
Bacteria, Virus & Immune system TR
1. What are the body's three lines of defense?
2. What is the main function of the immune system?
3. What are the three other body systems the immune system works closely with?
4. What does it mean when the first line of defense is described as non-specific?
5. What does the first line of defense include?
6. Is the second line of defense specific or nonspecific? Explain
7. What are the symptoms of an inflammatory response?
8. What happens during the inflammatory response?
9. Define "fever". Why is a fever helpful?
10. Define "nonspecific defenses".
11. Define "specific immunity".
12. What is an antigen?
13. What is acquired immunity?
14. What are B cells and what do they do?
15. What are T cells and what do they do?
16. Explain cellular immunity.
17. Explain antibody immunity.
18. What does "HIV" stand for? How does HIV damage the body?
19. What are vaccines? Explain how vaccines work.
20. What are pathogens?
22. What makes a bacterium cell so hard to destroy for our immune system?
23. What can we take to help our body rid itself of harmful bacteria?
24. Most bacteria reproduce by splitting themselves in half during a process called
25. What is the mode of sexual reproduction for bacteria?
26. What is bacteria’s role in nitrogen fixation and how is this beneficial?
27. What are the basic shapes of viruses?
28. Draw the two basic structure of a virus. Include/label the following terms Capsid, Viral
envelope, genetic material, tail sheath & tail fibers
29. A virus is specific to the cell it infects, it must fit into the receptor sites of the host’s
cell membrane. This infection is known as a(n) ______________________________.
30. Explain the difference between the Lytic and Lysogenic Cycle in viral reproduction.
31. What is the difference between innate immunity and acquired immunity?
32. What makes up the first line of defense against invaders to the body?
33. Explain the relation between HIV and AIDS:
34. How do B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes differ in the immune response?
35. Why are memory cells important?
36. How is a cell different from a virus? (list all the factors)
37. Draw and label the parts of a retrovirus and a bacteriophage.
38. What is the difference in treatment between a bacterial infection and a viral infection?
39. What is a retrovirus and how is it different? (give an example of one)
40. What type of virus attacks bacteria?
41. List common viruses.
42. What is an antigen? What is an antibody?
43. Viruses use cell recognition to attach to a host cell using what?