WWII Leaders

British Leaders
Japanese Leaders
Want to Know
Take out map and timeline for reference
Became Popular in the 1920s in Germany “by
taking advantage of [the German] people’s
anger and suffering.” 1
Economic woes as of the result of the Treaty of
Versailles- including high unemployment and loss of
He was charismatic and an excellent speaker
and was able to convince Germans that he
could solve their problems and bring Germany
back to glory
Mein Kampf (My struggle)
Book that Hitler wrote while in jail describing Nazi
views on politics, government, and racism
In 1921 “became chairman of the National
Socialist German Worker’s Party” (NAZI)
“Openly racist, Hitler and the Nazis” declared that
“the German people” were superior to every other
race. 1
They specifically targeted and blamed Jews for the
problems that Germany was experiencing.
This “anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) would…lead
to” the holocaust. 5
He was elected “chancellor, or chief minister, of
Germany in 1933” and he immediately “ended
all democracy and established totalitarian
rule.” 1
“Hitler claimed that Germany had a right to
expand it’s territory” 1
Against the provisions of the Treaty of
Versailles, Hitler had Germany’s military
He “formed an alliance with Italy in 1936.” 1
Insert clip of Hitler – 40 seconds to 1:55
Developed theories of fascism
Also took advantage of Italy’s economic woes
to gain power and became Italy’s Dictator in
the 1920s
He created a fascist party, became Prime
Minister of Italy, and then grabbed power from
the Italian King in 1926.
He thought he was meant to be Italy’s Caesar
and meant to “re-create the Roman Empire.” 11
Allied Italy with Germany in 1939
Eventually became Hitler’s puppet.
Till 2:44
In Nazi Germany “racial purity” is the most
Both systems believe people are unequal, only a few
are born with natural talents (intelligence, artistic
ability, strength, etc)
These few should rule the rest (the weaker).
Tojo Hideki
 A military leader in Japan’s army
 Worked to strengthen and upgrade Japan’s military
 Advocated for forcing China “to collaborate with
Japan” through military force 4
 “Pushed for alliance with Germany…and Italy” 4
 Became Prime minister in Oct 1941
 “gave final approval to” attack the US at Pearl
Harbor 4
Emperor Hirohito
1901 – 1989
Emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989
Came to power when Japan had a Constitutional
monarch but the power of the military grew
 After 1932 all Prime Minsters came from the military
Appeared to go along with whatever his military
advisors planned.
Neville Chamberlain
1869- 1940
“Prime Minister of [GB] from 1937 to 1940” 8
-Pursued the “policy of appeasement towards Nazi
Germany” 8
 Allowed Hitler to take Czechoslovakia in 1938 by
signing the Munich Agreement
 Was eventually the one to declare war on Germany for
his country after GB had entered into a “Mutual
Defense Pact with Poland” 8
Chamberlain cont.
Sent 300,000 men to Belgium to fight Germany.
They lost and had to retreat
Forced to resign in May of 1940 when “Germany
invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.
Winston Churchill became Prime Minister
Winston Churchill
1874 – 1965
 Educated at a British military academy; Sand Hurst
 Was “a soldier and a journalist” 11
 By 1900, he was 26, “had published five books,” and
was elected to the British Parliament 11
 Elected as a Conservative but then became a Liberal
 Worked for “progressive social reforms: eight-hour
workday…minimum wage..public health insurance” 11
Churchill Cont.
Became “secretary of the [British] Navy” and created
GB’s Air Force (Royal Naval Air Service) prior to
WWI 11
 After WWI he became a conservative again
 After becoming Prime Minister in 1940 he spent his
time trying “to keep British spirits high” through his
“speeches in Parliament and on the radio” 11
 “He persuaded [FDR] to provide [GB with] war
supplies – ammunition, guns, tanks, planes…before
the [US] even entered the war” 11
1878 – 1953
Totalitarian “dictator of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953” 6
Became interested in Communism in his 20s and
joined them in overthrowing Russia’s monarchy
The USSR was founded in November 1917 with the
overthrow of the Czar.
“Transformed [the USSR] from a peasant society to
an industrial and military superpower” 6
“Ruled by terror” and killed about 20 million
people in his own country 6
Totalitarian regime
Stalin had history books rewritten, he controlled the
media, and pushed his influence on “artwork,
literature, and music” at the time. 6
 “ a cult of personality” 6
 After he and Hitler signed the “non-aggression pact,
Stalin [annexed] parts of Poland and Romania,
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.” 6 He then invaded
 He “ignored warnings from the [US] and the British,
as well as his own intelligence agents” that Hitler
would eventually invade the USSR.
Verbal review of last week’s notes
Split into groups of two and do Quote activity
Appleby, Joyce, Alan Brinkley, and James McPherson. The American Journey. New York: McGraw Hill Glencoe, 2005.
Baradat, Leon P. Political Ideologies; Their Origins and Impact. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle Creek River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall. 2000. Print.
Central Intelligence Agency. “Japan.” CIA Worldfactbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2012. Web. 16 Aug 2012.
Cook, Theodore F. Jr. “Tojo Hideki.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012.
Dowswell, Paul. The Usborne Introduction to The Second World War. New York: Scholastic, Inc. 2005. Print.
“Joseph Stalin.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012.
"Neville Chamberlain". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2012
“Neville Chamberlain." New World Encyclopedia, . 2 Apr 2008, 04:23 UTC. 19 Aug 2012, 23:25
Sullivan, Brian R. “Benito Mussolini.” The Reader’s Companion to Military History. Ed. Robert Cowley and Geoffrey
Parker. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 1996. History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012.
“Tojo Hirohito.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012.
“Winston Churchill.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012.