name of 1 classmate whose
blood type would be considered the
“universal acceptor.”
You now have the rest of the period to work
on either your concept map or Assignment
#2. Both are due Monday.
If you finish both I have a blood type
worksheet for you to work on.
Assignment #2 Due Monday
*Chapter 8 Test Tuesday*
Chapter 8 Review Games-There Will Be Prizes!
Have a nice weekend.