ANCIENT EGYPT Héctor Fernández 4 Year A IS FOR AFRICA Africa is the continent on wich Egypt is located. Africa is the world´s second-largest and second-mostpopulation continent. This continent is separated from Asia and Europe by the Mediterranean Sea. B IS FOR BES He was an ancient Egyptian dwarf god. He was a complex being who was both a deity and a demonic fighter. He was a god of war, yet he was also a patron of childbirth and the home, and was associated with humour, music and dancing. C IS FOR CANOPIC JARS Over many years the embalming practices changed and embalmers began returning internal organs to bodies after the organs had been dried in natron. However, solid wood or stone canopic jars were still buried with the mummy to symbolically protect the internal organs. • Imsety the human-headed god looks after the liver. • Hapy the baboon-headed god looks after the lungs • Duamutef the jackal-headed god looks after the stomach • Qebehsenuef the falcon-headed god looks after the intestines. D IS FOR DEATH The ancient Egyptians had an elaborate set of burial customs that they believed were necessary to ensure their immortality after death (the after life). These rituals and protocols included mummifying the body, casting of magic spells, and burial with specific grave goods thought to be needed in the Egyptian afterlife. E IS FOR EGYPT Egypt, a country linking northeast Africa with the Middle East, dates to the time of the pharaohs. Millennia-old monuments still sit along the fertile Nile River Valley, including the colossal Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza and the hieroglyph-lined Karnak Temple and Valley of the Kings tombs in Luxor. The capital, Cairo, is home to Ottoman landmarks such as Muhammad Ali Mosque F IS FOR FLOODS The flooding of the Nile has been an important natural cycle in Egypt since ancient times. It is celebrated by Egyptians as an annual holiday for two weeks starting August 15, known as Wafaa El-Nil. Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile flooded every year because of Isis's tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris. G IS FOR GODS AND GODDESSES They represented one principle aspect of the world: Ra was the sun god, for example, and Nut was goddess of the sky. The characters of the gods were not clearly defined. Most were generally benevolent but their favor could not be counted on. Some gods were spiteful and had to be placated. Some, such as Neith, Sekhmet, and Mut, had changeable characters. The god Seth, who murdered his brother Osiris, embodied the malevolent and disordered aspects of the world H IS FOR HIEROGLYPHICS Egyptian hieroglyphs ,were a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that combined logographic and alphabetic elements. Egyptians used cursive hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood. Less formal variations of the script, called hieratic and demotic, are technically not hieroglyphs. I IS FOR ISIS Jump to Classical Egyptian period - In the typical form of her myth, Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the Sky, and she was born on the fourth intercalary day. J IS FOR JEWELS The ancient Egyptians highly valued personal adornment, and jewelry was worn by both men and women of all social classes. Statues of kings and gods were adorned with lavish jewels, and the deceased were sent off into the afterlife ornamented in the jewelry of the living. K SI FOR KHUFU Khufu was the second pharaoh in the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt. His full name was Khnum Khufu ("protected by Khnum"). Manetho called him Suphis although he was known to the Greeks as Cheops. According to the Turin Kings list Khufu reigned for about twenty three years. L IS FOR Linen Linen is a cloth ancient Egyptians made. They used it for clothing and to wrap their bodies in as they were made into mummies after they died. It takes about seven weeks to mummified someone. Only priests and royalty were mummified because it was so expensive and time consuming M IS FOR MUMMIES To understand Egyptian mummies you have to first know about their religious beliefs. Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and that when a person died they passed into an ‘afterlife’. The thought that the individual would have a life that was very close to the one that they lived in with everyone else. In order to have that kind of life, their body needed to be preserved and they needed to be buried with all of the possessions that they would take with them on their journey into the afterlife. N IS FOR NILE The Nile is famous as the longest river in the world. The river got its name from the Greek word Neilos, which means valley. The Nile floods the lands in Egypt, leaving behind black sediment. That's why the ancient Egyptians named the river Ar, meaning black. O IS FOR OSIRIS Osiris was the god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld. Osiris was the brother/husband of Isis, and the brother of Nepthys and Seth. He was also the father of Horus. As well as being a god of the dead, Osiris was a god of resurrection and fertility. P IS FOR PYRAMID The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. Q IS FOR QUEEN CLEOPATRA Queen Cleopatra was the most famous of all Ancient Egyptian queens. Queen Cleopatra, often simply called “Cleopatra,” was the last of a series of rulers called the Ptolemies who ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. She was also the last true pharaoh of Egypt. R IS FOR RA Ra was the sun god. He was the most important god of the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and was reborn every morning. The ancient Egyptians also believed that he travelled through the underworld at night. S IS FOR SPHINX The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years. Even with all of the pictures that we see of the Sphinx, nothing can really prepare you for the time that you finally see the Sphinx with your own eyes. Here's a look at the Sphinx that will give you a hint of what you can expect to see if you visit Egypt. T IS FOR TOMB Tombs were places where the ancient Egyptians buried their Kings,the Pharaohs, with his prized possesions such as jewelry, funerary statues, and items that would aid him afterlife. U IS FOR UNDERWORLD The ancient Egyptians believed that before a person could get to the afterlife, that they had to pass through the underworld. The underworld was a place that was full of terrifying monsters and dangerous animals. A person would need magic to successfully overcome these threats. The ancient Egyptians chose spells to take with them on their journey. The spells were chosen from a group of spells known as the Book of the Dead. The spells were then written on a papyrus scroll which was buried with them in their tombs. V IS FOR VALLEY OF THE KINGS This is the place king Tut´s tomb was found. So far 62 tombs have been found here. Sadly, many of the tombs had been robbed before being found in modern times. The tombs originally contained statues, hieroglyphics, canopic jars and jewels in addition to the body king in a sarcophagus. W IS FOR WEAPONS The Old Kingdom had soldiers equipped with a great variety of weapons: shields, spears, cudgels, maces, daggers, bows and arrows. Quivers and battle axes came into use before the second Intermediary Period, which was a time of revolution in the Egyptian martial arts. X IS FOR EXTREMELY HOT North Africa's landscape is covered by the world's largest hot desert the Sahara is massive Arid climate makes it a strange place for a large population of people. Most of the Sahara is too harsh for people to live. The Nile Valley, coastal areas, and the rare oases (plural for oasis) provide the only places that can support life. An oasis is an area of natural water in a desert that allows plant life. The Nile is the world’s longest river. Y IS FOR YEARS The civilization of Ancient Egypt was one of the earliest in world history. It is usually held to have begun around 3000 BC, when the lower Nile Valley became unified under a single ruler. By this date the only other people in the world to have a a literate, urban civilization were the Sumerians, in Mesopotamia. Z IS FOR ZIGGURAT Ziggurats were massive structures built in the ancient Mesopotamian valley and western Iranian plateau, having the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels. Notable ziggurats include the Great Ziggurat of Ur near Nasiriyah, Iraq; the Ziggurat of Aqar Quf near Baghdad, Iraq; the now destroyed Etemenanki in Babylon (possibly the inspiration behind the biblical story of the Tower of Babel); Chogha Zanbil in Khūzestān, Iran; and Sialk near Kashan, Iran. Websides i used for the project • • • •