. CHAPTER 4.4 GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES NET POSITION 1 GAAP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The campus’ net position is classified into the following categories: Net investment in capital assets Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, and outstanding principal balances of debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets and any related deferred outflows of resources. Restricted: Nonexpendable Net position subject to externally imposed conditions that the University retains in perpetuity. Net position in this category consists of endowments held by the campus or its related auxiliaries. Restricted: Expendable Net position subject to externally imposed conditions that can be fulfilled by the actions of the University or by the passage of time. Unrestricted All other categories of net position. In addition, unrestricted net position may have legislative or bond indenture requirements associated with their use or may be designated for use by management of the campus. These requirements limit the area of operations for which expenditures of net position may be made and require that unrestricted net position be designated to support future operations in these areas. Campus housing programs are primary example of operations that have unrestricted net position with designated uses. 2 RELEVANT ACCOUNTING LITERATURE GASB Statement No. 63 Financial Reporting of Deferred Outflows of Resources, Deferred Inflows of Resources, and Net Position 4.04.1-1 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Net Position | June 30, 2015 . 3 OBJECTIVES OF GAAP ADJUSTMENT To identify the different components of the net position and to recognize the transactions in the appropriate net position category. 4 GAAP ACCOUNTING TREATMENT AND RELATED JOURNAL ENTRIES 4.1 RELATED GAAP ACCOUNTS 713811 – Net investment in capital assets 713821 – Restricted: Nonexpendable, endowments 713831 – Restricted: Expendable, scholarships and fellowships 713832 – Restricted: Expendable, research 713833 – Restricted: Expendable, loans 713834 – Restricted: Expendable, capital projects 713835 – Restricted: Expendable, debt service 713836 – Restricted: Expendable, other 713881 – Unrestricted NET POSITION CATEGORIES At the time of creation of a CSU Fund, the net position category is assigned based on the nature of the transactions that would go into that CSU Fund. Although, a campus may override the net position category of the CSU Fund, a discussion should be held with the Office of the Chancellor to determine if the override is considered valid. Therefore it is important that the transactions are accurately recorded in the appropriate CSU Fund as they will affect the net position category reported in the financial statements. For more information about the net position category by CSU Fund, please refer to the GAAP Edits Table as discussed in Chapter 3 Mapping from Legal to GAAP Accounts. Below are the categories of net position and the nature of the transaction that should be reported in each. 4.2 NET INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS This net position category represents the campus’ capital assets (include land, improvements to land, easements, buildings, building improvements, machinery, personal property, infrastructure, and all other tangible or intangible assets), net of accumulated depreciation or amortization, and reduced by the outstanding balances of any debt (e.g. bonds, mortgages, notes, etc.) and other liabilities attributable to the acquisition, construction, or improvement of those assets. Deferred outflows and inflows of resources that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of the capital assets or related debt should also be included in this component of net position. If there are significant unspent related debt proceeds or deferred inflows of resources at the end of the reporting period, the portion of the debt or deferred inflows of resources 4.04.1-2 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Net Position | June 30, 2015 . attributable to the unspent amount should not be included in the calculation of the net investment in capital assets. Instead, that portion of the debt or deferred inflows of resources should be included in the same net position component (restricted or unrestricted) as the unspent amount. 4.3 RESTRICTED Restricted net position category should only include assets that has constraints on its use that are either externally imposed by creditors or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation reduced by liabilities and deferred inflows of resources related to those assets. Externally imposed restrictions may be by creditors, grantos, contributors, or laws and regulations of other governments, or imposed by constitutional provisions, or enabling legislation. Enabling legislation authorizes a government to assess, levy, charge, or otherwise mandate payment of resources (from external resource providers) and includes a legally enforceable requirement that those resources be used only for specific purposes. Such restrictions are primarily related to endowments, scholarships, research, capital projects, loans, and debt service funds. Reserve funds that are mandated by bond indentures to be set aside to pay debt service and contributions given by a donor that must be used for a particular purpose are examples of restricted net assets. The restricted net position category consists of two subcategories: “Restricted nonexpendable” and “Restricted Expendable”. Restricted Nonexpendable The restricted nonexpendable net position is made up of the permanent endowment funds, the corpus of which may not be expendable. The principal in a permanent endowment fund can be invested to generate income, but the principal amount may not be spent. The nonexpendable portion of the net position is the permanent principal that must be retained in perpetuity. Restricted Expendable Restricted expendable net position represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. These externally imposed restrictions either expire by passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions of the campus. Such restrictions are primarily related to scholarships, research, capital projects, loans, and debt service funds. 4.04.1-3 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Net Position | June 30, 2015 . 4.4 UNRESTRICTED The unrestricted net position represets all other net resources available to the campus for general and educational obligations. Under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, net position that is not subject to externally imposed restrictions governing their use must be classified as unrestricted for financial reporting purposes. Although not reported in the basic financial statements (but included in Management’s Discussion and Analysis) because they are not subject to externally imposed restrictions per accounting definition, the unrestricted net position category consists of two subcategories: “Designated” and “Undesignated”. Designated The predominant portion of the unrestricted net position are designated for specific programs or projects related to certain revenue sources. The designated resources are derived from fee collections and other activities that are designated for very specific purposes and are not to be repurposed and spent for other activities. For example, students pay fees including housing and parking fees, campus activity fees, all of which are to be used for specific designated purposes as described in the Education Code. The campus also has designated resources that represent amounts pledged to support the Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) program. Undesignated The undesignated unrestricted net position category is the residual net position category, essentially being the net position items not included in the other categories. The undesignated portion of the unrestricted net position provide a prudent reserve for contingencies, such as the uncertain direction of future state appropriations, as well as the effects of an uncertain economic environment. 5 REFERENCE TOOLS 5.1 TABLES OF OBJECT CODE AND CSU FUND DEFINITIONS http://www.calstate.edu/SFSR/standards_and_rules/2014/Tables-of-Object-Code-andCSU-Fund-Definitions-Updated-10-30-14.xls 5.2 GAAP EDITS TABLE http://www.calstate.edu/sfsr/standards_and_rules/ 4.04.1-4 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Net Position | June 30, 2015 . REVISION CONTROL Document Title: CHAPTER 4.4 – GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES – NET POSITION REVISION AND APPROVAL HISTORY Section(s) Revised Summary of Revisions New in FY14/15 4.04.1-5 Revision Date April 2015 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Net Position | June 30, 2015